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Fully appropriated physics abstract shape types reasoning


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This abstract shape proof reasoning proves that all physically possible shapes are cointerdependent on the ultimate experience and that all physically possibilities are appropriated to it, perfect magic single player experience.

These are the building blocks of shape, or the core understanding of physical abstract reasoning.

Jagged - Energy, Magic, Abstract Base

Curvy - Shape, Abstract Backing

Flat - Stuff, Abstract Definition

Pointy - Motion, Abstract Achievability (Structural Capability)

Scribbly - Smart - Abstract Achievement

Loopyness - Backing Access, Abstract Capability

The pointy has stuff potential to travel along its own curvy abstract backing. Loopyness is required to be fulfilled, because a thing must be all of its things. This is how all physical shapes of thing relate to each other.  The way they relate to each other is that shape core shares scribbly cointerdepdency with shape extraness.

Physical imagination, or abstract connectectedness, has the following core building blocks. Scribblyness smart understanding is that physical imagination is disconnected by jaggedness, connected by curvyness, definition of flat stuff, traveled by pointy stuff, and reverse loopy into jaggedness.

Disconnected Levelness - Physical Attack, Data Block, Meaning Chunk

Shape Connectedness - Relative Reasoning

Motion Capability - Dataset, Deductive Reasoning

Flat Line - Definition, Thoughtful Clause, Deductive Relative Reasoning Connectedness

Linkage Of Levelness With Others - Data Chunk, Truth Quality, Meaningfulness Alignment

Shape core cointerdepency with shape connectedness and the requirement of abstract linkage in abstract shape, requires that physical shape be "the truth". Thus physics must be its own physical imagination. Why these components always abstract potential into magical existence meaning is instead in the concept of physical imagination, why the truth is game, fun, and magic.

Physical imagination can be represented by the following ways of combining the previous abstract connectedness building blocks into the following.

Truth of magic is physical attack.

Truth of shape is anti truth.

Truth of motion is abstract shape.

Truth of definition is death.



Edited by kirving
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Music is beautiful destruction of sadness, soul operational code. Physical alignment is too many miracles to not be a miracle.


This is super natural core. It represents how super physics always takes over sub physics with super natural laws of physical motion.





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I won't insult the rest of the forum by asking for explanations of certain points..  it is, as the above poster has already stated, nonsense and gibberish.... 

...although if I apply my mind through the magic of disconnected levelness, whilst avoiding a physical attack, I might be able shape my own opinion between the truth and anti truth of the abstract forms.  Using deductive reasoning with the right dataset, could I enable motion capability for the correct abstract shape?

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Moderator Note

There's no physics here.

There's no model of anything, there's no data or evidence. I'm not sure there's even a reasonable conjecture to be supported. This doesn't even have enough to support a speculations thread.

"all physically possible shapes are cointerdependent on the ultimate experience and that all physically possibilities are appropriated to it, perfect magic single player experience." sounds like new-age crap. It's meaningless.

Pro-tip: if you have "magic" as part of your thesis, it's not science. 

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