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Why do some vegetarians/Vegans think...


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A small point about cruelty on farms.


Animals that are raised in conditions of sickness, stress, hunger, pain etc., will fail to put on weight. Dairy cows will fail to produce much milk. Those farms will be less productive and will lose money. Animals that are treated cruelly at time of slaughter will be stressed, and this translates into tough and poor tasting meat.


It is financially advantageous for both farmers and slaughterhouse operators to treat animals well. They make more money that way.


are you sure that last bit's true? if you spend less money/space per animal you'll be treating them cruelly, and the meat may be lesser quality as a result, but you'll be able to rear more of them for the same money/land; if you can slaughter 50 quality cows per month or 100 crap cows per month, it's not neccesarily overall more lucrative to treat them well (otherwize, battery farming presumably wouldn't exist).

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The point is, wouldnt it be a better world if humans and animals did not kill one another?

It would be peaceful.


No, I don't think it would be a better world. I'm not sure violence isn't a good trait to have. Also, how does evolution enrich the species if natural selection is undermined? I thought animals killing other animals was a big part of natural selection. I'm not sure evolution would be as effective if we're all eating vegetables. Or are you suggesting that indirect killing, by outperforming other animals in finding and eating veggies would compensate?


Sometimes I wonder if our "morality" is responsible for the idiots that cause so much violence and death in humans in the first place. Couldn't civilized society be responsible for allowing the weak, anti-social, anti-group serial killers to grow up and commit murders? Would they have been weeded out much earlier in life if we didn't "carry" the weak?

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The point is, wouldnt it be a better world if humans and animals did not kill one another?

It would be peaceful.


OK, you get the animals to stop killing each other and humans, and I'll get the humans to stop killing each other and animals. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

And even if they did, does it really matter? Animals and plants can and DO inflict pain on us all the time,

Eating them is just our little way of getting back at them.

Okay, maybe that wasn't the best way of putting it, but you know what I mean.

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I think it's every lifeform's right to eat what it has evolved to eat. Everything came out of the big bang, its all from the same source of energy and matter. It's all the same stuff. All life formed from the same ancestors, so it can eat itself if it likes.


hmmm, is it lunch time yet? :D

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Haha, that's awesome. Every bite I take out of my steak is revenge against the misquito. Hey, if they'll stop, then I'll stop.


Hey, I've had part of my garden eaten by a cow. I demand revenge, in the form of steak.

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  • 1 month later...
that they are not doing the same as meat eaters and killing a life?


Who says the corn wants to be cultivated in a square field? Then reaped to be cut down and eaten? Why can't its seed be left to create more corn?


Who says the the carrot wants its food reserve to be traken from it for its leaves to wither and die?


Not to mention all the animals that are accidentally killed when harvesting crops.:)


I think it's every life form's right to eat what it has evolved to eat. Everything came out of the big bang, its all from the same source of energy and matter. It's all the same stuff. All life formed from the same ancestors, so it can eat itself if it likes.


hmmm, is it lunch time yet? :D


I argue that too however many Vegans believe that as beings of superior intelligence we have a moral responsibility to treat other animals with the same respect we give each other rather than killing them and eating them they way they kill and eat each other.

Kinda speaks for arrogance on the part of humans but it is odd. They believe that we are superior thus we must preserve all life, but at the same time others have used superiority as a justification for destroying life. The Nazis killing the Jews is a big example. I've met people before who have a MIGHT MAKES RIGHT! philosophy; they believe that since humans can kill more efficiently than other animals it gives us the right to destroy whatever we want for any reason. Makes them some what like my avatar.



More over Humans in general are weird; I have an easier time understanding Wolves and Dogs than i do people.

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