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Tell me how to cook this spaghetti...


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There are some packages of noodle sold in store that you can take to home to boil and cook and add some sauce to make it spaghetti. I felt that the one cooked by me is different to the stores'. The ones from stores have that kind of oily taste, so I assume they must use some kind of oil soup to boil their delicious-made spaghetti. Can you guys tell me how to cook spaghetti with the noodles feeling so oily and smelling? Do I just pour oil into the boiling soup when cooking it? And do I need to add some other materials to do?

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Very important when living alone in room with hot-plate to eat alot of fresh vegetables and fruits seriously. Okay you can't cook. You're like every other bachelor on the planet. This doesn't mean you have to die of malnutrition:



(1) How to Boil Water:

Take pot of boiling water. Add tablespoon of salt to raise boiling temperature: This will let you cook the pasta faster! You will notice that you can bring the pot to a boil faster with the lid on, but it will boil over again and again. So stick a wooden spoon between the lid and the pot, so some steam can easily escape. Adjust to prevent boiling over while speeding up boil. Now add a tablespoon or two of Olive Oil. Why? This will coat the pasta and prevent it from sticking, making for easy clean up, which you will appreciate later! Also, You will get some essential oils into your diet so be generous with the (cold-pressed) Extra Virgin Olive Oil.


(2) Boil The Pasta:

Now your are ready to boil the pasta. Unlike the way everyone else does it, (because if you are a typical male slob like most of us you will need to do this: ) BREAK the spagetti in thirds. This way, it will fit in the pot easily, cook evenly, and you can actually eat it without splashing spagetti sauce all over you face and white T-shirt.


(3) Now Steam Your Vegetables:

If you are clever, you will have gone out and bought a 'steamer'. That is, a special second pot that fits above the first, and has holes in the bottom. Now you can chop up lots of green vegetables like green pepper, onions, tomatoes, cucumber, bits of potatoe etc. and dump them in this upper pot. You put the upper pot on top of the lower pot with the spagetti cooking. Now the steam from below quickly cooks the vegetables at the same time! You get good nutrition too, because instead of boiling the vegetables, which drains half the nutrition out, you have crispy delicious flavourful steamed vegetables soft enough to chew even after you have lost most of your teeth from scurvy after living alone for 20 years.


(4) Check the Pasta:

Remember to frequently check the pasta. Do NOT leave the kitchen when cooking. Next to falling asleep drunk with a cigarette in your hand on the couch, the most common fires are caused by leaving the cooking area with the STOVE ON. Please remember that you should never leave an unattended pot of boiling water around for children to spill on themselves, or other drunks in your flophouse to bump into and burn their balls.


(5) The Pasta is Done When:

The rule of thumb is: Put twice as much water in as pasta, so you don't boil off the water, and burn the pasta. You will know when the pasta is cooked, because whatever shape it is, it will swell to twice its size when it is cooked all the way through. You will of course be impatient. So keep stirring the pasta so it doesn't stick to the bottom of the pot and get burned on there. Otherwise you will spend an hour cleaning the burnt pot, and your pasta will taste like crap. Remember not to throw the pasta on the wall to see if it sticks. This is just TV Bullcrap. And you landlord will throw you out for destroying the wallpaper and plaster.


(6) Buy Canned or Bottled Sauce:

But avoid the 'hot/zesty' sauces. These will open up your sleuces at both ends. Now you know you are too lazy and inexperienced to make your own sauce, but you have gotten around this by steaming fresh vegetables. Now you can dump the pasta into the steamer and drain the water off. From here put it all in a big bowl, and add the sauce. Add salt and pepper, and NOT too much garlic or other spices. You are now ready to impress all the other hoboes on your floor in the rooming house with a delicious and nutritious meal.


(7) Only Hand Out Forks and Spoons to Outpatients:

Remember, nothing ruins a good meal like a knife-fight over who has the most nipples. So don't provoke your guests by issuing them personal weapons. Just give them the spoons, and make sure everyone is taking their meds with the meal.

Key points:

Turn down heat on stove/hotplate.

Add salt/olive oil to boiling water.

Steam some fresh vegetables with the pasta.

Hide concealable weapons.


Now you will be able to live twice as long as the other residents in your government housing project, as long as you aren't clubbed with a bat from behind on the way to the store with your welfare check.

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real pasta is never cooked with olive oil in the water, it does nothing at all, it`s a myth.


the salt you add must be enough also, it is said that the water to boil pasta in should be as salty as the Mediteranian sea, the water should be at a "rolling boil" before adding the pasta also, for spaghetti, if you level them all even then drop one end in the water with a slight twist, they will fall evenly around the pan.

only use wooden implements too, metal can damage the pasta.


the pasta mustn`t be over cooked, it needs texture in the center called al dente (to the tooth).


drain it well after this and serve right away, the sauce you add is entirely up to you, sometimes tossed in olive oil and fresh basil with parmesan cheese slices is perfect on it`s own :)

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