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No matter how small the distance is to something if you only go half way you won't get there, right?  Say you are 10 ft from your goal and you go half way, now you are 5 ft away.  Now you go half way to your goal and you are only 2.5 ft away.  You never will reach your goal because no matter what the distance is you only go half way there, never all the way.

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1 hour ago, Superkidsavee said:

Could somebody please explain the Archimedes principle All I really understand is that you split distance in half and never reach the designated spot btw I am 13 so Please Simplify it so I can under stand

That’s Zeno’s paradox.

Archimedes principle is about a solid displacing fluid, and feeling a buoyant force equal to the weight of the displaced fluid.

edit: xpost with iNow

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