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Question about insulin

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I am one of many Americans with a few extra pounds here and there (actually more than a few). I read recently that insulin (that which is naturally produced by the pancreas) inhibits the use of fat as an energy source. This causes our bodies to store fat rather than metabolize it.


I wanted to know if there have been any studies on the average length of time insulin is in the body. Let's assume this is for non-diabetic human males. Does anyone know the answer, or know of any such studies regarding this issue?



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  • 3 months later...

Insulin allows your body to use sugar in the bloodstream. It also allows storage of unburned energy in the form of fat. The idea behind low carb diets is that your food intake presents a very low glycemic load to your body, so your pancreas produces insulin at a much slower rate. Every calorie you consume is eventually broken down to sugar for energy. It happens slower with proteins and fats than it does with carbohydrates. So on a low carb diet you have a better chance of burning your food energy as it is only provided in a usable form to your body at a lower rate. I also dont think that insulin will directly inhibit the burning of fat storage. Its just that when you have food-sugar-energy available, and insulin to make use of it at the cellular level, there will be no reason for your body to need to use fat storage.


As far as how long naturally generated insulin is in your body, i am not sure about. I would wager that in a non-diabetic and otherwise healthy person insulin levels would be well regulated. That is there shouldnt be "extra" insulin laying around making you fat. Your blood sugar level reaches point X, and your pancreas knows to release Y amount of insulin. There is a steady feedback adjustment of what is needed. It is not the equivalent of a diabetic person taking a big injection that lasts and trails off for hours.


For the record, I would not recommend doing the Atkins diet. I must say that it worked for me tho. I did it very strictly for a month and lost 25 pounds. I was exercising pretty regularly at the time too. I felt very unhealthy, but was slimmer. I will never do it again.


All in all, cut your calories and your body will need to start using stored fat for energy.

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