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Separating KClO3/O4 from match heads


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  • 4 months later...

Just a thought...


This sounds like a way to make your own improvised toy caps (considering the amount of comp is in today's caps, and the imminent government crackdown on toys that go "The B-word".)


But seriuosly, acetoning match heads could actually make them dangerous???


Or maybe using another kind of solvent to remove binders/fillers?


Dang, I have to shut down that idea-making part of my brain...

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"btw, "caps" contain an incredibly small amount of armstrong's mixture: red phosphorus and potassium chlorate. it's incredibly sensitive. never make it, ever."


Yep. It's like near the TCAP-level on the scale of craziness. :( And I can tell you, there aren't many levels after that (at least no one has lived to tell about them).

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Oh, I know Armstrong's, maybe not pure, but in some configuration anyway.


Over here, we have a kind of "toy cap", that can best be described/translated with "Dog Stoppers".


It seems they were once used to scare off belligerent dogs.


The cap itself consists of a 1/2" styrofoam cup (former cork), with a largish (3-5 matchheads) of a VERY sensitive red composition.


The cap is placed in the barrel of a special gun, which projects a needle into the composition. Loud bang. Very.


In my youth I tried wetting the composition and scraping/spooning the composition out. That's how I learned about the sensitivity - when the material dried on my scraper.

Loud bang. Very.


Any others know of this toy/firework?


I suspect some kind of binder is included in the mixture, and maybe some fillers, but not much.


Anyway, homemade fireworks "torpedoes" containing a largish grain of this stuff was, of course, "Very Interesting". Luckily, we can all get wiser.

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  • 1 year later...


I've been reading a few posts down about separating KClO3/O4 from match heads. i get it all except for this part


4. Boil it some more, until the potassium chlorate/perchlorate starts to form


i dont get it.

Will the boiling create some big blob of this stuff or what.



LP Aspirin


sorry to revive a dead topic but where is the original post???

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