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Any way to induce hallucination without drugs?

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Just a couple things that havn't already been mentioned:

No, LSD is extremely bad for you, even after just one use. That and meth are probably the two worst drugs you can possibly take and both do harm after only one use. People report psychological problems like insomnia, hallucinations, and full-fledged psychotic episodes 40+ years after trying LSD only once in their life. It really is something you want to avoid.

Oh and wow strong bump :eek:


People report psychological problems like insomnia, hallucinations, and full-fledged psychotic episodes without ever having LSD. You are completley full of it, you are just spouting the anecdotal evedince which is laughable to say the least. LSD has never been shown to have any long term side effects.


This is the equivilant to saying people who drink alcohol get herpes. just because some of them do doesn't mean that the drinking caused it.

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People report psychological problems like insomnia, hallucinations, and full-fledged psychotic episodes without ever having LSD. You are completley full of it, you are just spouting the anecdotal evedince which is laughable to say the least. LSD has never been shown to have any long term side effects.


This is the equivilant to saying people who drink alcohol get herpes. just because some of them do doesn't mean that the drinking caused it.




There is some indication that LSD may trigger a dissociative fugue state in individuals who are taking certain classes of antidepressants such as lithium salts and tricyclics. In such a state, the user has an impulse to wander, and may not be aware of his or her actions, which can lead to physical injury. Anonymous anecdotal reports have attributed seizures and one death to the combination of LSD with lithium.[55] SSRIs noticeably reduce LSD's subjective effects.[56] MAOIs are also reported to reduce the effects of LSD.[55]


There are some cases of LSD inducing a psychosis in people who appeared to be healthy prior to taking LSD.[58] In most cases, the psychosis-like reaction is of short duration, but in other cases it may be chronic. It is difficult to determine whether LSD itself induces these reactions or if it triggers latent conditions that would have manifested themselves otherwise. The similarities of time course and outcomes between putatively LSD-precipitated and other psychoses suggest that the two types of syndromes are not different and that LSD may have been a nonspecific trigger.


"Flashbacks" are a reported psychological phenomenon in which an individual experiences an episode of some of LSD's subjective effects long after the drug has worn off, usually in the days after typical doses. In some rarer cases, flashbacks have lasted longer, but are generally short-lived and mild compared to the actual LSD "trip". Flashbacks can incorporate both positive and negative aspects of LSD trips, and are typically elicited by triggers such as alcohol or cannabis use, stress, or sleepiness. Flashbacks have proven difficult to study and are no longer officially recognized as a psychiatric syndrome. However, colloquial usage of the term persists and usually refers to any drug-free experience reminiscent of psychedelic drug effects, with the typical connotation that the episodes are of short duration.


Although lcd, is not the most harmful drug, to say that lcd, "has never been shown to have any long term side-effects" seems somewhat misleading"

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  • 1 month later...



I hallucinated without taking drugs and it wasn't pretty. In fact it led to a suicide attempt that failed. Up to that point I'd never taken drugs, didn't drink and never even smoked cigarettes. As far as I can tell, I experienced a chemical imbalance in my prefrontal cortex, but I don't really know the science behind it. Severe depression, sleep deprivation, perhaps poor diet, and academic stress played their roles, as did extreme social isolation. I had just turned thirty a few months prior, so the midlife crisis kicked in as well--no family of my own, no friendships, college educated but no job, a virgin, etc.. I stopped eating and sleeping for three days, or if I ate anything at all it tasted like cardboard.


What I "saw" was unbelievably awful and the pain was excruciating. The front part of my brain melted itself. I think the neurologists on this site would prefer to say I had a severe chemical imbalance, but that is the sensation I felt. It was as if someone were pouring a hot liquid through my head. By the end of the third day I felt that I would never speak again, that I'd lost the ability communicate entirely and would be rendered brain dead.


I know many of you don't want to hear this or will dismiss it entirely as something particular to my individual psyche, but there is an undeniable religious component to this. Believe me, as a moderately educated person who felt pretty confident about the progressive history of reason and science triumphing over religious superstition time and again, I would have dismissed it too if it hadn't really happened. What I saw was an enormous, black granite wall closing shut on me; and I "felt" (there is no adequate verb in the English language to describe this) the prayers?whispering?chanting? of people I hadn't seen (and didn't wish to see, that is key!) in years. And yes, these were devout, dedicated Christians, some of them even literalists I'm sure. This happened over a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.


Now there's a lot more to my case than just the info here, but suffice it to say that my experience has left me completely altered. I ended up hitting my head right where the pain originated, in my PFC, although cat scans were negative and the scar is barely noticeable now. This happened last year; now I'm on a mild anti-depressant and have done some enormously difficult things, things that I'd avoided for years. I pray now, and I go to church, and I read the Bible. It's not a simple, tidy solution (nothing ever is), I still have difficulty listening to people, following instructions and even reading. My ongoing recovery has lead to incremental changes in mood, behaviour, thoughts, and new sources of information, and while life is still incredibly difficult, where I'm at now compared to where I was is a miracle. Now with the time I have left I'm trying to "undo" this hallucination.


All I can say to the OP is this: please do not dabble with things beyond consciousness or reality. Jesus already did it for you when he fasted in the desert. Remember that genuine creativity always comes from God, whether sacred or secular, and in your right state of mind.

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All I can say to the OP is this: please do not dabble with things beyond consciousness or reality. Jesus already did it for you when he fasted in the desert. Remember that genuine creativity always comes from God, whether sacred or secular, and in your right state of mind.


I realize that this is your beliefs, but as this is a science forum you cannot just say something without providing evidence for it. You cannot use religion to prove or explain an phenomena in a scientific way.

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  • 11 months later...

I have developed a way to reliably hallucinate without drugs. You should be able to hallucinate strange faces and experience a strong evil presence. I have made a video which describes the technique:



Hope this is of interest to some of you, my freinds found it cool.

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Why not visit a professional hypnotist and ask him to give you hallucinatory suggestions while you are under?


One over-the-counter drug with enormous potential to induce hallucinations is insulin, but it seems almost never to be abused, probably since it can potentially cause permanent brain damage or even kill the user. Pushing hypoglycemia to the point where hallucinations supervene would also bring you well into the range of not being able to come out of it on your own, so unless you are fooling around with a group of medical friends, it's best not to try it.

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  • 7 months later...

i can self-induce hallucinations, but i only learned through taking the drugs how to do it. i couldnt really explain it. you do have to know what a hallucination looks like so that youd recognise it in the first place, because its just stuff moving for the most part. you just stare off as if youre looking at one of those eye gams where you are trying to make a shape appear out of a pattern, pretty much. it helps if youre tired, dehydrated, hot, in the dark and can see things blurrier, or if you can get to the point where the "darkness" is made up of tiny little white-noise dots. You can play with those. Start with something like a patterned ceiling.

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I would suggest that you do not try to


You could do some real damage to yourself



if you want to somewhat dream then go read a story or play a pc game like mass effect but dont mess up your body to do so.

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There are many claims that magnets induce blood flow and heal the body but no respectable sources have proved this (as far as I know.) Also, I don't see what the electromagnetic force would do to the body. It guess could affect iron in the blood or electromagnetic pulses in the brain but I don't see how this would make hallucenations.


After looking for a whileI couldn't find many articles but I found this one


I do not know how reputable a source it is but I will put it out there.


This one talks about the effect of magnets on rats. It says nothing about hallucenations, but then again they used rats so it would be hard to tell. But they subjected them to high levels of elctromagnetism which I doubt could be reproduced with simple magnets. It would need a powerful soure to induce it. So I will say that ordinary magnets will have no or very little effect.


I seem to remember a documentary where a medical researcher was using a strong magnet to induce an out of body experience (altered consciousness) or something like that. At least I think it was a magnet.


I think it was one of those Through the Wormhole docos with Morgan Freeman actually.


But as has been said above, it would take a magnet considerably stronger than a toy magnet to have any effect.


Here you go: http://apt.rcpsych.org/content/7/3/181.full


Apparently magnets are used to psychiatry.

Edited by Greg Boyles
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  • 1 month later...

Is there a method for hallucinating? Instead of using pyschedelic drugs like shrooms, acid, etc.


Is there a way where u dont need drugs to make u hallucinate?


Why i ask this? Because i want to experience hallucination, i want to know whats it like, visual and auditory, and other hallucinations.


Is there anyway to induce it?


Here's an simple enough way to hallucinate that's not physically harmful in any way:


Preferably done at night on a day that you're very tired. Also, minimal noise or distraction in the environment.


Your goal here is to achieve something similar to lucid dreaming BEFORE you're actually asleep. There's a very high chance you will lucid dream(aware your sleeping, able to control your dreams) once you do fall asleep.


Lay down on your back with your arms by your side. Work on relaxing every part of your body.


When you're relaxed, don't move a single part of your body, try to not even twitch, however feel free to move your eyes to look at the phosphenes (little stars/patterns you see when you close your eyes). Here you can also let your mind wander a little, focus on visualizing and thinking about something you want to dream or hallucinate about. Avoid scary stuff.


During this time avoid slipping into actual sleep. Staying aware of your physical body and mind can help with this, avoid letting your mind wander far, keep thoughts more focused and sharp rather than diffused and quiet (like how they are usually right before you sleep).


After about 45mins (Try not to think about the time, just visualize images and think happy and it will go by quickly.) your brain will think you're sleeping and send messages to your body to sleep. Most people feel something firm pushing gently down on their chest at this stage, if you feel this then it's your cue that you're physically sleeping. You may open your eyes now, (if you can't open your eyes don't be alarmed, your body naturally handicaps itself while sleeping so you don't hurt yourself while dreaming, if this happens you may have waited too long). When you open your eyes you will hallucinate, if you can't open your eyes you will lucid dream.



I recommend caution when messing with your dreams, I tried this once and I haven't slept or felt quiet the same since (it's been a couple months). I did not hallucinate but experienced something like an out of body experience and then went straight into a false awakening ("waking up" in your dream). "I woke up" in my bed and got up, walking into the other room I realized something wasn't right and that I was, in fact, dreaming. Although I was unable to grasp hold of the dream and could not control it (sometimes it takes a lot of practice) I ended up being stuck in the longest, most realistic nightmare of my life. Knowing I was dreaming but somehow not being able to make it happy or wake up. . The only simple way to explain all the weird occurrences is it seems like the barrier between my conscious and sub-conscious mind weakened. I've recently been showing symptoms leaning towards narcolepsy, sleep paralysis, and a form of amnesia. My proprioceptive sense seems much different, I frequently get the feeling I'm dreaming during the day then I dismiss the idea when everything seems absolutely normal, and lucid dream (I'm not trying to, I don't like it) more often than I sleep normally.


I just added my experience in there for perspective and info, I know it seems strange and these are all controversial subjects. I'm not worried as of now, but I'm considering seeing a doctor soon if symptoms persists. Also, if you know anything further info. or an explanation for my experience please let me know.

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  • 2 months later...

I had a fever yesterday and most certainly did hallucinate, heres what happend:

I was on the way home in my brothers car and he was smoking, wen he was done he flicked the cigarette out the window, he had thought it missed the window and may have landed in the car, so he asked his friend who was in the back with me to check on the floor for it, 'nothing' he says, then i glanced down and seen CLEARLY and VIVIDLY that it was on the floor and alot of smoke was pouring from it... I CLEARLY watched it sit there, so i asked the guy beside me to pick it up, and he says theres nothing on the floor, the EXACT second he said that it literally just dissapeared while i was looking at it, and all the smoke was just.. Not there? Very weird, still confused


And about a week ago my little brother had a fever, he was in bed and my mam went downstairs to get him a glass of water, she got back to his room and tried to open the door, but the handle wouldnt move because my brother was pulling the handle up so the door wouldnt open, mam told him to let go of the handle and that its just her, when she got in my mam asked him why were you holding the door closed? These are his exact words, "oh! Sorry mom..... I did it because when you were downstairs, all the other people were trying to bash the door in and they were all screaming, like theyre dying"


Weird stuff:)

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Weird stuff:)


When I was younger I had been sleep walking. I was sitting on a flight of stairs staring at my mother. I was conscious of my surroundings, and at the time I actually was sitting on the stairs staring at my mother; although I was still sleeping. She was surrounded by poor children from Africa and Sally Struthers was standing next to her. This was back in the eighties, so she was the eighties Sally Struthers. I looked at my mother and said "Mom, we have to feed the children!" I can still see the children surrounding my mother, I was maybe six at the time. Sleep walking was something I did fairly often up until my mid teens. I don't believe I was sick, although I was sick pretty regularly as a child. I have visual hallucinations like your cigarette fairly regularly without a fever. Oddly enough I had a dream with my mother in it last night, she hated me for being an emotional wreck!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I know you want to avoid drugs, but I guess what you really want to do is avoid something detrimental to your health, in that case "salvia divinorum" seems to be an hallucinogenic that is not detrimental to your health, but you need someone to take care of you while you haullucinate, I want to try it because it is safe...

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  • 2 weeks later...

When I was a little kid, I played DanceDanceRevolution quite intensely. When taking a break, I often hallucinated the rainbow colored arrows until I got a drink of water.

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  • 4 months later...

Is there a method for hallucinating? Instead of using pyschedelic drugs like shrooms, acid, etc.


Is there a way where u dont need drugs to make u hallucinate?


Why i ask this? Because i want to experience hallucination, i want to know whats it like, visual and auditory, and other hallucinations.


Is there anyway to induce it?


Other than drugs, Like LSD and Shrooms......


U have got food's that can give you hallucinations....some mild and some very intense...


1) Nutmeg - 3 spoons of ground nutmeg, should get you buzzing and hallucinating for about 14-28 hrs...side effects - Nausea, sleep deprivation etc...for a day......- Mild Hallucinations and Visual effects, colour change and you hear voices....Have tried it would not recommend 3 spoons, go for 2 and would be good enough


2) Parsley Oil - 5 to 10 capfull of this oil will get u tripping....Hallucinations are heavy and can last upto 14 hrs to a day....side effects, I dint have any other than bad stomach LOL....but i love the trip....more of hallucinations and sound effects....should try...depends on the persons body...so get into research and then give it a shot


3) Sarpa Salpa, a fish - ask for this particular fish - it doesnt have the hallucinogen, but it eats some algaes and plants that has a hallucinogen called indole.....Man its very hard to get a fish that has heavy amounts of indole in its head!!!! Luckily the first one i bought had good enuf indole, and its present in the head of the fish....eat the head and there you are enjoying mind blowing hallucinations for 48 hours....man my favourite trip, but after a while got a bit scary when i saw monster fish flying around my apartments...LOL...the best and safest i would say, also good for your health(from what i have read, please research more before trying)....the fishes head!!!


4) The datura or the moon flower or thorn apple - whatever yCou call it, its a sick hallucinogen....LISTEN CAREFULLY, OVER DOSAGE CAN KILL YOU IN NO TIME.....you have to be careful and with this kind of plant, start taking in little bits and understand the limit you can go upto....I started of with the seeds of the plant...started of with 5 eventhough 10 was the amount to be taken to see visual effects...5 and i had sounds going through walls etc....but bad headache next day morning...dint go for 10 cus my friend said the leaf is much better...2 leaves, grinded it and made tea....kept it for 30 minutes so the hallucinogen gets mixed with the water...and then had 2 cups...first 2 hours nothing....but after that the best i would say but very confusing...unlike shrooms or acid, u knoe that your are hallucinating and can tell which is real and which is not....but this trip you just dont have hallucinations but also delusions....for ex: I saw my friend waiting with the car keys at the basement and every-time i approached him, he disappeared...you get very confused and experience something called phantom cigarettes, everyone user of datura experience this LOL...where the cig keeps disappearing or vice versa....LOL.....amazing trip....you can also smoke the flower....everything you do with this plant has limits, and above the limits can be harmful and dangerous, and will need hospitalisation etc....do not overdo, 2 leaves or 10 seeds or one flower is the limits, more than that can be dangerous....Lasts for a day max...after effects are something like the worst hangover form liqour...headaches...sometimes sounds etc..


5)Stilton cheese - 20 grams of this shit and your having funny hallucinations....havent done it so cant comment much on it....


6)Half raw half ripe mulberries - large amounts of unripe mulberris can cause moderate hallucinations...never tried so no commnts...


7) Coffee - its said caffeine, aabove 250 mg can get you high, medically stoned lol...you hear voices bright colours...260 mg of caffeine would mean a starbucks tall coffee(120z)...hallucinations can come in at 500 mg to 700 mg of caffeine...which means about 8 to 9 tea cups of instant coffee or 4 to 5 cups of brewed....


Thats all for now man....thats all i got...am in an adventure to try everything that gets you tripping....LOL....heard there is this bullfrog...you take the sticky part outside in the skin area, and make it into powder and smoke it, you have mind blowing hallucinations for fucking just 30 mins, but tht min, u r in heaven or hell...depends how u see it...LOL...heard about it but never tried it or neither do i believe it until i see it and try it...will keep you guys posted on the safest things tht u can hallucinate on....Take it easy...safe tripping....when the nature itself provides you with hallucinogens, why LSD or Ketamine...LOL...Say no to drugs...heheheheh!!!!!





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Other than drugs, Like LSD and Shrooms......


U have got food's that can give you hallucinations....some mild and some very intense...


1) Nutmeg - 3 spoons of ground nutmeg, should get you buzzing and hallucinating for about 14-28 hrs...side effects - Nausea, sleep deprivation etc...for a day......- Mild Hallucinations and Visual effects, colour change and you hear voices....Have tried it would not recommend 3 spoons, go for 2 and would be good enough


2) Parsley Oil - 5 to 10 capfull of this oil will get u tripping....Hallucinations are heavy and can last upto 14 hrs to a day....side effects, I dint have any other than bad stomach LOL....but i love the trip....more of hallucinations and sound effects....should try...depends on the persons body...so get into research and then give it a shot


3) Sarpa Salpa, a fish - ask for this particular fish - it doesnt have the hallucinogen, but it eats some algaes and plants that has a hallucinogen called indole.....Man its very hard to get a fish that has heavy amounts of indole in its head!!!! Luckily the first one i bought had good enuf indole, and its present in the head of the fish....eat the head and there you are enjoying mind blowing hallucinations for 48 hours....man my favourite trip, but after a while got a bit scary when i saw monster fish flying around my apartments...LOL...the best and safest i would say, also good for your health(from what i have read, please research more before trying)....the fishes head!!!


4) The datura or the moon flower or thorn apple - whatever yCou call it, its a sick hallucinogen....LISTEN CAREFULLY, OVER DOSAGE CAN KILL YOU IN NO TIME.....you have to be careful and with this kind of plant, start taking in little bits and understand the limit you can go upto....I started of with the seeds of the plant...started of with 5 eventhough 10 was the amount to be taken to see visual effects...5 and i had sounds going through walls etc....but bad headache next day morning...dint go for 10 cus my friend said the leaf is much better...2 leaves, grinded it and made tea....kept it for 30 minutes so the hallucinogen gets mixed with the water...and then had 2 cups...first 2 hours nothing....but after that the best i would say but very confusing...unlike shrooms or acid, u knoe that your are hallucinating and can tell which is real and which is not....but this trip you just dont have hallucinations but also delusions....for ex: I saw my friend waiting with the car keys at the basement and every-time i approached him, he disappeared...you get very confused and experience something called phantom cigarettes, everyone user of datura experience this LOL...where the cig keeps disappearing or vice versa....LOL.....amazing trip....you can also smoke the flower....everything you do with this plant has limits, and above the limits can be harmful and dangerous, and will need hospitalisation etc....do not overdo, 2 leaves or 10 seeds or one flower is the limits, more than that can be dangerous....Lasts for a day max...after effects are something like the worst hangover form liqour...headaches...sometimes sounds etc..


5)Stilton cheese - 20 grams of this shit and your having funny hallucinations....havent done it so cant comment much on it....


6)Half raw half ripe mulberries - large amounts of unripe mulberris can cause moderate hallucinations...never tried so no commnts...


7) Coffee - its said caffeine, aabove 250 mg can get you high, medically stoned lol...you hear voices bright colours...260 mg of caffeine would mean a starbucks tall coffee(120z)...hallucinations can come in at 500 mg to 700 mg of caffeine...which means about 8 to 9 tea cups of instant coffee or 4 to 5 cups of brewed....


Thats all for now man....thats all i got...am in an adventure to try everything that gets you tripping....LOL....heard there is this bullfrog...you take the sticky part outside in the skin area, and make it into powder and smoke it, you have mind blowing hallucinations for fucking just 30 mins, but tht min, u r in heaven or hell...depends how u see it...LOL...heard about it but never tried it or neither do i believe it until i see it and try it...will keep you guys posted on the safest things tht u can hallucinate on....Take it easy...safe tripping....when the nature itself provides you with hallucinogens, why LSD or Ketamine...LOL...Say no to drugs...heheheheh!!!!!


so many answers here, nobody feels so weird why this guy wants to get hallucination ?


is he a masochist ?

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  • 7 months later...

The best way I've experienced hallucinations without drugs is Lucid Dreaming. It takes some practice and a lot of getting used to but, once you do it... it's quite addicting. It's not that hard to do either. It just all depends on your control of sleep. All you do is lay down and "go to sleep", it works best if you're extremely tired. Lay on your back with your arms at your sides and eyes closed. STAY PERFECTLY STILL. You must stay awake, though. Your brain will start sending signals to your body to see if you're ready to sleep. These signals will be something along the lines of getting an itch, changing your body position, wanting to blink or move your eyes (remember your eyes should be closed.) YOU MUST IGNORE ALL OF THESE IMPULSES. After about 20 - 30 minutes, you will feel a weight on your chest; you may even start hearing weird noises. You are now in sleep paralasis, if you open your eyes you'll begin to hallucinate (or as some call it dreaming with your eyes open), you will not be able to move your body. Your body is now completely asleep. If you want, now that you know you're dreaming (hallucinating) you can close your eyes and begin to dream instantly. You'll be fully aware of what your doing, & you can now (with some practice) control your dreams.

Lucid Dreaming is probably the most effective way I've done this without help.

-Sierra. (:

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I think you should follow up your idea on page 2, use magnets, it works when done properly! Place a tinfoil hat on your head and attach a magnet to a string and spin it round your head in circular motions. After about an hour you should feel high.


Don't let anyone see your magnets though, they're classed as drug paraphernalia.


If anyone sees your tinfoil hat and asks what it's for, don't say to get high... that will just sound crazy, just say it's to stop them reading your mind. They'll understand man.

Edited by Iota
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It may be possible to train yourself to hallucinate. The same neurons activate when we remember or think about something as when we experience it. We can improve our strength by thinking about exercising. Thus, reading a fantasy story must be similar to hallucinating. Reread the story until you memorize it. Replay the memory until it seems real...maybe.

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Prolonged heavy use of caffeine is also known to cause chronic insomnia, the ensuing sleep deprivation may then be source of psychotic-like symptoms.

But then the question becomes as to whether experiencing the hallucinations of a psychotic is the desired objective of your experiment.

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  • 2 years later...
  • 7 months later...

Dream.... and remember your dreams.... then as time goes on you might be able to become aware in your dream that you are in fact dreaming and you might be able to manipulate your experiences in that dream in a way that you experience some serious audio and visual hallucinations.


As far as hallucinating without drugs, the only way is to daydream I guess...or like someone suggested.... don’t sleep for 2 or 3 days. You can also try sensory depravation.... where you essentially strap yourself into a body bag, put earplugs in and completely remove yourself from all senses. After a day or 2 of this dreams will actually seem like real conscious experiences, which could be defined as hallucinations. I would recommend doing this under the supervision of doctors and or psychologist/psychiatrist

There were some experiments in the fifties or sixties in which sensory depravation was used to cause hallucinations. I remember seeing a documentary in which that was mentioned.

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There were some experiments in the fifties or sixties in which sensory depravation was used to cause hallucinations. I remember seeing a documentary in which that was mentioned.

For example this study from 1965.



Thirty-six college students individually experienced an hour of sensory deprivation while immobile and wearing translucent goggles. Half the sample spent the hour lying down in a horizontal position; half sitting up. Twelve Ss were randomly assigned to each of three report methods: continuous, voluntary, and silent. Anxiety and other S-characteristics were recorded. Sensory deprivation hallucinations (SDH) occurred significantly more often in the horizontal position. Reported sleeping decreased significantly with higher anxiety and continuous reporting. Report method, anxiety, intelligence, sex, daydreaming, and non-SDH visual imagery were not significantly related to SDH occurrence or vividness. Effects of horizontal position were interpreted as due to stimulus generalization from sleep. The horizontal position, analogous to the sleeping position, elicited SDH which conceivably may be analogous to dreams.

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