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Combining Iodine + Ascorbic Acid

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I'm a mad health scientist trying to heal myself & others, and I'm using Vitamin C, and Potassium Triiodide (aka Lugol's Iodine http://alternativa-za-vas.com/en/index.php/clanak/article/lugols-solution).

When I drop the iodine solution into water, it taints it distinctly (like a greenish violet (one of them- I'm colorblind)). When I follow with ascorbic acid, it goes white. Obviously a reaction.

Does mixing reduce the anti-biotic properties of iodine? 
Does mixing reduce the usefullness of vitamin-C?

I feel these are important questions for the health of our culture, and I wonder if they've been explored yet. Iodine is considered one of the top anti-septic by prominent researchers, and Vitamin C is also very important. But their interaction- if it negates either's power- is of significant importance. 

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Your question makes no sense.

Iodine is not an antibiotic.

If you don't know what you are doing (and it's clear that you don't) then you should let someone else- a doctor- look after your healthcare.

You certainly shouldn't kid yourself that you are helping others.


For the sake of the chemistry, the iodine is reduced by ascorbic acid to hydrogen iodide. (this will destroy its anti-septic properties).

The  ascorbic acid is oxidised to dehydroascorbic acid.




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