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Nudity and Political Correctness


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I was at Portsea over the weekend at my sister's holiday house. She is a proud conservative. She always tells me that she thinks political correctness is bad. She cites examples like using the word "intellectually challenged" as opposed to "retard" is silly. She also thinks the word "domestic engineer" instead of "housewife" is also silly. However, one day I made a sexual joke to her that was quite tame in my opinion, but she was quite offended and told me not to tell rude jokes anymore. Isn't this hypocrisy?

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I tend to have rather extreme "information wants to be free" oriented views regarding offending other people. Unless someone has reason to be personally offended (e.g. calling a black person n****r) from a statement I think their cause for offense is largely ungrounded. This applies particularly to PC types who like to get vicariously offended regarding speech about groups to which they do not belong.


All that said, more detail about your situation would be needed for me to pass judgement. So far all you've mentioned is that you made a sexual joke involving nudity. That's not really much to go on.

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This is endless. Political correctness is about things that are considered generally offensive - not about personal views. If you venture into this area you allow for things that are more than complex.


What I mean is - if one can declare that something is offensive and everyone is to obey then we have a problem. What if i say I'm not OK with people calling me "user" on the forum? Would I be able to protest to "happy holidays users"? Should I be able to demand "Happy holidays Users and Ndi"? Makes no sense.


In this particular case, I guess the joke matters. It could be interpreted as personal I guess.

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Nobody says "intellectually challenged" (except maybe in jest) or "domestic engineer." Nobody. So your sister is opposed to a form of political correctness that does not exist except in the minds of the people who are "against" it! But it seems she's very much in a state of mind of political correctness that actually DOES exist. That kind of thing is a major pet peeve of mine. Yes, I'd definitely call it hypocrisy: condemning others as ridiculous for doing something they don't actually do, then doing it yourself!

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