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What now Mozy will collapse?


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The online backup service Mozy looks like there in trouble this month as they are revealing that next month prices will go up a huge amount. To be fair in some circumstances they might occasionally make things cheaper for users with multiple computers but at the expensive of what I should think is nearly all their customers who will now be forced to leave.


For example to back up 1TB used to be something like $4 a month (can't remember the exact value) but is now $89.99 per month. To put it another way thats about $48 per year before vs $1200 per year now for that amount of data.


If you think there is some possibility that the company has a future look on their forums. There is ofc the tendancy for contented people to be absent from such places, however this is more than that. Every post in the many pages that I looked though of the offical thread about it is a customer saying that they will now leave Mozy.


Dropbox is too small. Carbonite appears to have a similar aproach to what made Mozy so good, but it apparently has special tedious looking treatment of cirtain filetypes and completly ignores others. Some other services appear to exist that are just like FTP folders. Some services appear to have changed there name and\or associated company several times since creation, have considerably out of date information prominently on their website, according to wikipedia don't have supporting companies anymore ect... and others have just gone bust.


Are there economic factors behind this mess and what software can we use now that works in a similar way?

Edited by alan2here
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