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Gravity as the curvature of the wave function of the universe.

Kuyukov Vitaly

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Modern general theory of relativity considers gravity as the curvature of space-time. The theory is based on the principle of equivalence. All bodies fall with the same acceleration in the gravitational field, which is equivalent to locally accelerated reference systems. In this article, we will affirm the concept of gravity as the curvature of the relative wave function of the Universe. That is, a change in the phase of the universal wave function of the Universe near a massive body leads to a change in all other wave functions of bodies. The main task is to find the form of the relative wave function of the Universe, as well as a new equation of gravity for connecting the curvature of the wave function and the density of matter

It is remarkable that the change in the phase of the universal wave function of the Universe as the main diriger leads to a change in the phases of the wave functions of all other particles in the Universe. Which leads to the equivalence principle and the concept of emerging gravity. In addition, gravity can be shown as the curvature of the wave function of the Universe due to the action of many particles, that is, just bodies. Consider an example for a system of two particles. For this you can use the perturbation theory. The contribution from the first particle to the gravitational time dilation and phase change of the relative wave function of the Universe.



Edited by Kuyukov Vitaly
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This isn't a bad start, the pdf looks promising but we prefer it if you can copy it here so others don't have to download it. 

It's also one of the forum rules. I like the math details you have but at work atm so when I get a chance I will look into it deeper.

There are a few changes I will recommend and a few metrics that would be useful to add.

Get back to this when I can

I would off the bat recommend using the four momentum as applied under relativity and QFT in QFT the field is an operator.

Edited by Mordred
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Why is everything on your paper strictly two dimensional ? Yes that complies to a Hilbert space  but if your going to model spacetime you need two Hilbert spaces with a parity operator. All your wavefunctions is two dimensional

I suggest you study the methodology done by Wheeler DeWitt. You don't have the required dimensionality.


You should also apply the FRWL metric for separation distance


[latex]S\kappa(r)= \begin{cases} R sin(r/R &(k=+1)\\ r &(k=0)\\ R sin(r/R) &(k=-1) \end {cases}[/latex]

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it is not a wave function of particles.  it is a spherical wave function.  The main reason for the isotropy of space-time is the isotropy of the wave function of the universe relative to the observer.

$$ \psi=e^{i t R}=e^{i t \sqrt{x^2+y^2+z^2}}$$

Edited by Kuyukov Vitaly
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I wasn't expecting a particle wavefunction however you are connecting the wavefunction to gravity which would lead to a quadrupole wavefunction. Where as you have Dipolar wavefunctions. Look at the proofs of how GW waves were derived and you will see what I mean. The GW waves takes spacetime itself through the EFE to derive a quadrupole wave. The gravity formulas your using are anistropic. They describe a Centre of mass distribution.

Edited by Mordred
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