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End Of The World 2012?


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in the x-files it was actually 2012 the idea being that ancient cultures new about the alien invasion to.


thats also why smokey man was hiding out in that pueblo indian city (don't recall the name) the pueblos settled there because it was on magnetic rock which killed the supersoldiers.


yes I am a nerd


I believe that the mayan calendar ended at 2012 because that would be the end of our civilization. The idea being that every few thousand years humanity is forced to start anew, after 2012 were back to cavemen


also the method for carrying this out is something along the lines of all of our creations turning against us, yada yada


not pole reverals


I know there has been alot of work recently about the possibility that there was communication and limited trade between south america and the mediterranean area (during the time of the egyptians). So it is entirely possible that the egyptians got the number from the myans or visa versa.


It wouldn't be the first time something like that happened (greek roman religion)

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The magnetic field takes about 7,000 years to reverse polarity, so we don't have to worry about it instantly changing in 2012.
Unfortunately you need to go back and research more material about the magnetic field.Your statement is seriously flawed
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"The magnetic field takes about 7,000 years to reverse polarity, so we don't have to worry about it instantly changing in 2012."


You know, as dull as a 15min presentation about "lake mud" might sound, it was rather interesting to hear that in the lakes, the magnetic mineral particles orientate according to the magnetic pole, and then get caught in the mud. Examining this mud let's the scientist know where the magnetic pole was back in, let's say, 10 000 years ago. And it indeed has changed place quite a bit.

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How long does it take?


come to think of it, it wasnt the end of the world. it was the beggining of assimilation. the aliens were going to.....


come to think of it, there could be no begining of the end, only the end which would be the final date that something existed.

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Thankyou galaxygirl,after you have read the second link,we're in agreement then that the reversal could be anything from 0-28,000 years.I hope that clears up the matter to others who may think that a reversal has longevity as a neccesity.I see now your previous post was refering to the average of studied reversals(7000yr).So i apologise to you,however if you are interested in the subject you will find supporting data for reversals in the past that have taken a very short time period.Once again thanks....

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With the Bible predicting the end of the world, I think you are referring to the Bible Code. I watched another random doco that said that using that same program they could predict anything. The Bible Code predicted Bin Laden. Similarly, the doco I watched predicted Ice Cue's rise and fall in the rapping industry

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With the Bible predicting the end of the world, I think you are referring to the Bible Code. I watched another random doco that said that using that same program they could predict anything. The Bible Code predicted Bin Laden. Similarly, the doco I watched predicted Ice Cue's rise and fall in the rapping industry


When you say "bible code" are you talking about the "Sacred" Hebrew language?


I don't really see how that could "predict" anything. Basically, there is no seperation from numbers and letters, they are a combination to form one united alphabet and numerical system. In my opinion, the language is quite amazing. It can be deciphered in two ways, mathematically and/or alphabetically.

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While many venemently attest to the authenticity of the bible code...it is coincidence..you could read moby dick every twenty letters in from page one,and before long words and sentences would form.(Pope eats children on sunday afternoons)...

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People have been predicting the end of the world for at least two thousand years, though its probably much longer. I’m in my mid-twenties and I have lived through dozens of predicted ends. Each and every single end of the world prediction, or we might call them a natural conspiracy theories, comes with all sorts of "evidence." There always seems to be an increase in natural disasters along with the prediction from some psychic. When I was in grade school people were talking about how Nostrodamas predicted the end of the world was coming that year. When I was eighteen people were claiming that Nostrodamas had predicted the end of the world that year.


It's simply not interesting to talk about all of the thousands of failed predictions with all of their supposed evidence. It’s much more interesting to shape somebody’s prediction to an actual historic event and claim they have psychic abilities. It's much more interesting to talk about the new prediction for the end of the world that hasn’t already come and gone. The truth is that this end of the world prediction scenario is just a broken record that keeps playing over and over and over. After 2012 rolls by it will to continue to play over and over and over. The only thing its good for is a laugh.

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It mostly likely a dud, like Y2K.

Y2K was not a dud - the media babble surrounding it was.


Unless you mean the end of the world at the start of the third millenium, which was never called Y2K, as opposed to the worst case scenario that was mooted for the computer clock problem, which was called Y2K.

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Errr.... how do we know that the Egyptian and Mayan calendars end at the year 2012? At least in the Mayan's case, Jesus was completely unknown up until the time the Spanish came by and killed them all, so they couldn't relate it to 2012 A.D.

And as for the Egyptians telling them, the Egyptians didn't know about Jesus until well into the Roman era. If the Egyptians were seen sailing out to see, I think someone would follow them and exploration would've started then, rather than the 1400s.

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Rasori, we compare the dates, as we do with any historical reference. It's the same thing with the dates that the Pharoahs ruled, that sort of thing.


On the topic,


It would appear that both the Egyptians and the Mayans were aware of the "Great Cycle", now known as the "Precession of the Equinoxes". This cycle takes about 26,000 years to complete.


To measure any cycle you need a beginning point. As I understand it, there are only about 3 stars of reasonable magnitude that become the "Pole Star" during the cycle, currently it is Polaris. A "Cycle" would therefore be from the time Polaris was at a particular point in the sky to the time it was next at the same point.


It may seem odd that they both chose the same star, but the odds against are only 3 to 1, better than you get at the race track. :)


It would seem that Polaris will reach this totally arbitary "starting point" somewhere around 2012 AD. (By fudging the figures, you could probably go 100 years or so either side of this date.) ;)


Some have interpreted this end of the "Great Cycle" to mean that these ancient peoples believed that the world would physically end. There is no proof that they did have this belief, if anything the opposite is true.


My guess is that the whole thing is allegorical. It's similar to drawing the "Death" card in the Tarot, it doesn't mean that you, personally, are going to die, it merely symbolises the "end" or "death" of something. Likewise, the "Death" of the "Mini cycle" of 2004 was a couple of days ago, but we're all still here.


The whole "End of the World" thing is a very old game. It goes like this; "The End is coming and I'm the only one who can stop it, (ensure your survival, appease the Gods, whatever) so give me power, (or money, or strangely enough lots and lots of sex :D ) and everthing will be fine. Tell this to enough people, even today, and some will believe you.


Try it if you want, who knows, you might, um, get lucky. ;):)

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Artorius' date='

are you a "Polar reversals are cataclysmic" school, or "Polar reversals are interesting, but non-threatening", or, "I have no earthly idea what the effects of a polar reversal would be"?[/quote']

Your response

You already know my stance and it isnt really relevent to galaxygirls post or mine...

Please any questions you have which are not relevent pm me...otherwise posts like the above are seen as trolling ....

1. If I knew your stance I wouldn't ask. I don't log the positions of each poster on each issue for future reference.

2. The question was relevant to the post, which is about the end of the world. (If the reversals produce cataclysmic effects they can provide fodder for end-of-the-world cultists.)

3. I am still interested in your view and believe it to be relevant to this thread.

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"Their use of the word Armageddon lets them down a bit, seeing as it's a place and not an event."


Isn't the Armageddon (or Harmageddon) mentioned in the Bible as the place where the final battle between good and evil happens?

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If I had to guess I would guess 2021, although I doubt it.

With the Bible predicting the end of the world, I think you are referring to the Bible Code. I watched another random doco that said that using that same program they could predict anything. The Bible Code predicted Bin Laden. Similarly, the doco I watched predicted Ice Cue's rise and fall in the rapping industry
Any sort of book as long as the Bible can be manipulated in many ways to say anything that they want it to say.
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The world has already ended twice in my lifetime as far as I'm aware. Once on January 1, 2000, the great Y2K disaster that would cause toasters and coffee machines to rise up against their masters as outlined by Nostradamus 600 years ago in very precise, crystal-clear and unambiguous terms.


The second time was on May 5, 2000, the Grand Planetary Alignment when Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Earth would form a straight line with the sun, and since we all know from basic Pseudoscience 101 that the force of gravity multiplies itself exponentially when objects are in a line, our planet has been torn asunder by immense tidal forces.


Can't wait for the third time the world comes to an end. A couple of calendars halt in 2012 so you know that just has to mean something more. ;)

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