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Chemistry Formula Method Suggestions


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Hey again! I am just wondering like is there any methods to help me balance chemistry forumals. I can do the basics with the algebra formula, but with questions like:FeSO4 + K2Cr2O7 > Cl2 + CrCl3 + KCl + H2O i get dearly confused.


so any methods?

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"Perhaps it's just me that is missing something, but how come the conservation of matter is not followed in the equation?"

It should be once the equation is balanced, that's the point.

However, the equation given above simply doesn't make sense.

If you react those starting materials you simply cannot get those products.

There's nowhere for the chlorine to have come from.

I guess it was just a hastilly made up example.


There is a helpful fact. If you look at reactions like this you can sometimes balance them by looking at where the electrons go.

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It should be once the equation is balanced, that's the point.

However, the equation given above simply doesn't make sense.

If you react those starting materials you simply cannot get those products.

There's nowhere for the chlorine to have come from.

Yes, this was my point I was trying to make. The chlorine on the right side appears from no where, and the iron and sulfur on the left disappear.

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Right, to balance an equation you need to know the reactants and products. In some reactions, you could deduce some of these. The equation in post 1 though has iron and sulfur disappearing, and chlorine and hydrogen appearing.


yay so it was the teacher and not me :)



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but one second i have another one i know works and i just can't get (will edit this post) I dont want the answers, more of a method to come to an answer


this one


HNO3 + Cu = NO2 + Cu(NO3)2


now i know it is easy to try random combinations of coefficients until it is balanced, but i want to know a method rather than jsut guessing

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but one second i have another one i know works and i just can't get (will edit this post) I dont want the answers, more of a method to come to an answer


this one


HNO3 + Cu = NO2 + Cu(NO3)2


now i know it is easy to try random combinations of coefficients until it is balanced, but i want to know a method rather than jsut guessing


First of all, your H disappears. I would suggest adding water as a product, and possibly H2 or O2 if you need. Then I recommend balancing the least common element here (Cu). Then if you need to balance one of the reactants containing an element you already balanced, you need to multiply all terms containing it (eg both Cu and Cu(NO3)2) by the same amount so it stays balanced.

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First of all, your H disappears. I would suggest adding water as a product, and possibly H2 or O2 if you need. Then I recommend balancing the least common element here (Cu). Then if you need to balance one of the reactants containing an element you already balanced, you need to multiply all terms containing it (eg both Cu and Cu(NO3)2) by the same amount so it stays balanced.



Oops! This time it was my fault theres actually a +H2O at the end of the second side/ Sorru :-(

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