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10 pg eassy please help!!!!!

David M.

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Okay i have a outline porepared for my eassy the topic is "how i would handle this now".

I got into a fight because two kids were picking on me and pushing me. So i went to court and have to write a 10 pg essay. But enough chattering here is the outline.


• 1st Page: Introductory

• 2nd-5th page: how to avoid the situation

• 6th-7th page: how I would handle the situation if it came up

• 8th-9th page: how to behave my self at all times

• 10th page: conclusion


So i need to find a way to do the introductory page thats all i can do everything else. Once you guys help get me started i can do the rest.

Please help!!!!

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hang on a sec, if You were the Victim, how come they`re punishing YOU by making you have to write this?

surely any such task should go to the perps?


unless "• 8th-9th page: how to behave my self at all times" is a clue to some untruth here?

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hang on a sec, if You were the Victim, how come they`re punishing YOU by making you have to write this?

surely any such task should go to the perps?


I had a similar problem way back in Middle School. I got my face slammed into a locker by a guy who stole my football at recess. We both ended up suspended (internal too, yech). Mind you, I never hit, threatened, or provoked this guy either. So it's definately not an isolated case.


As for the OP:

I agree with insane_alien, you should write about the circumstances, they probably don't really care what you write, just that you put in the effort. Just make sure you emphasize that you were the victim, and maybe throw in some self defense stuff. If you felt like you were in physical danger from the bullies, you are more likely justified to strike back.


I can't imagine writing a 10 page essay for a crime I didn't commit... Good luck to you!

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use double spacing. that'll help. Also 13point text. it looks just like 12 but takes up more space.


If you got into a fight I assume you caused some injury or you wouldnt be in court. even in self defence, violence can be wrong. I learned that the hard way.

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