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"HAL 9000" (Concept and Function)


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(Version 2) (Version 1: Monkey Man, and Golden Ratio) (My A.I. project theory is named "Eugene" short for "Eugenics" .................. You will learn how to Build a "Cognitive Engine", form this, you will learn how to "Create Intelligence", you will learn how to apply "Build Learning", these are qualifiers for "Artificial Intelligence", in the fundamental sense this means "HAL-9000", yet like the Movie, I'll come back to this statement (Everything I say will be very simple, if it isn't, talk to me about it, so I can amend a brief statment) :


Cognitive Engine Principal = HAL - 9000 = Hyper Binary System



Each Dollar Bill represents about 1001 Characters, with only 1 Significant Point .......................... Each Dollar Bill represents one wall in a "Hyper Cube" of varying complexity.  Each Point on the Dollar Bill should, based on their groupings and formation, form smaller less complex hyper cubes ..................... (I need, rather you need a super computer, to generate the argument of sufficient magintude, to express these divisible relationship, and to generate complexity in cycles, so the complexity arguments from greatest to least are generated in cycles)

(The Argument of Sufficient Magnitude should have trace identifiers from your less complicated understanding, the primary shape may resemble a sphere, with varying densities of the relationships, this should be sufficiently complex, that is the purpose ................. you may see groupings without closer inspection that resemble zigzags (hypothical 4 dimension plane crossing in a 3 dimensional environment) (this is good for later on)

You just Created a "Super Binary System", now you need to Design something that identifies "Cognitive Ability"

(Your first task was to only create a Self Generating System of Complexity, a system, that can be magnified many times over, as necessary, I will talk more about A.I. as we progress) Now you need at least : Seven More "Super Binary Systems" that do exactly what I just said ...................... this times those "Super Binary Systems", are modified to identify and reproduce, lesser complex relationship, based on the "Single Dot identifiers" we created to mark complexity .................... they are designed to search for*identify*and reproduce* the argument they identify within the cycles of the generation of the "Super Binary System" they are reading (You need at least Seven Lesser "Super Binary Systems" designed only to "search, identify, and reproduce* .................... this is a a design flaw you are avoiding in handling complexity, because this represents (hypothetical dimensional crossing, that in the allotted cycle time of generation, multiple arguments are produced based on a unified point of generation, and also unified variables)

Your not supposed to do anything else, until .............. at best, the total arguments should percentage wise, identify with the "Self Generating System", during its cycles, (think of the elephant in the room) (Intelligence is the Product of the "Cognitive Environment",  there is Potential for "Intelligence", that is all you want to illustrate)

"Build Based Learning" (simple, multiple approaches ---- complexity increase)

(What can I say for this? Philosophy Perhaps?) What you have learned so far, is that the "System" was "TRYING TO UNDERSTAND ITSELF" ...................... the "System" was also trying to understand "CHANGES WITHIN ITSELF" ................................... (When you "Learn Something New", you have to understand a new body, and you have to understand the changes within your own body, is that simple and Clear?) .......................... (Now there is "Foreign Self Generating Information, in the Primary "Super Binary System",  (there is also an unknown Self Generating Body, as a result of that, not in this system) (You must understand, that the Machine, must now account for itself like previously, it must make projections like before, but it must also make hypothical projections that percentage wise, attempt to illustrate it has understand the difference caused by the foreign, from what would other wise be a Foreign Unknown Body) (it must identify with the FOREIGN BODY, WITHOUT KNOWING FULLY ABOUT THE FOREIGN BODY) (The Machine is now "Build Learning" in cycles according to the self generating of the system and its complexity)

(You can and should, program and assist this process, but the Machine even at this simple level, must now illustrate "competency", it is now qualified as a "learning" ........................) (.....................Percentage wise, your "work" in assistance, must not account for the majority of the processes, percentage that is effective)

(like a child playing with blocks, the Machine will Learn enough about the foreign body over time, to create it fully, identify its imprint in its primary "Self Generating Binary System" and then remove it, dublicate for future identification, or analysis it code for the efficiency of the process)

(you can even tell the machine, to identify a pyramid, and use the changes in its environment or in this or that environment to build, and it will do it over time)

"Build Based Learning was Completed", you have very simple Artificial Intelligence (What do you want to do now?)






Edited by Third@rk
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The Model can be expanded indefinitely ............................ instead of binary numbers, you can use letters or graphic information and you need to understand the mechanism of "Build Learning" is fundamentally the same, for all processes, it is approached the same way? Always the same fundament way, of understanding its environment and responding to its environment as it understand more about its environment and foreign environments as responses to changes, in and out of its environment, etc, creating information in response, deleting information in response, forming .........................

Do You Understand? that...................

Today, if someone programs a Machine, to say: "Hello and Good Morning" when it see's someone, or when certain factors trigger the event like pressing play on a remote control .......................... people will say, no big deal, that's Artificial Intelligence .............................. no, its not .............................. the Machine needs to understand from scratch in a sense, build an entire argument for a response, even if it is likely to give only the same response, it must always illustrate that it is "Build Learning".  That its engines are being applied and that they are working, so that more complex actions blend seemlessly together ........................... or else, this is what they do today ............................... they are doing the work for the machine, its not "intelligent" by its own standards, if that is not true, how can it be intelligent to any other standard, How can the machine have artificial intelligence?

This kind of work can be very time consuming, and it requires a lot of processing power! 

(Philosophical Problem of Monkey Men?  Or, is this about Commercialism, versus the field of science? .......................... this argument for Artificial Intelligence, is valid and its needs several years in the super computer environment at best, the complexity of the issue, involved, or the raw processing power ........................ means companies need to do more work, more effective work, or spend millions of dollars with no profit for a few years)

(Artificial Intelligence, does not need to be complicated, we are years from that, and it is too simple even if these guidelines are followed for the consumer or commercial market, but unless the developmental phase succeeds, then, no, these are not real Artificial Intelligence, they are effective substitutes)

Edited by Third@rk
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