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Parental Influence on Psychology

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I believe parents play a HUGE role in the psychology of their offspring. They are solely responsible to the feedback and such given to their children in their early years---- to later years. Parents build the foundation---- yes there is freedom to us, but everything is built on top of the foundation, which basically our parents complete control over. OK this isn't really debatable I think, and maybe theres not a lot of purpose in the statement, so i'll make another:


Why is everything as it is? Its OUR fault, why are we all here--- your parents led you down the path of psychology which would predispose your interesest in such things. But what is the purpose of us being here? There is a reason for everything--- the ultimate reason I am addicted to this is because I think too much (you may say its all psudoscience, but i do it a lot anyway). This is a psychological PROBLEM my parents i believe are significantly responsible for. I should be socially functional but I'm not. I'm here. SOME ONE SAVE ME!!!!


Sorry, I shouldn't have said that, I do believe there comes a time when you have to forgive your parents. I have to forgive mine, and take it my responsibility to become a good person, to pass on awesome traits to my children. I need more effort, I need to start making better decisions with my life. THE WAY IS OUT THERE, SEARCH AND YOU WILL FIND. this I have faith in but doing it is more difficult. And what is purpose in doubt? OK i'll stop talking now, I'm just talking circles and not solving anything, including the ultimate problem---- my being here. And the sad fact that I plan to get on tommorrow to see your replies.

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after reading this you may want to ban me out of charity--- but does that really solve the problem? THINK THINK THINK



Oh my heck i am such a hypocrit to my own beliefs----- but---- what is the purpose in me saying these (purpose is all that matters)----- and what is the purpose in that------- and that----- and that----- and . . . . .



My final advice----- THINK HARDER

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