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Greatest intergalactic statistical void

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In a statistically mechanical intergalactic space with (noninteracting) hydrogen atoms of average density 10^-5 atom/cm^3, with age 10^17 seconds, radius 10^28 cm, and temperature 3 K, what is the maximum radius void of matter to have existed given those spacetime parameters? That is, create a random walk model to describe the maximal absolute void volume that classical intergalactic spacetime has ever allowed.

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You are asking what the maximum is, but you are saying thats what the they have to be... why dont you just take the radius and develope it into a spherical shape (??).... something like radical edward did. or am i looking at all this the wrong way.

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Even if you calculate a number of hydrogen atoms over an area at a temperature, it's a moot calculation since physics seems to point to a Higgs boson particle or field that is in all space. That is what CERN is looking for now. There is no true void according to physics right now. Something gives particles mass and something keeps the space we experience stable. A void would have to be a lot smaller than the universe of the Higgs boson.

Just aman

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