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Natural way to grow taller than your potential height?


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Right... because if there is excess calcium in the body beyond the set point... the body likes to store it in bone... meh... I'm not sure how well that contributes to stature, though. 7 mm doesn't seem like that much.

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I'm not very sure about growth after 20+. I've tried exercises and diet before but it seem doesn't help. I am 24 by the way.


My cousin recommended me an alternative for my shortness, height insoles, something like this he bought another day> height insoles


I'm not sure if this really works or it may cause pain to our feet. Anyone with experience using them please share your opinions.


Thank you!:rolleyes:

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40 years ago I went to Japan, I was a giant in the countryside (I am 5'6" female), I was much taller than the men and women.


In Tokyo they were a bit taller, but still I was as tall as the tallest of men and taller than the girls.


Today I am average for the girls and the young men are tall.


40 years ago they did not eat meat at all. They only had Kobe beef, and a small steak was $100.+


For the last 20 years they've been importing meat from the USA.


So, it ain't science, but it's experience, and it appears to me that eatting meat while growing up makes you taller.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am 19 year old male, haven't grown in the past 3 years! Being really desperate i searched up bunch of things i can take to stimulate the growth hormone, after talking to the doctor he said that they are really dangerous and usually ineffective. So I stumbled upon this site to get naturally increase your height without any injections or pills. I have been doing it for the past 6 months and I feel much better because my posture did improve and my friends noticed a change in me. It is not going to do miracles for you of course but at least it is natural exercises. So far i got half an inch. But hey, every centimeter counts )

You can check out the guide here: How to Grow Taller Guide

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My impression is that growing pains are more intense after a period of intense exercise. I biked 40 miles one day with my son and shortly afterward he had very intense growing pains at night. I believe the alternating compression and decompressing of the bones stimulate growth. This is of course lay speculation. Normally I would avoid posting speculation, but I believe there is some truth in this and hopefully someone with more knowledge of the specific mechanics of bone-growth will confirm or reject my hypothesis by providing grounded reasoning.

Edited by lemur
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  • 4 months later...

Human growth hormone is a naturally occurring substance that is released from the pituitary gland during sleep and is responsible for growth in height as well as healthy skin maintenance. Individuals whose bodies are unable to naturally produce enough human growth hormone during their childhood years may have stunted growth as an adult as a result. Kidney disease and genetic disorders can lead to the body's inability to produce sufficient amounts of human growth hormone.

Edited by Mr Skeptic
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There are hormones you can take and surgical procedures that can be performed to make you taller, but they all cause so many unwanted side effects or stresses that they are not worth it unless you are extremely short. The one thing you can safely do to increase your height is to do exercises to build up your muscle mass, since muscle mass measurably bulks up to add some height. Even just consciously standing taller can compensate a bit -- just look at the posture of James Cagney.


To keep everything in perspective, keep in mind that the average height of males in North America is now 5'10". Bragging makes it seem as if the average were higher, since there are many 5'8" males around who for some reason insist that they are 6' tall. That average varies considerably by country, with Germans and Austrians averaging about 2 inches taller than North Americans, and Spaniards, Italians, and Frenchmen being shorter.


It is sad but true that taller men are accorded more social 'stature,' have an easier time being taken seriously or getting jobs, and most of all, have much more success attracting women. The downside is that they often rely on their height to do so much social advancement work for them that they neglect developing either a brain or a personality, which ultimately costs them. I remember reading a survey in Germany which showed that medical students there were an average of 2 inches taller than German non-medical students. When I was a medical student in Germany I learned to recognize all my friends by the look of their belt buckle.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Secretion of growth hormone reaches at the highest point during adolescence. This makes sense because this hormone assists stimulation of our body to grow, but the secretion of it does not stop after adolescence. Usually, our body produces it in short bursts during deep sleep.So for this you can take HGH (Human Growth Hormone)...




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  • 4 weeks later...
Human growth Hormone is responsible for a person growing taller, but there are other areas where HGH helps in human development. HGH is proven to reverse muscle wasting in persons suffering from AIDS. It is claimed (not yet proven) that HGH supplements slow down the ageing process making one live longer.<br style=""> <br style="">
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  • 4 months later...

There are hormones you can take and surgical procedures that can be performed to make you taller, but they all cause so many unwanted side effects or stresses that they are not worth it unless you are extremely short. The one thing you can safely do to increase your height is to do exercises to build up your muscle mass, since muscle mass measurably bulks up to add some height. Even just consciously standing taller can compensate a bit -- just look at the posture of James Cagney.


To keep everything in perspective, keep in mind that the average height of males in North America is now 5'10". Bragging makes it seem as if the average were higher, since there are many 5'8" males around who for some reason insist that they are 6' tall. That average varies considerably by country, with Germans and Austrians averaging about 2 inches taller than North Americans, and Spaniards, Italians, and Frenchmen being shorter.


It is sad but true that taller men are accorded more social 'stature,' have an easier time being taken seriously or getting jobs, and most of all, have much more success attracting women. The downside is that they often rely on their height to do so much social advancement work for them that they neglect developing either a brain or a personality, which ultimately costs them. I remember reading a survey in Germany which showed that medical students there were an average of 2 inches taller than German non-medical students. When I was a medical student in Germany I learned to recognize all my friends by the look of their belt buckle.



I should have taken the medical course in my university lol. By the way it really surprised me to learn that a lot of my friends are "secretly" wearing shoe lifts(I knew this when I saw them taking off their shoes during several occasions), something that I found on the web> shoe lifts.


I guess one day there would have easier way to grow taller but before that elevator shoes or shoe lifts are perhaps the only guaranteed way.



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I'm 15, 5"9 and am about 159 pounds. I wanted to know how i can get taller naturally to at least 6 foot so I visited some websites.


Few of the sites I visited are:












All of these sites seem fake and dangerous but I'm not sure. Have any of you used these or have betteer suggestions to grow taller?


Have you gone through your growth spurt to get to your present height? Have you plateaued? How tall are your parents? These are all questions that are relevant to your eventual height though in the end everyone is different. You do know already that you have obtained a healthy stature. You are almost average height already. There are certainly advantages to being taller, but there are equally advantages to being shorter. If not we would all be taller. Stay healthy, work on your fitness and avoid the gimmicks.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I'm 15, 5"9 and am about 159 pounds. I wanted to know how i can get taller naturally to at least 6 foot so I visited some websites.

Few of the sites I visited are:







All of these sites seem fake and dangerous but I'm not sure. Have any of you used these or have betteer suggestions to grow taller?


The only site I trust for growing taller is HeightForum. The site is on its third iteration and is is cleaner and crisper. The admin grew an additional inch after he stopped growing for a year. You can check the site out for more info


If you are 15 years old, you are still in your puberty. You are quite tall for your age. I know you know that height is genetics. If both parents are tall, there is a big chance that you will be tall. If you are still in puberty, you can maximize your spurt by following the tips in this article How Do You Grow Taller?


There are tons of websites that talk about how to grow taller. I would suggests you visit height increase forums to learn more. Lots of luck to you!

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For a 15 year old, 5'9" is a very good height. What's more important is that you are still in your growing age, and will remain for about another 5-10 years.

So my advice is that instead of looking for such programs (some of which might not be scam) you should wait until you are at least 18. I am sure that in coming three years you would exceed 6".

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I found this really useful blog http://thegrowtallerguide.blogspot.com/


Been following it for a couple of weeks and Im sure I have grown!





I'm 15, 5"9 and am about 159 pounds. I wanted to know how i can get taller naturally to at least 6 foot so I visited some websites.

Few of the sites I visited are:







All of these sites seem fake and dangerous but I'm not sure. Have any of you used these or have betteer suggestions to grow taller?

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As far as I know there are little plates on the end of your bones from which new bone comes from. Once you hit your late teens those plates turn into regular bone, which means at 18 or so you stop growing. Taking HGH after the plates have hardened won't have much effect on your height. There may be, however, a hormone that reforms those growth plates, I don't know about that.

I should explain in medical terms what @ecrdndrs said. Actually, it is the long bones and the vertebral column that matter the most for the height of an individual. The long bones of human body include femur, tibia, fibula, radius, ulna, and humerus. A typical long bone is divided into three parts during teen ages. These are Epiphysis (the head), Diaphysis (the shaft) and Metaphysis (the connection between head and shaft). Before about 20 years of age, the metaphysis of a long is cartilaginous. It has active cells that produce new cartilaginous mass, which is actively converted to bony mass, thus causing an increase in length of bone. After about 20 years, the metaphyseal cartilage itself becomes converted to bony mass (ossified) and hence no more growth can take place. At this stage, the epiphysis and diaphysis are said to be fused.

Once they are fused, no hormones or drugs are going to help to increase the length of a person to a significant extent. But before the fusion occurs, supplements can help to increase the length. However, it must be understood that height of individual depends on three factors:


1) Genetic makeup

2) Nutrition

3) Lifestyle and health


If all three factors are favorable, a person should attain the maximum height permitted by his genes.


NOTE: In case someone wants more information on the epiphysis, diaphysis thing, here are a few links:

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  • 1 month later...

I grew to 6'2 through years of sports. I don't mean lift weights or manual labor, I mean sports. Like skydiving to work or pulling the earth up, stuff like that.


Jokes aside, I drank milk regularly, never got sick, visit the parks often and run around like a crazed werewolf. Also, pretend the couch and TV never exist. Stay close to nature and oxygen and hope for the best


I've seen many people whose parents are shorter, and people whose parents are taller, so it is not completely genetics.

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  • 1 year later...

From ParanoiA

Posted 5 April 2008 - 05:09 PM

That's not true though. They call mine and my son's condition Ideopathic Short Stature. There are formulas available to keep the cartilage growth going and postpone the point at which the epiphyseal plate completely ossifies. Coupled with growth hormone this allows for height beyond your natural born potential.





Do you know any of these formulas to postpone ossification?

Edited by Tarot
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  • 4 weeks later...

Desperate people do surgery just to get 3 inches taller. What they do is they chainsaw their bones in their legs and extend them with a metal rod. Many people who did this couldn't walk for the rest of their lives.

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  • 4 months later...

Please Please someone do some research on Pubmed HGH INCREASES GROWTH RATE NOT FINAL HEIGHT -yes keep reading this and look it up for got sake. THEY ONLY TREAT KIDS WITH GROWTH HORMONE DEFICIENCY THAT'S IT.


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