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The Branes that brought life

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I was watching the tube on science. The program showed ( Two Opposite Branes ). Why is there two and not just one ?.


The two curtains of Brane therory i saw looked as two opposites rubbing against each other like a Plus and Minus on a battery currant flow.


Can that anomoly be like a Male and Female ? to create the singularity ?.

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Hell !!! It was on a science chanel. Those dreamers know better than me with those ideas of two branes touching each other.

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Those scientists that put on a show about how they think the Big Bang came into existance.

With thier theories of the cosmos looks like liars in thier dreams of the truth.:doh:

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I find it much more likely that you simply misunderstood what was being presented to you, but hey, sure... maybe scientists are a bunch of liars who base their theories on dreams alone. I suppose that's one possibility.



My former question remains. You are treating the conjecture of dual branes as if it were fact. Demonstrate it is fact and I will look for an answer explaining why it's two branes instead of one.

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There is a model of the universe based on colliding branes. I don't know the details but it comes under the name of Ekpyrotic brane cosmology, see [1] and references therein. I think the idea is now quite old, but only since the second string revolution and the importance of branes was realised have these ideas been taken a more modern perspective.


Often when dealing with branes you assume "nice configurations". This makes the maths and the pictures clearer. I imagine people have thought about multi and non-parallel branes colliding. This may not really change the fundamental idea, only the details.



[1] The Ekpyrotic universe: Colliding branes and the origin of the hot big bang.

Justin Khoury (Princeton U.) , Burt A. Ovrut (Pennsylvania U.) , Paul J.Steinhardt (Princeton U.) , Neil Turok (Cambridge U., DAMTP)


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