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SFN sliced layout

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Hi, as a suggestion, I think the images used in the SFN layout should use JPEG or GIF, because PNG takes longer to load than JPEG + GIF => takes more bandwidth. Also, the SFN logo on the top left, you guys should slice it properly as there are useless bits of the background in the whole image (http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/images/sfn/sfn-logo.png) that you could cut off to save bandwidth.


Hope this helps!!

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GIFs are the most evil image format that the world has ever seen :P I might convert the images over to jpegs if I have the time, but I can see we're going to save perhaps 3-4k. Considering most of the images are cached by the browsers, I doubt this will reduce the bandwidth hugely.


The reason the images are aligned as they are is to make my life easier when it comes to putting it together. When I have a nice fat block of time, I may sit down and try and rectify everything. Even with all the extra space in the images, the images are only 42kb in size. That's not an awful lot, and PNGs are by far the superior of the image types when it comes to a web-based comparison.

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