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A Quantum Periodic Table of Elements


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Quantum Mechanics deals with the behavior of the most fundamental particles and has been one of the most successful theories in human history.  The continuing development of a Quantum Periodic Table of Elements is so important to encourage discovery and improve education in all the sciences. I don't know about everyone else, but I have felt like that not enough has been done to create and promote a Periodic Table of Elements System that prioritizes fundamental quantitative data in the arrangement and nomenclature/numbering system.  By far the most common and familiar is the Standard Periodic Table of Elements which places many Elements out of Order and severely limits the amount of useful element data that can be extracted from the System. The Lanthanides and Actinides are arbitrarily placed out of order "to save paper space".  The (1-18) numbering system does not include the "Rare Earth Elements" and really does not correspond to any Element data. 

The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry has switched back and forth between numbering systems but still have yet to come up with one that's either fully complete or fully accurate. I have still been unable to find a single Periodic Table of Elements anywhere that has a complete and accurate numbering system that corresponds to the simple quantitative element data. So I have always been the type of person where if I don't see something being done that needs to be done, I will just do it myself.   I have been working on this for over 8 years and have some of my work published in an editorial Periodical by the Association of Chemistry Teachers http://www.associationofchemistryteachers.org/ISSUE 15 ACT NEWS LETTER.pdf on page 5 and also in their previous issue on the back cover.

You can also find my work on Dr. Mark Leech's Worlds Largest Periodic Table Database here https://www.meta-synthesis.com/webbook/35_pt/pt_database.php?PT_id=1099 and here https://www.meta-synthesis.com/webbook/35_pt/pt_database.php?PT_id=1124 and I am excited to say that the Genesis Quantum Periodic Table allows the user to extract measurably more accurate and useful Element information than any Periodic Table currently available. No other Periodic Table allows students to easily identify the Electron Spin of any Element for Orbital Diagrams without having to reference a separate chart. In addition, this System also makes it easier to identify and remember periodic trends and anomalies like Technetium, Promethium and Hund's Rule exceptions. Furthermore, having a complete and accurate numbering system makes learning the Stable Bonding Rules of Chemistry intuitive and easy because they are actually built into the Periodic Table System. 

The Genesis Periodic Table of Elements is a true Quantum Periodic Table of Elements and a Universal Language of Science that is based first and foremost on the fundamental quantitative data of the Elements (Number of Valence Electrons, Number of Core Electrons, Number of Protons and Electron Configurations) with any Element behaviors or properties being secondary components of the system.  What this does is it moves Helium over into group 2 based on its 2 Valence Electrons and S Orbital Type.  It move the Lanthanides and Actinides back to their correct positions because we barely use books anymore anyways and everyone has widescreen everything so "saving paper space" is an outdated tradition at best and suppression of knowledge at worst.

Hopefully it is just something that has been overlooked because this Periodic Table just flat out provides more accurate and complete information and that is what science is supposed to be all about. What is the best and most Red Pill, Mind Blowing way to look at the Atoms and Elements in my opinion, is plotting them 1 by 1 based on the Simple Quantitative Data and the Periodic Law. First, because it is giving you a glimpse into the history of the Universe as Elements were formed smallest to largest, not all at once.  When you plot the Elements 1 by 1, say with flash cards, you will find that there are checkpoints such as the one at Element 20-21 where a new type of logic for the numbering System introduces itself.

All Elements up to 20 add Valence Electrons and Element 21 is the first Element to add a Core Electron, the numbering system injects a (9) into the middle of the Periodic Table based on the number of Core Electrons in Scandium's D Orbital and the others in that column. If you are using flashcards to plot the Elements, you will discover that you will have to move either 8 or 12 cards to fit Element 21 in its position. Before this, no cards needed to be moved and there were no breaks. The first 20 Elements can be plotted quickly and the logic is very easy to follow. It will likely not be an exercise you will repeat many times, listing all the Elements 1 by 1 by hand, but it is important to see it at least once because it is literally the Elemental History of our Universe and gives us a glimpse into how the Atoms and Periodic Law unfolded. 

I think its very important that students understand up to Element 20 without the rest of the Periodic Table as this is where the large majority of the Elements in the Universe exist.  All DNA, Proteins, Stars and about 99.997% of the Atoms exist within only these first 20 Elements and its a great time to explain how Hydrogen and Helium don't really fit anywhere perfectly and are anomalies of the Periodic Table right away.  Helium's traditional position with the noble gases based on its behavior of being an inert gas instead of its quantitative data of having 2 valence Electrons is the reason why the Standard Periodic Table numbering system is always inaccurate. All the Other noble gases have 8 Valence Electrons and closed Electron Shells, yes. But Helium is an S Orbital with 2 Valence Electrons and in Quantum World, Quantity Rules Above Everything, So Helium starts in Group 2 and can slide over to group 8 which will turn to group 0 when it does for the number of Electrons Needed for a stable shell to maintain accuracy in the numbering system. 

In Fact, Helium's position has been in disputed since its discovery.  Because this is a Quantum Periodic Table where we care most about the Fundamental Quantitative Data, Helium starts in Group 2 and has a secondary position in Group 8. Hydrogen also has a Secondary Position over Carbon based on its half filled Electron Shell and Electronegativity and a tertiary position in Group 7 with the Halogens as it only needs 1 Electron for a full shell. When Hydrogen is over the Halogens the numbering system would also need to change to maintain accuracy from 7 to 1 Electron needed for a stable bond. It would take far longer than one post to stress the importance of having a complete and accurate numbering system when it comes to getting the most out of your Periodic Table of Elements.  I cant believe its already 2am so that's enough for now.  Ill post more of my work if there is any interest. I hope this is making sense and I encourage everyone to test the number of data points in the Genesis Table System vs the Standard Periodic Table.

If anyone has any questions about how this Periodic Table arrangement provides more useful and accurate Element data points let me know and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Also any respectful or constructive feedback would be greatly appreciated. Hope you all find this interesting and informative.  


Justin Colburn

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