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A New Female Sexual Response Model


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Recently, a friend of mine from Portugal gave me some advice about my new theory of female orgasm, although what he said are more platitude and useless, but he indeed gave me some clues about female sexual response model. I check on the internet for all about female sexual response models, and there are three in all.


1, Linear Model by Masters and Johnson in 1966

2, Circular Model by Beverly Whipple and Brash-McGreer in 1997

3, Non-linear Model by Basson R


I analyze advantages and disadvantages of these three models one by one and finally construct my own female sexual response model. Excuse my rudeness, and I don't mean to offend anyone, just for the sake of discussion.


Linear Model (Masters and Johnson in 1966)




Advantages: They proposed this Linear model of sexual response for both men and women and assumed that men and women have similar sexual responses. Their assumption is absolute correct, but unfortunately the later generations completely deny this and consequently make the female orgasm as a mystery for decades.



1, Linear Model denies the uniqueness of female orgasm and believes the different responses different women may have or an individual woman may have on different occasions. I wonder how they get such a conclusion, since they already assume that men and women have similar sexual responses. Do they also believe that an individual man may have different sexual response pattern? The conclusion they got to the assumption they proposed is a paradox.


2, they think orgasm for women is an occasional occurrence and Beverly Whipple helps them to explain that women may not even experience all of the phases-for example, they may move from sexual arousal to orgasm and satisfaction without experiencing sexual desire, or they can experience desire, arousal, and satisfaction but not orgasm. This explanation is a bigger mistake. Female sexual response if without orgasm is not complete. Women are just as a sex tool, if they can't experience orgasm during every sex. Does she believe that orgasm for men can also be an occasional occurrence? Nonsense!!!


3, this model is an ideal model, and don't consider the environmental factors, so Masters and Johnson don't add the concept of distraction and circulation to this model.


4, The Refractory period is not reflected on the curve. Of course they never expect that female also have refractory period. They didn't mention the repulsion between two orgasms, no matter in one person, or in two persons. A person can not get two orgasms at the same time, and two persons can't get their own orgasms from each other at the same time.



Circular Model (Beverly Whipple and Brash-McGreer in 1997)



Advantages: They add the concept of circulation to the model.


Disadvantages: Circulation of this model shows how pleasure and satisfaction during one sexual experience can lead to the seduction phase of the next sexual experience. This Sentence itself is not wrong, but this circulation is built on a wrong foundation, which considers women can get multiple orgasms during one intercourse. This is the biggest mistake. Only a complete sexual experience with orgasm can lead women to the next sexual desire, of course must after refractory period. Women never have the ability to get multiple orgasms, and Beverly' wrong view mislead people to a wrong direction.


Non-linear Model (Basson R)



Advantages: Except the circulation, this model proposes other two important concepts: physical satisfaction (orgasm) and emotional satisfaction (a feeling of intimacy and connection with a partner).


Disadvantages: Basson clarifies that the goal of sexual activity for women is not necessarily orgasm but rather personal satisfaction. His argument completely strangles the importance of orgasm and overestimates emotional satisfaction and intimacy during sexual life for women. He seriously ignores physical satisfaction (orgasm) is also irreplaceable for women as same as men. I want to ask all males: do you think intimacy can replace orgasm in your sex? I think all answers are negative. If push males to pick the one from the two, I bet they all choose the orgasm, not intimacy, of course men want them both. Frankly speaking, men are already lucky enough compared to women, because so far women don't figure out the two options.


The three models are not accurate to describe the real female sexual response, I construct a new model, and let me illustrate in details.


Sexual Response Level




Firstly, I should pronounce that every woman can respond to sexual stimulation as same as every man, although there is no exact same sexual response between any two individuals, but the basic pattern is shared by all human beings, regardless of gender. This mode is not only for women, but also for all human being. In order to describe the sexual response accurately, I add the concept of the flow chart to my model, the green lines represent the whole process of sexual response.


During T1, at the beginning, human is in daily life, and the sexual response level is in normal and not aroused yet.


During T2, frankly speaking, desire depends on the body's instincts. A view of Beverly Whipple (satisfaction during one sexual experience can lead to the seduction phase of the next sexual experience) was right, but the problem is women never get satisfaction without orgasm, that is why women think sex is a chore, and why men always initiate sex with women but women don't, and why men think about sex every 15 seconds but women can't. I bet women will also think about sex every 10 seconds, if every time women can have orgasm.


During T3, in short, this is a preparation process. When a woman has the desire and wants to put it into practice, she needs someone or something to hook her up in physical. Many things can make women have excitement, such as smell, voice, words and porn. At this time, psychological factors play a decisive role in this phase and the fantasies are really helpful, then body starts to have some changes. The most obvious sign of sexual excitement in the male is the erection of his penis, and the most obvious sign of sexual excitement in female is lubrication of the vagina, but all people ignore the other important sign in female - erection of clitoral shaft. The length of T3 is related to your age, physical condition, and how urgency. When women are very young and good health, T 3→0


Of course we can put T2 and T3 together. When women get aroused suddenly by an accident someone or something very special, T23→0. Women can feel distension and nerve beating of clitoral right way, and then can't move legs anymore. She should only just stand there, until the strong feelings gone, and then she comes back to the normal level T1. When women already in T23, but she thinks it is not the right time to do this things or she is distracted by something or someone, she can give up the original plan and comes back to the normal, of course she can repeat it again during T23 itself.


During T4, this is a brewing process. When woman's physical and psychological are ready, she is going to take action. She will twist ass unconsciously and squeeze the clitoral shaft with a proper rhythm and power. Fantasies also play a decisive role here. At the beginning of phase plateau, the slope of the curve is approximately zero, but as the acceleration of the movement, the slope rapidly becomes larger. The curve quickly gets high, and this time she feels her body almost out of her control, and she must stop to squeeze the clitoral and have a break, if she doesn't want to orgasm quickly. She stops for a while or Change position to make the curve back to the beginning of phase plateau or T23, of course, she can come back to the normal, but it is so hard for her. When she finds the game is enough and wants to get the last shudder of climax, she can't stop and should continue to accelerate and accelerate more and more, then she orgasms. The length of T4 is related to your age, physical condition and how long you orgasm the last time. Women also need longer to orgasm than the last time, if she gets several orgasms during one night. Be careful, Very serious consequences.


During T5 and T6, both of them are very short. Orgasm almost lasts about 7 seconds, and the curve during T6 falls down instantaneously, then after that women fall into sleep immediately. The most visible physiological change during this period is the loss of erection of clitoral shaft.


During T7, women enter the refractory period, and she loses her all interests about sex immediately and just need to sleep. In this phase, she can't get aroused and the capability to another erection or another orgasm. She couldn't concentrate her attention any more, even though she doesn't have the conditions to sleep, until this period of time has elapsed. Women just come back to normal, and have the capability to get into another sex again.The refractory period may be very short in some individuals, especially while they are young, but it usually becomes longer with advancing age.


if you are also interested in this area, you can contact me.

Edited by Phi for All
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