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differential equation problem


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At time t hours, the rate of decay of the mass of a radioactive substance is proportional to the mass x kg at that time.


(a) Write down the differential equation satisfied by x.

(b) Given that x = C when t = 0, show that x = Ce^[-(at)], where a is a positive constant.


I can't figure out part (a)...so I cant do part (b). So if somebody could help me with part (a) please.



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\frac{{dx}}{{dt}} = - ax \\

\frac{1}{x}dx = - a{\rm{ }}dt \\

\ln x = - at + k \\

x = e^{ - at + k} \\

x = e^k e^{ - at} \\

x = Ce^{ - at} \\




at the second to last line. we know x=c when t=0 . pluggin the values in we get e^k = C

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That's the basic decay equation that you'll get for a number of applications (radioactive decay, newton's cooling curve, capacitor discharge, etc).


Incidentally, the line where you say [math]\tfrac{1}{x} \, dx = -a \, dt[/math] is not technically correct. What you're actually doing is this:


[math]\frac{dx}{dt} = -ax \Rightarrow \int \frac{1}{x} \frac{dx}{dt} \, dt = \int -a \, dt[/math]


Then using the chain rule to 'cancel' the dt's from the left hand side integral.

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