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Four 4s ongoing challange!


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Hi everyone!


Here's the ongoing challenge: Using any mathematical operations you want, but only four 4s (Or less) for the numbers, create equations to equal as many numbers as possible.


Here are the rules:


1. All four "4"s must be used in each equation.

2. No other numbers can be used in the equations.

3. You may use any mathematical operations and symbols (not including symbols for other numbers, like Pi, e, etc.) you wish.

4. The answers in this thread will start with trying to find an answer resulting in 1, then the next person must find a solution resulting in 2, the next person 3, and so on.

5. This is to continue as long as answers can be found.

6. The winner will be considered the person who has found the answer to the highest number. They will remain the winner until the next highest answer is found.


I'll start this thread off with a solution for 1:


[math](4/4) * (4/4) = 1[/math]


So, how about a solution for 2?




Ryan Jones

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