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On The Expansion Of Space ( Accelerating Recession )


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I just got back from an exceedingly long, and alternately fascinating and extraordinarily boring journey through WMAPs summation of seven years of observations.


Although the charts and graphs were in many instances indecipherable to me, many were not. I will talk about one of those graphic illustrations in a moment.


One stunning revelation was the truly astonishing bias of the authors of the study. Reading their comments, and conclusions, I found that in one breath, they place severe restrictions on various predictions/assumptions regarding inflationary theories, and in the next breath they speak in glowing terms of the 'promise' of various inflation theories ... needing only the invention of brand new physics to explain.


Another stunning 'fact' was the apparent disregard for GR, and it's amazing accuracy when dealing with very large scales. Instead of considering real, practical, and rational solutions to observed discrepancies with inflation theories, the authors just 'run' with the 'potential' of the many cosmological theories being floated, citing 'subtle' predictions made by those theories ... all, of course, requiring *magic*.


In addition, they also touted their 'toy' model as far superior to the current BBT, and claim to be the 'new' standard model, using the graphs ( and presumed flawless mathematics ) of observed parameters as their evidence.


They make many unsubstantiated claims, including assuring the reader that the universe is indeed 'one-way' and will very likely expand forever, even though their 'evidence' makes no such proof. All the evidence produced merely proves that the universe is currently expanding. But again, this only shows their bias, their lack of observational skills, and an inability to correlate data, and deductively reason.


In short, their clear bias blinds the authors to some rather obvious patterns in their data. Which brings us to the graphic illustration of the universe's expansion since the BB.


I found this graphic to be particularly fascinating. What is so interesting about it, is the remarkably steady expansion until quite late in the 13.4? 14? billion year history of our local universe. Then the rate of expansion 'takes off', accelerating rapidly.


It seems as though 'space' wasn't all that interested in 'expanding' for the majority of our universe's existence. Then, magically, DE, or whatever you want to name the force, arbitrarily mounted a massive effort to separate the major clusters of galaxies.


So it would appear that 'space', or DE decided to 'respond' to the large scale concentrations of gravity, whereas before it was seemingly unconcerned with matter/energy more generally distributed. Perhaps I missed something as I was grinding my way through all the data. Feel free to correct me on this.


If the RATE of recession is increasing now, that means the RATE of recession was less in the past. Why didn't space act immediately upon the matter/energy released from the BB? If space itself is expanding, then it would only make sense that it must do so independent of any matter/energy present. Is it simply a function of space? That it just inherently 'expands' creating brand new space constantly, thereby increasing the distance between any matter present?


If that is not the case, then DE must be causing the recession. Right? Well, we have a problem here, too. For now we have to ask, why didn't DE start working on the matter/energy from the moment of the BB, too? Clearly, there were no great concentrations of gravity in the early plasma. Well, that is the assumption, anyway. DE, if it exists, should have been pushing everything away from each other right from the start. If it is strong enough to shove clusters of galaxies apart, it should have had no problem pushing gas and dust apart. Unless it just magically appeared late in the game, materializing out of nowhere, having waited for greater concentrations of matter/energy before applying its force.


This simply does not jive with GR, or any other observations of matter/energy present in space. You can't have 'localized' concentrations of DE only acting upon superclusters. It has to be everywhere. If it isn't everywhere, then it 'does' just materialize in an arbitrary fashion. And therefore is adding matter, or energy into our universe where none existed before.


This does not agree with the axiom 'energy can neither be created, nor destroyed'. And there is certainly no evidence that matter/energy is either being continuously created, or 'arriving unannounced' from alternate dimensions.


So why isn't the rate of expansion/recession steady? What was the 'original' rate of recession? What triggered this phenomenon of 'acceleration'?


I have stated this before, and I will state it again. A rational solution to this phenomenon is that space is uniform unless disturbed by mass/gravity. Just like Einstein said. And we have a plethora of evidence staring us in the face to support this. Our observations show us that space doesn't like gravity. It doesn't like matter. It doesn't like being NON-uniform. It will always work to straighten the lines out. But the evidence suggests it does not seem to care a whole lot if the energy distribution is relatively uniform.


When the local universe was in it's early stages, the matter/energy was ( apparently ) fairly evenly distributed. We can't say for sure, because we are relying on imperfect mathematical models to make this assumption. There was a time when the universe was 'dark' to us, meaning we can see no photons from that period of time. This doesn't mean they were not there. It means we couldn't see them.


So I am suggesting that a better alternative to 'expanding space', or DE, or alternate dimensions, is just the simple realization that Einstein was correct. That GR is correct on macro scales. Space may very well be imbued with energy that places limits on matter and energy 'outside' of itself. It limits photons to c. It limits matter to < c. It's low energy density is constant, isotropic, and generally homogeneous, and will work on all concentrated mass/gravity at a steady rate. This would easily explain the accelerating recession, as there is a cumulative effect of the 'straightening out' of the lines of space.

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I wonder how you go from saying things are indecipherable to you, to saying that they make claims which the evidence does not back up... if the evidence is indecipherable you might have just missed it...


I agree. Did you miss my disclaimer? However, I am not illiterate. I am quite capable of noticing 'facts not in evidence' in reading their comments, observations, and summations.

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Yes I did...


I still don't see it scanning quickly.


Dark energy is added because our current working theories don't work... It is not magic it just some unknown mechanism we are trying to explain.


Py wrote : So it would appear that 'space', or DE decided to 'respond' to the large scale concentrations of gravity, whereas before it was seemingly unconcerned with matter/energy more generally distributed. Perhaps I missed something as I was grinding my way through all the data. Feel free to correct me on this.


Couldn't agree more. It's not that DE is magic. It's that we are trying to find *magical* explanations for it. ( Alternate dimensions, etc ... )


All I have done is offer another alternative.


Do with it what you will ....


And perhaps you should slow down while reading ....



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