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Drake Equation

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This is probably a really simple question, but I have written a small python application that adds two numbers together,  and I want to expand this so there are more entry boxes so I can make a program that can solve a drake equation for a given set of figures.

This is more of a proof of concept and personal challenge,

Looking at the equation on WikiPedia



Am I right in thinking that I have to multiply all the values together ? as this just shows dots between the various variables.   I think I remember reading somewhere that dots in equations mean multiply but that was years ago. 

Writing a simple application should not be too much of a problem, Just a line of boxes (input) + labels, output box, button to produce the result and a clear box to clear everything. 

Just more of a personal project., but happy to share anyway.

Thank you for any advice


Paul Sutton

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9 minutes ago, paulsutton said:

Am I right in thinking that I have to multiply all the values together ?

It looks correct.
And according to the Wikipedia article:


looking at them it became pretty evident that if you multiplied all these together, you got a number, N, which is the number of detectable civilizations in our galaxy.


Edited by Ghideon
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