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extra dimensions


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I am a non sceintist but like most ponder. I have a few questions thought this was the place to ask. Here goes.


I work with music everyday in which you deal with the bandwidth of human hearing. I am aware of the bandwidth of sight. What about space? It has boundaries ie the speed of light. Whats outside the boundaries of the knowen universe?


Could the universe operating in different bandwidths (frequencies of energy)?


Could things moving faster than light BE what we now call dark energy?


If so would these bandwidths be concidered dimentions?


Apparently dark matter may be operating at exstreamly high tempretures (no unobsevable radiation) & unobservable low density.


So there May be 6% ondinary matter 23% Dark Matter (mabey) & 63% what?


Any interesting idea's?



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I think that would be an innacurate analogy.


Bandwidth of hearing, like light is just a small range in an entire spectrum - from the ultra high sounds of bats, through dogs and peopel and animals that hear really low ranged sounds (I think elephants?)


Light is also just a small range in a while spectrum that reaches from gamma and x-rays all way through visible light, to radio waves.


A universe operating in different bandwidths would still have a whole spectrum within it's range would reach - and so it should be reasonable to assume that just because we may not exprience these other extremes within the spectrum itself, that they would be totally undetectable by any means.


As far as we know form the physical properties of the Universe, the fastest things are those which do not have any "rest" mass - such as photons. Any rest mass creates matter, which in turn needs energy expended upon it to be able to accelerate, due to the laws of this Universe, there is a curve which ends up with any physical matter needing an infinite amount of energy to be able to accelerate it up to light speed. So nothing can move faster than light speed and even photons can only travel as fast as they can go - which is also the speed of light.


As for boundaries of the Universe, it's believed that there are no physical boundaries as that would imply that there is something "beyond" or outside the Universe, which would make the concept of "Universe" inapropriate.


On the other hand - String theory suggests that there are 6 extra dimensions that are too small to be able to be detected, so if the anaolgy of different bandwidths in a dimensiona spectra, our 3 are the ones we can experience, and the other 6 are simply "out of our range". That is to say, not Us as being Human, but Us as in being composed of Matter.


As for dark matter, I don't know enough about it to have an opinion or hypothesise on one.

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So if I take the universe to be like a bubble (super expanded P-Brane mabey), the observable 3 dimentions to take up part of content of the bubble. Is there any definitions or theories outlandish or not, that cover the rest?


I am aware or string theory and like the idea of harmonic frequecies of energy dictating state (being a musician). Dark matters effects are now being defined (at Cambridge) for the first time.


Anyone with any ideas on the possible 63% left consists of?

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