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How to list files of an uploaded folder?


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This is quite a basic question, yet I haven't figured it out. When there's a folder uploaded, and you enter the url for just the folder (like www.<<inserturlhere>>.com/something/), it goes to the index-file if there is one, otherwise it opens the folder. So, how can you see the files in a folder without getting redirected to the index-file?

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"i dont think u will be able to see the files unless you set the permissions rite. most likely you will get a 403 forbidden error."


Yeah, but in some cases there are no restrictions, just the redirection. That's why I'm wondering how to do it.


"are you saying for example there's a site: mysite.com and on that site there's loads of files, you want to see the files without going to mysite.com ?"


Yeah sort of, for example there's mysite.com/site/, that has index.html in it, and a bunch of images in the same folder.

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This is quite a basic question, yet I haven't figured it out. When there's a folder uploaded, and you enter the url for just the folder (like www.<<inserturlhere>>.com/something/), it goes to the index-file if there is one, otherwise it opens the folder. So, how can you see the files in a folder without getting redirected to the index-file?


The simple answer is: "you don't". Directory listings are usually (read: almost always) a bad thing.

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When you encounter a directory listing online, it is usually a big mistake on the server's part.


Of course, many http file servers (especially ones associated with linux for some reason) will just point you to a listing, but that is special and they do it securely.


So the short answer is no. Of course I have heard of leaching programs that will download the contents of a server for you.

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