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i was reading a article about killing cancer cells with viruses.

but unfortunately the article was written in October of 2004!

so I was wondering if there was any new material since 2004?

has this reached the point where they're conducting human trials yet?

Edited by cipher510
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Good point. There seem to be small scale trials as the following news article indicates:


Doctors say they have used a genetically engineered herpes virus to treat successfully patients with head and neck cancer.


A London hospital trial of 17 patients found that use of the virus alongside chemotherapy and radiotherapy helped kill the tumours in most patients.



However, note that it is not a single 'bullet' therapy but used in combination with other cancer therapies.


Moreover, the relapse rate seems to be also quite low:


More than two years later, 82 per cent of patients had not succumbed to the disease. Only two of 13 patients given the virus treatment at a high dose relapsed, according to the study published in the journal Clinical Cancer Research .



Read more: Herpes virus can be used to treat cancer - The Times of India http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/health/Herpes-virus-can-be-used-to-treat-cancer/articleshow/6251636.cms#ixzz0yskV0nNr


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