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My theory about personality types is the best.

Valery Staricov

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Stariсov Valery Vladimirovich: “My theory of personality types is better than theories of Maers-Briggs, Keirsey and another my competitors”.

How need it select profession or husband? How need it marry for rich man? How need it collect personnel? How need it make a career and select the elevator of upward mobility? How need it to determine the degree of fitness to the role policy, artist or leader? Of than do the reasons consist for criminality and unemployment, reason for the loss of local civilizations and ruling elite? What there are tendencies in the instruction and the teaching? How need it to support discipline at the lesson?


Comparative analysis of theories and tests to the type of personality .


My purpose consists of the demonstration of that fact that, from one side, our studies occur in the course of similar of experiments in the West, and, from other side, our basic principles differ somewhat from the ideas of other authors. The history of science shows that the first circumstance partly protects from the transformation of author's ideas into complete scientific delirium, and the second circumstance - from the transformation into the plagiarism or into the attempt to invent the bicycle, already long ago invented.

C. G. Jung created theory about the types of the personality, according to which all people can be divided into extraverts and introverts, then it isolated in them four functions of the thinking: sensation, intuition, a feeling and thinking. Extraversion – this the directivity of attention to the external environment of personality - to the rumors, the mode, the prices, wealth, prestige and authority. Introversion - this the directivity of attention personality to its internal peace - to its own ideas and principles, the book and creation. External signs of extravert are the daring open view, sociability and swollen eyes. External signs introvert are shyness, timid view and unsociability. Sensation and intuition are opposite to each other, a feeling and thinking are opposite to each other. Each person possesses one main function of thinking and two auxiliary functions of thinking, opposite function in it is depressed. The attempt to develop opposite function can lead to the nervous disorder. Each person manages main function to the perfection, auxiliary functions - poorly, opposite function in it is not completely developed. Man obtains his type of personality by the inheritance from the parents and it is not capable him to replace in the course of the life, although it is capable to develop not only its leading function, also auxiliary functions. Thus, according to Jung, there is six indices - introversion, extraversion, sensation, intuition, feeling and thinking. There are eight types of personality - sensory introvert, intuitive introvert, feeling introvert, cognitive introvert, sensory extravert, intuitive extravert, feeling extravert, cognitive extravert. Jung gave the verbal description of these types of personality, but he did not compose tests to the type of personality; therefore the students of Jung attempted to somewhat touch up the theoretical construction of teacher and to compose validate tests. For achievement the first purpose it is necessary, in our opinion, to make the following. In the first it is necessary to be distracted into the typology from the separation into extraverts and introverts. The results of our observations show that theorists - this always bright introvert and we did not succeed in revealing cognitive extraverts that speakers - these are always bright extraverts and we did not succeed in revealing feeling introverts that technicians and psychologists possess extraversion or introversion to the insignificant degree.


2. In the second, necessary to somewhat refine some indices of Jung, for example, necessary to replace the indeterminate function “a feeling” by the more concrete specific, more physiological function “spoken language”, precisely, in the process of a constant contact with the aid of the spoken language speaker learns about the rumors and the estimations, which rule in the public opinion. It is necessary to replace partly animal function “sensation” by the exceptionally human function “capability for gun activity”. It is necessary to replace function “thinking” by the close in the sense function “abstract-logical thinking”. Thus, in my opinion, there is four types of personality - psychologist, a technician, speaker and theorist, each of which possesses the tendency to use their, first of all, leading function of the thinking: psychologist possesses the tendency to use intuition, technician - capability for gun activity, speaker - spoken language, theorist - toward abstract-logical thinking.

I. Maers and K. Briggs added to six Jung indices still two - planning and impulsiveness. Capability for planning indicates the tendency to previously make a decision and to act according to the plan, studying intermediate stages and methods of achievement of the objective. Impulsiveness indicates the tendency to have many versions and to act in the dependence on the circumstances. Thus, in these authors on the basis of eight indices came out sixteen types of personality, but this too much for the visual testing; therefore D. Keirsey it divided sixteen types into four groups of four portraits in each group. Group - is the type of temperament, each of which to Kersey it gave the mythological name:

1. Dionysus, which possesses sound sense and impulsiveness.

2.Epimetey, which possesses sound sense and planning.

3. Apollo, which possesses intuition and feeling.

4. Prometheus, who possesses intuition and thinking.

3 Two tests of Kersey are published in works 22 and 23. Kersey reduced the number of questions in the test of Maers - Briggs. The description of four temperaments in Kersey almost coincides with our description of the types of the personality: Dionysus = speaker, Epimetey = technician, Apollo = psychologist, Prometheus = theorist. To the example O. Krieger and J. Tyson [8], we also give the description of the tendencies of the types of personality in three fields - in the business, system of formation, love - we add the description of tendencies in the policy, the skill and the criminal peace. In our opinion, the conceptual corrections of Maers, Briggs and Kersey to Jung's theory were not entirely successful for the following reasons. In first, their criteria are interdepended, capability for thinking includes planning and it excludes impulsiveness, capability for a feeling exclude planning and are assumed impulsive actions. In the second place, the typology of Kersey resembles artificial theoretical construction, since 16 types - this too much for the visual testing. It is not possible to compose the list of identification marks for 16 types of personality. Thirdly, the typology of Kersey does not have physiological substantiation, since in the human brain there does not exist the centers of planning and impulsiveness, but there are centers of spoken language, gun activity, intuition and abstract-logical thinking.

In work 19 the it is mentioned questionnaire of J. Singer - M. Lummis. These authors forewent the idea of the opposition of the functions of thinking, but this step, in our opinion, is not expedient, since it indicates failure from one of the cornerstones in Young's theory. Our recommendations regarding the selection of profession have much in common with recommendations E. A. Klimov, presented in the Differential- diagnostic questionnaire [16; 220-222], it divided all professions into five types:

1), “man- nature”,

2), “person are technology”,

3), “man- man”, 4), “man- sign”,

5), “person - artistic means”.


4 In my opinion, first type profession (livestock breeder, agriculturist, veterinary surgeon, microbiologist, chemical laborant) they are intended for the technicians. Second type professions (engineer, turner, electrician, welder, tractor operator, joiner, architect, instrument technician, organization man, fitter, builder) are intended for the technicians. Third type professions on the management by people (salesman, owner, leader, politician, officer, manager, specialist in the advertisement) are intended for the speakers. Third type professions, which assume individual work with the client (psychotherapist, educator, priest) are intended for the psychologists. Fourth type routine professions (bookkeeper, programmer, draftsman, corrector, scientist- experimenter, cartographer, secretary-machinist, type-setter) are intended for the technicians. Fourth type creative professions (scientist- theorist, jurist, editor) are intended for the theorists. Fifth type professions (artist, artist, director, writer) are intended for the psychologists. Similar ideas about four types of the personality of teachers, students or philosophers voiced other authors. For example, V. N. Soroka-Rosinskiy named four “species” of teachers. M. Troy it isolated four categories of the students: “academician”, “collegial”, “professional”, “nonconformist”, which resemble theorist, speaker, technology psychologist respectively. In the opinion Troy, “collegials” love sport and parties, them do not interest the book good marks. “Professionals” attempt to obtain good marks and it is good to be arranged in the future. “Academicians” are absorbed by studies from the soul, but not for the benefit, subsequently they frequently become graduate students and instructors. “Nonconformists” are people of Bohemia, by which there is no matter to the studies, which despise the average men and conduct the rakish means of life.

We have published two tests to the type of personality - verbal and visual. The first test is intended for determining its type of personality and anonymous respondents, and the second test - for determining the type of the personality of the surrounding people. The degree of the validity of verbal test appears somewhat lower than degree of the validity of visual test, but for the mastery of the craftsmanship of the application of a visual test sociologist must master a certain experience of the visual determination of the types of personality. Our experience of visual testing was accumulated for nine years of conducting these studies. In this skill of determination of the type of personality with the aid of the visual test there is nothing supernatural. Our experience of teaching shows that to this skill in the elementary form it is possible to train students during several practical occupation.


5 Nature of the relations between the types of personality.

Diagram 1 indicates the nature of the relations between the types of personality. The best relations are added between the identical types of personality, for example the relation between two technicians. Acceptable relations are added between the close types of personality, for example, between the technician and the theorist, between the theorist and the psychologist, between the psychologist and the speaker, between the speaker and the technician. The relations of hostility and incomprehension are frequently added between the opposite types of personality, for example, between the technician and the psychologist, between the theorist and the speaker. The nature of these relations is manifested in the conflicts or in the tendency toward the collaboration in all spheres of society.

Diagram 1.


................... SPEAKER


....... .......... THEORIST


Visual test.


External signs. Theorist. Speaker. Technician. Psychologist.

1. Role in the small group. Strong lone person. Leader or aspirant into the leaders. Series executor Toady, separately approximating leader.

2.Expression of the face. Intellectual, unsociable. Friendly, insolent. Cold, impassive. Inspired, emotional.

3. Style of speech. Categorical, laconic. Business-like. Monotonous. Pathos-arousing.

4. Stile of thinking. Original, logical, abstract. Shallow, surface. Concrete, practical, pattern. Descriptive, intuitive, associative.

5. Direct of interests. Science. Rumors, business, price, policy. Technics, craft, needelwork. Love, religion,art.

6. Style of clothing. Classical, high-quality. Fashionable. Clean, uniformal. Extravagant, Bohemian’s.

7. Stile of public appearance. Panicky fear before the public appearance is experienced. Innate speaker. “On the paper”. Pathos-arousing style. as in religious prophet.

8. His support and style in the course of conflict. Is designed only for itself, the unbending nature. Support to the numerous friends. Organizer the instigator of conflict. Support on leader. Durability or passiveness in the course of conflict. Support to the patron. The Provocateur of conflict, manifests the weakness of nature in the course of conflict, the readiness to yield.

9. Position in the contact. Removed position according to the principle: “Me it does not concern”. Position on top”, manifests large ambitions. Industriousness, subordination without the humiliation. “Position from below”, it is capable to be degraded.


6 Empirical studies with the portion of the types of personality in the population of town Berezniki.

In 2002 with the aid of the visual test I had subjected to the testing 242 studying 8, 9, 10, 11 classes of the school of №6 town Berezniki [36]. As a result these studies it was explained that the portions of the types of personality in the population comprise: psychologists - 19%, of them boys - 1/5, girls - 4/5, technicians - 32%, among them boys - 1/2, girls - 1/2, speakers - 46%, among them boys - 1/2 girls - 1/2, theorists - 3%, among them boys - 2/3, girls - 1/3.

The list of the recommended professions [29] and the degree of the readiness for the subordination [37], which must be considered during the selection of profession and the selection of personnel.

Psychologist - this is the innate artist, priest, the educator of kindergarten, the teacher of low-order classes, layout artist, psychiatrist, trainer, specialist in the advertisement, designer, modeler, photo model, the worker of the sphere of sexual services and the representative of other creative professions. Technician - this is the innate official, bookkeeper, dental doctor, surgeon, programmer, scientific worker- experimenter, supply chief, engineer, draftsman, electrician, driver, welder, builder the representative of other technical professions. Speaker - this is the innate leader, owner, merchant, army or police officer, politician, master of ceremonies and the representative of other leading and commercial professions. Theorist - this is the innate professor, scientific worker- theorist, jurist, banker, editor and the representative of other intellectual professions. At the worst, man can select the professions, recommended for the close types of personality according to diagram 1 and become second-grade specialist, but in no case it is not possible to select the professions, recommended for the opposite types of personality, which men it is simple unable to master. For example, theorist can become second-grade electrician or second-grade priest, but he never will be able to become leader or businessman. Some professions frequently require of the man of diverse and even opposite abilities. For example, the profession of secretary-abstractor, requires from people of the knowledge of office equipment, to what they are inclined technology, and the skill to build personal relations with the leader, the psychologists are inclined to what. The profession of school teacher requires a good knowledge of scientific literature, to what are inclined the theorists, the presence of the leading abilities during the guidance of elementary order on the lesson how they possess speakers, a good possession of systematic methods, by which they possess technology and capabilities for individual educational work with the students, by which they possess psychologists.


7 Besides capabilities for the mastery of profession subordinated is required the readiness for the implicit obedience to leader. The types of personality are differed from each other according to the degree of readiness for the subordination. Which of the types of personality does be most appropriate to the role of executor? What useful or harmful qualities of nature does manifest each type of personality during the performance of the role of subordinate? Psychologist has such useful qualities of nature as the ability to immediately guess all desires of leader and to report to his associates, capability of the thin flattery and for intrigues, the ability to establish with the leader special relations and even to become mistress; therefore psychologist better than others is suitable to the role of deputy. Technician loves routine, discipline, constant place of work, for example, the Minister of Foreign Affairs technician Molotov for the improbable assiduity had a nickname “rock Buttocks”. Speaker has such useful qualities of nature as the skill to associate, activity and enterprise, the ability to head one of the subordinates of subdivisions, but these qualities regarding barely they be required to executor. Theorist is the generator of ideas and inventions, he completely does not pretend to the role of leader. Psychologist has such negative traits of nature as inability to examine the device of technology and to make repair, unwillingness to follow the cleanliness at the work site, ability to write denunciation to his leader into the higher authorities or to betray his leader into the difficult minute because of the weakness of nature or for the personal career. Sex in the quarry of psychologist - this secret weapon for achievement of his own purposes, for example, psychologist is capable to grant sexual services to his leader in exchange for the release of his enemies. The enemies of psychologist they are frequently technology. For me it was necessary to observe the example, when psychologist- principal from educational work it granted to the technician- director of school its sexual services in exchange for the release of its enemy - technician- principal from the training work. The wife- technician of this director of school, which was the teacher of mathematics, escaping from the disgrace, it was forced to be discharged from this school and to leave to another city. Subsequently the speaker-instructors arranged riot, wrote collective complaint into the district division of formation about the financial abuses of the director of school, they arranged loud protest on the dispute commission. As a result the director of school and his mistress were forced with the disgrace to be discharged from the school at will.


8 Subsequently the former director of school could not find in the native city of prestigious work and it was forced to leave into another city to its wife, where it knew how be arranged to again by the director of school. Technician in the role of subordinate barely has deficiencies, since he is the innate executor. Only drawback technology is inability to establish contact with the client, for example, this quality very importantly in the sphere of trade for the series salesman, to role of whom best anything approaches the speaker, who is quite contact from the types of personality; therefore buyers involuntary are pulled to the speaker. Speaker has such negative traits of nature as excessive ambitions; therefore he is dangerous for the leader, since he always dreams to occupy the place of leader, speaker is nonformal leader in the association and instigator of conflict for the authority with the formal leader. Speaker is inclined to the organization of collective binges at the work site, group crimes, thefts and swindle. The work of speaker frequently contains the concealed marriage and imperfections. To it does not be sufficient industriousness and diligence, it expends much operating time on the empty conversations and smoke breaks. It does not love to study technical literature. It is capable to insolently be rude to leader in response to the valid criticism. It loves to exploit its associates. In a word, as said speaker Trotsky after Lenin's death: “I am not originated for the commissions. I want to be either next to Lenin or at his place”. Deficiencies in the theorist consist in the fact that it is not capable of the implicit obedience and of the voluntary humiliation, for example, in the scientific work it is capable to defend its point of view even in spite of the opinion of leader, the internal principles of theorist do not make possible for it to flatter and to be flexible in the behavior. It is possible to draw the conclusion that the technician is the best candidate for the role of executor, speaker is the poorest executor, theorist and psychologist more- less approach to this role.


It can find of complete version of text for my book Valery Vladimirovich Staricov “Four personality types” in site


And I ready to answer the questions of readers in this forum, but I ask that this readers write clearly and simply so I am Russian and I speak English bad.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It seems to be an interesting theory but one also has to take into account environmental factors influence a persons personality. for example lets say a teenager is constantly harassed and bullied in high school which leads to social withdrawal and social anxiety.


Now School's over this person enters the work force where maturity level's are higher and is accepted much more readily which improves confidence. Said person finds it much easier to express views and opinions and to sway argument said person goes on to become president of the company.


If this person were classified into a certain personality class based on traits they exhibited earlier in life as your theory suggests it would be argued that they would never fit the criteria for a leadership position.


Environmental factors influence personality which to me suggests much of a persons personality is a learned response which to me also suggests different traits can be learned and a person can re-train themselves.


If it were not true we wouldn't have psychologists and therapy helping people improve themselves everyday.

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Excuse me, I didn’t understand all sentences of my opponent. I am Russian and I asked already to my opponents to write clearly and simply.

Environmental factors have some influence to development of abilities of man. Innate personality type of man have main influence to development of abilities of man too. Environmental factors develop easily leading function of man, for example, environmental factors develop leader’s and orator’s abilities of speaker easily. But environmental factors can’t develop scientific abilities of speaker absolutely. All are on the contrary at theorist. Environmental factors can develop poetic and technician abilities of speaker and theorist in certain degree. Speaker Mayakovski wrote bad communistic poetry so he was poet of second sort.

For example, environmental factors develop technical abilities at technician easily. But environmental factors can’t develop poetic and artistic abilities at technician absolutely. All are on the contrary at psychologist. Environmental factors can develop scientific and orator’s abilities of technician and psychologist in certain degree. For example, technician Vladimir Putin speak with tribune with help paper so Putin is orator of second sort. Psychologists Plato and Carl Marx were utopianists so they were scientists of second sort.

This examples is empirical facts. And verity of empirical facts do not depend from that you like this empirical facts or not.

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Firstly I am not your opponent I am just debating the topic.

Your theory basically say's we are all prodigies in one area and will be most successful in that area. Your theory suggests we are born with talent for the arts or for industrial manufacture etc.

I am disagreeing choosing instead to say that these are skills learned and the earlier we start learning skills the more successful we will be in that field.


As an example a young boy works in the garage with his mechanic father quite often when growing up and as such he becomes quite adept in the field is interested in it and becomes successful your theory suggests even if he didn't work at a young age with his father he would still be as skilled and naturally mechanically inclined.


If we took the same child and held him on a rigourous practice schedule for a musical instrument from a very young age and never exposed him to mechanics would he be a skilled musician in the arts or a skilled mechanic? Where would his heart lie?


I believe it is what he has learned as a skill and because he wants to imitate and please he will develop similar interests. I don't believe skills are a part of personality.

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Mypersonality type is theorist. I had finished technical college and philisophy faculty of Ural university. I am 53 years. I had worked 13 years by teacher in school and technicalcollege, 13 years in factory by electrician, 25 years in cinema-theatrer by projectionist . Therefore I know precisely thatpsychologists don’t suitable for training to technical professions, techniciandon’t suitable for learning to profession by actor of cinema,theorist don’t sutable for learning to profession by chief, speaker don’t sutable for learning to profession by scientist.Training of unsuitablefor learning man is useless expenditure of time and money. My expiriense testifies about that just.



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Mypersonality type is theorist. I had finished technical college and philisophy faculty of Ural university. I am 53 years. I had worked 13 years by teacher in school and technicalcollege, 13 years in factory by electrician, 25 years in cinema-theatrer by projectionist . Therefore I know precisely thatpsychologists don't suitable for training to technical professions, techniciandon't suitable for learning to profession by actor of cinema,theorist don't sutable for learning to profession by chief, speaker don't sutable for learning to profession by scientist.Training of unsuitablefor learning man is useless expenditure of time and money. My expiriense testifies about that just.




As a scientist shouldn't you understand that anecdotal evidence means nothing? Throwing experiences around doesn't prove anything.


The diagram of personality types seems to be little more than an astrology look alike. Could you possibly link the actual paper to your study instead of a book?

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As a scientist shouldn't you understand that anecdotal evidence means nothing? Throwing experiences around doesn't prove anything.


The diagram of personality types seems to be little more than an astrology look alike. Could you possibly link the actual paper to your study instead of a book?


I wont that my original ideas will seize by minds of thousands of people. I am finishing translation of my new article “How can you marry to rich man and can not you marry towhore or sexual-frigid woman?”. This article will be popular anecdot. My articles and my book are intresting andoriginal always and my articles and books have considerable quantity of visitings. This is important for mealways. My advice for you: It need more cynicism. Hero of satirical novel by Ilf and Petrov “12 chairs” Ostap Bender had given this advice.

Edited by Valery Staricov
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  • 3 months later...

CynicalMachiavelli's fight of school cliques.


(recommendationregarding the maintenance of discipline on the lesson).




This conflict of bureaucratic cliquesgoes in any organization ‐ in the church, in the army, in the school, in thepolice, in the industrial corporation. It is necessary to consider features ofthis conflict on a school example. The small group of companions, tightlyunited for achieving of improper goals, is called by clique. My method issynthesis of a soсiometry by Jacob Moreno and my theory of personality types. Though some authors accused by Machiavelli ofcynicism, but the theory of Machiavelli is an example for imitation for me inthis matter. Machiavelli wrote about fight without rules in policy, and I writeabout fight without rules in the conflict of school cliques. The purpose ofschool cliques is conflict for power in organization. Teachers and studentscreate similar cliques in the school. Cliques, which consist of thestudents use such means for achievementof power as the goal‐directed disruption of lesson and fight against theteacher. Successful disruption of a lesson means that the power of the leaderof school hooligans is more than power of the teacher. The cliques of teachersconduct between themselves rivalry for the key positions and for the quantityof lessons (for size of salary) in the school. Unification into the cliquesmakes possible for people more successfully make to own career in thebureaucratic organization within the framework of the process of verticalmobility. Lone person is not capable to enjoy success in the administrativecareer.


According to my theory, it exists fourpersonality types of people: technician, psychologist, speaker and theorist.














Thesetypes differ from each other that they have different developed functions of abrain. Technician has most developed ability to technician activity,psychologist has most developed intuition, speaker has most developed verbalspeech, theorist has most developed abstract-logical thinking. Technician andpsychologist are contrasts, and for this reason they are contrasts and enemieseach other. The speaker and the theorist are contrasts and enemies each othertoo. Share of speakers consists 46 %, technicians – 32 %, psychologists – 20 %,theorists – 2 % in the Ural population. Share of women among speakers andtechnicians consists of 50 %, share of women among psychologists – 80 %, shareof women among theorists – 20 % in the Ural population. If you want to definepersonality type of the given person, that it is necessary to begin with the answerto a question, is this person the speaker or not? The speaker is brightlyallocated from common mass of people always, therefore it is very easy todefine by speaker.


The speaker possesses high development ofverbal speech (it is written on a forehead - "liar","chatterbox" and «laughing-man» as it is written on a forehead ofRussian singer Vladimir Vysotsky), Therefore speaker chats all the day as theradio receiver. Speaker is the leader in collective or he aspires to leadership.Style of speaker’s thinking is superficial. Speaker leans on numerous friendsin the conflict. Style of speaker’s clothes is fashionable. Speaker possesses"the pasted" friendly or impudent smile. If the given person isn'tthe speaker then he is most often that this person is technician orpsychologist since the share of theorists is little in any population. Butpsychologist and technician are contrasts and they differ from each otherstrongly.


Psychologist possesses the spiritualizedexpression of face (it is written "poetess" and «whore» on a foreheadby psychologist). Psychologist’s face reminds a mirror where all emotions areread easily. Psychologist possesses pathos style of speech, psychologist has"southern" features more often (psychologists compose the majority ofpopulation among the southern nations). Psychologist has extravagant style ofclothes (for example, psychologist has the shortest miniskirt, piercing etc.).Psychologist has weakness of character and a position "from below" indialogue. Psychologist strives to have a support on the patron during theconflict.


The technician possesses a cold passionlessexpression of face (it is written "sexual-frigid woman" on a foreheadby technician) and "northern" features. Technician possessesmonotonous style of speech. Technician has speak with a tribune with help of «apiece of paper». Technician’s style of thinking is sample and practical.Technician is inborn executor as the robot.


Theorist possesses high degree ofdevelopment of intelligence (it is written "botanist" on a foreheadby theorist). Theorist is the strong single and theorist keeps single or inweak group of outsiders. Expression of his face is disseminated and unsociable.Theorist is afraid of a public statement in panic.




Speakerhas the highest tendency toward the contact and toward the unification into thecliques. The theorist, who is the inborn lone person, has the lowest tendencytoward the contact and toward the unification into the cliques. Thereforespeakers have maximum success in the administrative career, and theorists haveminimum success in the administrative career. It dismisses by speakers formembership in oppositional clique and for the too great tendency to powersometimes. Psychologists prefer to betray their yesterday's friends and to passto the side of conqueror in the case of the defeat of own clique. Techniciansdo not manifest large tendency toward the power. Technicians does not assume activeparticipation in the fight of teaching cliques. Technicians try to carry out the orders of the existingleader accurately and technicians don’t to voice doubts in relation to leadingabilities of the existing leader publicly. Theorists behave similarly. Theruling teaching clique is formed around the director of school. The process ofrivalry between the cliques appears for the influence to the director of schoolsometimes. The riots of teachers are possible on pedagogical meeting againstthe new director sometimes. Collective complaints into the higher authoritiesare possible sometimes, when the leaders of the teaching cliques haveconsidered by new director of school asweak leader sometimes. It need time for new director of schoolthat to strengthen his power and to formthe ruling clique around itself. It is possible to pass to the dismissal of theleaders of oppositional cliques after the accomplishment of this first priorityobjective. The rivalry of teaching cliques reaches such incandescencesometimes, when the pedagogical association becomes similar to “the ball ofsnakes”. This position is aggravated because of a insignificant quantity or thecomplete absence of men in the composition of the pedagogical association,since women are more skillful by their nature under spreading of rumors and playing of scenes of the humiliation ofenemy, women are less capable of theimplicit obedience within the framework to bureaucratic hierarchy. This specialfeature of women can be explained by that fact that the portion of psychologistsamong the women somewhat higher than among the men. It is not possible toattain outstanding knowledge at schoolboys without good discipline. With otherside, the lack of initiative and the passiveness of schoolboys testifies about the absence ofinterest to the studied subject. Theabsence of interest leads to the bad knowledge also. Therefore teachermust aspire to “the golden mean” in thisquestion ‐ to support the optimum level “of noise” at the lesson. Teacher hasthe capability to obtain information about the level of interest to own lecturethrough the feedback with the listeners. The absence of interest to the lectureis manifested in the form the complete absence of remarks and counter questionsfrom the side of audience. In this case it should be suppressed all attempts by speakers-pupils to take away the thread ofconversation to the side from the studied theme, to organize empty chatterunder cover of questions to the teacher. These actions of speaker are one ofthe methods of the disruption of lesson. A good method of supervision of thework of pupils is observation of thefact, do pupils write summary or not? There are hostile to each other cliques inschool’s class very frequently. These cliques consist from pupils. Teacher canplay on the contradictions between the hostile cliques in school’s class, thatallows this teacher to avoid the general revolt in a class. The attempt of theteacher to punish of leader for cliquemeets with friendly resistance and protest of the members of this clique andthe approval of the members for hostile clique, since the punished leaderis their worst enemy too. The scope of resistancedepends from the dimensions of the punished clique and degree of its influencein the school’s class. If punished leader continues to go to the aggravation ofconflict against the teacher, then teacher must call by punished leader to the individual conversation after thelessons, where the punished leader is deprived of the support of its clique andpunished leader behaves much modest. The largest scope of conflicts expects by teacher duringthe first year of work in this school; therefore teachers as far as possible try not to change school too frequently.Second useful advice ‐ to begin the teaching of subject in the fifth class andto train by pupils to the subordination from the early age, when leader’squalities were not formed still completely at school class. Interesting lecture is the best method ofmaintaining discipline on the lesson, then the purposes by teacher and theinterests of the leaders of cliques coincide completely. Teacher have a certainpower for guiding the order on the lesson, and teacher have the right to punishviolators of discipline, but this right is limited strongly in practice in theRussian school today. Sometimes several cliques are capable to unite in theclass for organizing of general riot against the teacher. Inexperienced teacherattempts to give unsatisfactory marks to all pupils of class for the test inthis case. This method is completely ineffective. To give unsatisfactory markto all pupils ‐ this means that the teacher has punished no one. So that thepunishment would be most effective, pupils should be “sorted out” according tothe degree of their activity in the process of disrupting the lesson.


Just speakers are the instigators of thedisruption of lesson always and it is necessary to punish by speakers first ofall and another personality types can be left at rest. Speakers ‐ these are thekey men in the class. If can teacher tosubordinate by speakers, then it ispossible to consider that teacher had succeeded in subordinating entire class.It is necessary to punish only organizers and executors of the disruption oflesson, and it is necessary to leave at rest by another pupils or even toreward for the nonparticipation in the riot. One of main purposes of theorganizers of riot ‐ this is the provocation by teacher to the conflict withentire class, in this case instigator of the disruption of lesson attempts to hide after the somebodyelse’s backs in order to avoidpunishment. Teacher should try to agree with speaker- instigator about the conditionsof peace after the punishment of the instigator of disorders. It is necessaryto ask by instigator about the fact thatit does not arrange in the style of your teaching, it is necessary to find acompromise in the relations with the leader-speaker. Teacher should alternatewhip and cake in the relations with the leaders, but it need begin to buildrelations with the leader with “thewhip” so that the subordinated speaker would value “cake” more greatly. Teachermust respect the nonformal leaders of class for their influence. Some speakersin the future can become “bosses oflife”, although other speakers can become by criminals and alcoholics. It was only the one who by nonformal leaderin the school; it was capable to become boss at the adult age. That rejected at the teenage period never will be ableto become boss or businessman at the adult age, even if this rejected mancan to obtain by 2 diplomas about highereducation. Teacher must avoid conflicts with leaders of class as far aspossible, but teacher should remember that the empty warnings frighten no onewithout the exponential sanctions. When teacher threatens very much, butteacher is afraid to use the punishments, then pupils do the conclusion that paralysis of will set inthis teacher. The best method of guidance of orders is to find guilty speakerand to punish by him approximately, themethod of exponential sanctions consists in that. It need recommend for speaker‐ leaders of class tothe selection of the profession of boss, politician or businessman in theprocess of professional orientation just, but scientific career is not intendedfor speaker‐ leaders of class . Leader of group has sanguine temperamentusually. Choleric person cannot to be leader because of excessive tendency tothe conflicts even in relations with friends. The excessive rigidity of thephlegmatic person prevents him to become by the leader of group. Excessive vulnerabilityand manifestation of weakness in theconflicts prevents by melancholicperson to become by leader of group.Just melancholic persons occur in theposition of those rejected and humiliated persons frequently in the children's collective and in the totalorganization (in the prison, army and so on). Teacher as far as possible mustsupport melancholic persons, but the possibilities of teacher are severely limited in this sense,since it is possible to conquer victory in conflicts and high status in the association only by ownforces and by the force of own character. Teacher expends most of all effortson the conflicts with the choleric persons, since choleric persons are the instigators of senseless conflictsbecause of high eccentricity by cholericpersons . Choleric person is impact force sometimes in the hands of nonformalleader, who set as a goal to disrupt the lesson. Choleric person-pupil checks the ability ofnew teacher to direct order. If new teacher could not punish by choleric person, then class doconclusion that the teacher does not know how to introduce order and it ispossible to disrupt lesson impunity.Situation from the conflict with one choleric person passes into the collectiveriot. That to avoid this, it need suppress the riot in the embryo, that is it is necessary to arrangeexponential sanctions at the very beginning conflict for the choleric person.By the way, choleric person endures the punishments and impacts of fate easily,choleric person falls by spirit never, since choleric person has strong nervoussystem. Choleric person occupies the isolated position in the class sometimesand choleric person attempts to earn authority on the conflict with theteacher, teacher must punish thischoleric person boldly, since no onepupil will support punished choleric person.


Teachers are subdivided into fourtemperaments also. Sanguineperson-teacher manages the task of maintaining discipline on the lesson betterthan others. Sanguine person-teacher knows how to settle conflicts, and toconquer in the conflicts. Phlegmatic person-teacher tries to avoid conflicts asfar as possible, he is very steadfast in the conflicts, but he is capable “toexplode” sometimes, after which “victims” appear among the instigators of thedisruption of lesson, “victims” try notto lead this teacher to the extreme in the future on the basis of bitterexperience. Choleric person-teacher provokes itself by pupils to theuseless conflicts frequently, the choleric person-teacher can go to the extrememeasures in the process of conflict; therefore pupils relate to him with thecertain fraction of fear. Melancholicperson- teacher is very difficult towork in the school because of the inability to conquer in the conflicts andbecause of the superfluous vulnerability. Melancholic person- teacher is capable to spill many bitter tears and toarrive into the state of complete desperation after the disruption of lesson.Melancholic person- teacher begins to beapologized before the pupils even, it is inadmissible completely. Weak teachersdo not survive. in Russian school. Russian school is the zone of constant conflicts, it is not necessary to fear by conflicts, butit is necessary to know how to conquer in conflicts. In order to avoid nervousdisorder, in order to restore forces, itis necessary to know how to rest, it is necessary to know how to forget aboutthese conflicts during the leisure. That teacher, who does not know how this tomake, is doomed to the professional diseases. Conflicts are inevitable, and it is not necessary to suffer inthat reason. But it is necessary to avoid unnecessary and deliberately lostconflicts with own boss. It cannot be forgotten that people obtain authorityand status of leader as a result victories in the conflicts. It is not possibleto lead of the work for class from the position “from below”, it cannot beavoided or settled all conflicts, some conflictologists‐ utopians call to thaterroneously. Different personality types fulfill differentroles, different personality types occupy different statusesinside the small group. R. Bails and F. Slater explained not one, but twoleaders stand that in head of any group:




and “most respected”


or,in other words, father and mother. Thefirst leader leads group, he selectpurpose and means for the group, he punishes rigidly and he excludes from the group. The second leadersupports pleasant microclimate inside the group, he organizes the process ofcontact, he recruits into the group of novices. According to myobservations, the speaker approaches tothe role “ideological inspirer” best of all , and psychologist approaches tothe role “most of that respected”. There are exceptions from this rule. I sawgroup of four choleric persons in myobservation. This group was terrible force under the disruption of lesson.There is a group of quiet girls almostin each class, which consists of some technicians, where technicians fulfill the role of father andmother. I observed the groups of girls,which consist of some psychologists, where psychologist fulfilled the role offather, but such exceptions from rule are very rare. Technician in the group isseries executor usually. Theorist does not know how to associate in the group;therefore he plays the role of the isolated “lonely wolf”, capable of givingthe rebuff to speakers or theorist enters into the small weak group ofoutsiders, which has excluded from other groups.



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The answer is only people with a flexable brain who can see from all areas, I always find the most complex problems have simple


answers the major problem is people that think they are smart give answers that are diffucult to understand, if you send me


a complex question I will send you an answer that is easy to understand, I will send you answers on nuclear questions in a way

it is clear but people that think they are smart will send you substandard answers so fell free to talk to me.




Tom Ranno

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