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Hell is Vengeance, not Justice


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For a long period in human history, Justice was hard to come by - the lack of forensic science and modern methods of catching a killer, meant many crimes would go undetected

Hence the wild, wild west where matters were settled with a gun rather than the law - but that is Vengeance, not Justice

It is in such times that Gods and Heaven and Hell were invented - the criminal would get "Justice" ie torture and brutality in hell

We still see this in some primitive countries where criminals are tied up and lashed, thieves having their hands cut off etc

And of course Hollywood LOVES vengeance - the "Kill Bill" move genre where the hero or heroine gets hurt in the beginning and then the audience is treated to a kill fest - their blood lust is satisfied!

But is this Justice? Did the Hero or Heroine get their loved ones back? Justice is when the VICTIM is made whole, right?

If a child was abducted and the parents could choose between a) getting their child back safely or b) the criminal dies a brutal death, their child still lost

Which one would the parents pick? 100% would pick option a of course

In today's times if some drunk guy drives his car into our parked car or house and causes damages, we don't take our car and damage his car or damage his house, do we?

In a civilized world, we make the guy pay for the damages - no one is hurt, the VICTIM comes out happy

What is amazing is that the all-powerful "God" cannot offer Justice, only Vengeance!

A few years ago a little child was abducted, raped and killed! The criminal was caught and I think he is in jail now awaiting death

So let's assume God forgives him, everyone will agree that that is totally wrong

So God dumps him in hell - is that Justice?

That little girl did not get to enjoy life - hang out with friends, first dances or crushes, college, a career, falling in love, marriage, kids - all the joys of life that the rest of us got to enjoy!

And her parents also did not get to enjoy all the joys of parenting, at every graduation, every marriage, every birth of a child, they are reminded of their little girl lost

So again, we end up with a "God" who is unable to offer Justice

Clear evidence that these are man-made Gods and man-made ideas of the afterlife

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2 minutes ago, Bufofrog said:

In the bible it is written that God is a jealous and vengeful god.  So it is not surprising that hell would be for vengeance and not so much for justice. 

I am saying that was the world they lived in - a very violent world where matters were settled with violence rather than with Justice.

Hence the "Gods" they gave birth

It is the reverse - it is man who made God in his image - in this case a King/Dictator demanding obedience and loyalty & rewarding(Heaven)/punishing(Hell) accordingly

What is sad is that we have not moved much forward if we go by Hollywood's standards of "Justice"

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