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World ending on Saturday?


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All the Christians I know disagree with this announcement because the Bible simply says no one will know, and they're concerned about this overindulged silliness as being bad publicity about their faith.

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Its real hooky if you ask me, this preacher stated the same thing back in 93 i believe and nothing happend. Same will happen tomorrow we will be on here discussing more important topics rather than this old fool. And im not christian however the majority of them are discusted with guy. And in a few days he will wither away in history as many self claimed ( prophets) often do. Fear not people if the world ends tomorrow feel free to blame me! if not feel free to thank me! :rolleyes: WIN WIN.

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I can confirm that Australia made it to Sunday rather anticlimactically. I rang my sister in NZ last night to see if she was enjoying her rapture. Turns out they really know how to bring on the end of the world over there - everyone was having rapture parties and getting roaringly intoxicated. I guess repenting is for the weak over there.

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Wow - is that an Aussie saying that somewhere else really knows how to party? Packing my bags and heading to NZ if even the maddest partiers on the planet think NZ is the place to be. Might wait for the summer tho

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Well, they know how to party upon occasion. The occasions are usually limited to rugby union type events, however. Though it would seem I now have to extend that list to impending doom as well.


Also, I'd be doing you a disservice if I didn't pre-warn you about the non-existence of summer in NZ. I'm slightly bias though.

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Well, they know how to party upon occasion. The occasions are usually limited to rugby union type events, however. Though it would seem I now have to extend that list to impending doom as well.


Also, I'd be doing you a disservice if I didn't pre-warn you about the non-existence of summer in NZ. I'm slightly bias though.


Rugby union type events [math] \cap [/math] impending doom


Sounds like the rugby world cup semifinal defeat - will the kiwis manage to choke again?

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