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Astral Projecting tutorial.

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Everyone, Just to straighten things out. Piccolo is a homosexual and yea, I am sad to say I know him. I've known him since high school, but he turned gay two years after (sadly, with another frined from high school hahahaha). He seems to have something against me because about a week ago we were working on a project for work and I told him that if he touched me I would kick his ass. Then I quit the project once he asked if I wanted my D**K sucked. ahahahahaha, I was like HELL NO. I'M NOT DOWN WITH THAT.

Then I nailed him in the face and quit. I told my boss and he had Piccolo removed from my sight. Good thing. Only I wish I had never introduced (let his stupidity loose on science fourms). Sorry to everyone who has to listen to this HOMO whine about life and him tring to make fun of me.

*Sorry to all people of fourms*

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Ok but when I attempted to describe your consciousness, I say 'the feeling' only because we are describing our own consciousness from 'within' the system. Not that it is a feeling actually... but I think I described what you are trying to describe. It is the overall awareness we experience.. our ability to receive sensory stimulus and interpret this. We are not 'conscious' when we are dreaming... we cannot receive outside information and do not interpret this information. Now... of course to some degree we are receiving this information because noise will wake us, but it is definately a depressed form of consciousness. So if we can agree that this is the consciousness... then you must ask yourself.. can you absolutely prove that we are all experiencing a consciousness? If you can... then again, you must be able to answer the questions of "Where did it come from?" and "Why is it selective?" The obvious answer to all of this... is of course the most believable that consciousness is a collection of our cognitive abilities that evolved gradually, and all scientific data reinforces this idea. First, higher animals (more evolved) have a more intricate consciousness. Second, the size and complexity of the brain directly correlates with the intricacy of consciousness. Third, severe damage to the brain will permanently destroy the consciousness. Conclusion: The consciousness is in the brain and is the culmination of evolving cognitive abilities.

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Originally posted by Mastermold

But if the consciousness is just being aware... then how can you prove anyone else experiences the same feeling?


You can't.


One problem with consciousness is that as yet there is no all-encompassing definition for it. We talk of 'awareness' and 'the ability to percieve and produce an adaptive response' and so on, but these do not define consciousness.


Another problem is that consciousness can only ever be inferred in others. Whilst each of us has implicit and experiencial knowledge of our own conscious awareness, we cannot know (or prove) that another person does. We can generate evidence for it. We can ask them questions and evaluate their responses for example. Or apply a given stimulus and observe their response. However, none of this constitutes proof.


If we reject body/mind duality theories (as most people appear to have done), then we are left with theories of consciousness as an emergent property of a complex system; a synergistic product of the complex functioning of the brain (a little like feedback). That we may expect a certain degree of uniformity in conscious experience is supported by data showing a degree of uniformity in neurological function. However, even this is no guarantee.


The source of these problems is that there is no such thing as an objective experience. Whatever happens to costitute a stimulus from the external milieu, our experience of it depends upon transduction of that stimulus, and subsequent afferent volleys of electro-chemical impulses. That these seem to be essentially the same (or at least similar) in most people, leads us to assume that their experience of the stimulus is the same [as ours]. But this is only an assumption. As Robert Louis Stevenson wrote ..."for no man lives in the external truth among salts and acids, but in the warm, phantasmagoric chamber of his brain, with the painted windows and storied wall."

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