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Computer science as a major (little motivation)


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Hi there, I hope this is the right forum to post this in, but I am needing some help in deciding where to go in my college career and maybe some of you who know a lot about computer science can help me. I'm currently majored in computer science, because I am somewhat talented (but not genius) in mathematics and logic, so I figured it would be perfect (plus I thought the idea of being a game programer would be amazing!) However...I am finding I actually dread going to my programming classes more than any other. I hear from programmers that this is normal, and it doesn't get fun until you actually get good at it and realize all of the potential involved.


I've taken courses in HTML and Flash programming (which I feel I got nothing out of) and then moved to Java and now python. I have to say it does feel a little easier but I still find it to be extremely difficult. And I think the work itself isn't always so difficult, I haven't had a program that I simply could not get to work, it's just that I enjoy it SO LITTLE that it makes it hard to concentrate and reason out the logic behind the code. I actually enjoy my math courses, and even my logic course which even the professor says sucks ass, but I just cannot get interested or motivated in writing programs. Is this supposed to be so incredibly boring/challenging for me? Or is computer science a long-term pay off where I have to eat a lot of dirt before I actually enjoy it? Thanks :)

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Hmm, I have much on my mind but I will be brief, since this is just font reply, not voice reply, much data would be lost anyways.


I think the causer of your obstacle is mostly an unethusiastic environment and a teacher who is not really qualified to be teaching computer science.


Yes, programming is hard, espeically when you get into those high tech stuff like directX lighting and ambient lighting and stuff like that. Exposure, brightness, contrast, glow effects, etc.. But that's just one area of computer science. I suggest you google some good books on SIMPLE GAME DESIGN, where they teach you how to make your own Snake, math question games, which I have done so when I was young. Through making these projects, one can understand the logics better and become more interested. Having a good classmate that always share knowledge with you on this subject would help to make it more interesting.


Computer science does kind've require a huge investment of your brain (memory rooms). Everyone finds it hard I guess, if it werne't so hard, it would be something everyone could do.


Coding languages, though called language, it is not like English where you almost know what the words means. One has to look behind the meaning of the names for coding langauges to master it. For example, the for loop in coding languages is not FOR something u know what I mean, it is a ticker, it ticks from a value to another value for every increment. The while loops is a similar ticker, but operates under condition rather than increment. I suggest finding good programming books that show you how to program simple software such as bank software, Conwall's game of life. :rolleyes:

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it's just that I enjoy it SO LITTLE that it makes it hard to concentrate and reason out the logic behind the code. Is this supposed to be so incredibly boring/challenging for me?


Let me be frank, I'm taking a course in Programming this semester, and let me tell you it is boring! As you mentioned, that getting around solving problems isn't the issue, it's just that it's boring.


Or is computer science a long-term pay off where I have to eat a lot of dirt before I actually enjoy it? Thanks :)


Also if you feel as though you're not enjoying it, switch majors and do something you love, and that's what you'll excel at. If you like Mathematics, then pursue it.


Mathematics is my major and I'm loving every minute of it :lol:.


Hope this helps, and all the best.



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