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Earth's spin


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Copied and pasted from a website:


Let's take the radius of Earth to be 6.37 million meters. Then the circumference is 2*pi*6.37e6 or 40 million meters. We cover that distance in 24 hours as Earth turns so the tangential speed (Vt) of a person on Earth's surface is 4e7/(24*3600) meters per second. This comes out to be 463 meters per second.


Centrifugal force Fc is given by Fc=m*Vt^2/R where m is the mass of the object at Earth's surface and R is the radius of Earth. In our case lets take the mass of a person to be 100kg so Fc=100*463^2/6.37e6. That is Fc=3.365 Newtons.




F=ma so his force is (100kg) (9.8 m/s2)

The force holding the person to the earth is 980N


Just substitute values:

980N = 100(x^2) / 6.37e6


7901m/s or roughly 17 times the speed at which its spinning now.


I did that really quick, so someone correct me if i'm wrong :l

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Yes, I got the same but it can be done more simple:


'Get more' symbols isn't working for me so it will have to be this way:


m.g = m.v.v / r and v= w.r


g = w.w.r.r/r



f = sqrt(g/r) / (2.pi) = 0.00019728 times/sec


T = 1/f = 5068.8 sec = 1.41hours or 24h/1.4h =17 times faster.


like you see it is mass independant.


edit: add on

0.3442 * COS(latitude) * COS(latitude) = percentage that you weight less due to earths rotation.

That number is w.w.r/g*100 or 1/(17*17)*100


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