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How are different atoms made into molecules artificially?

cameron marical

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is it that there turned into a gas and mixed up or something?


Im guessing it varies for different atoms, so, lets say hydrogen.


What would i need to do to get one hydrogen molecule to bond with one carbon molecule?


and then, how would i make it so it was something like 3 hydrogen molecules and 2 carbons?


thanks guys. sorry if this is a stupid question.

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cameron I have to say i really commend your curiosity. You're asking some questions which can't be easily answered. The answer to this one would take at least a page, and a full answer would take an entire degree.


How old are you? perhaps you're going to college or university soon? you might want to think about taking a chemistry course or even an entire program

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That's the fundamental question of chemistry, in a way - how can we turn A to B, and what can we predict about B in advance?


As hermanntrude said, if you want a complete answer, take a course in chemistry and be prepared for years (a lifetime, if you're willing) of enjoyable study.

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