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hi all:

I am working with universal primers for bacteria and I came a cross some primers that are like follwing:

F984GC (position:968 to 984)

R1378 (position: 1378 to 1401)


this pair of primers is used to amplify 16S rDNA gene.

the question is that if the forward primer starts at nucleotide 968 and stops at nucleotide 984 and the reverse primer starts and finishes at different site

so, these two segments do not hybridize with each other. since the sense strand segment is different than the antisense strand segment then the amplification using this pair of primer will result in two segments.


is what I am saying correct, please tell me if I am wrong or if you can clarify more I would appreciate it.



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No. All DNA is synthesised in the 5' to 3' direction. Meaning that new nucleotides are added onto the 3' end. This is universal in all cases.


One primer acts on one strand, the second acts on the complementary strand. that way you gen production of two strands that are complementary to each other.

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