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EEG readings could prove 'distance healing'

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I stumbled across this when looking for info on Alpha wave activity in the brain. I find it quite startling, especially as I've found little or no scientific evidence to back up so called 'spiritual healing'. What are your thoughts, is there a flaw to this experiment ? Could we be on the brink of closing the gap between science and spirituality ?


I wasn't sure where to post this, but I thought it would be more appropriate in the neuroscience category as it involves a controlled experiment using an EEG.



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I'd say that experiement comes far from proving 'distance healing'. It really should be done in a double blind manner. The placebo effect has been proven.


I'd say that this experiment illistates that ones own brain waves can be altered through thought and concentration exercies.

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I agree with mmalluck.


Anyone who read some articles about EEG biofeedback or neurofeedback would know that the electrical state of the brain can be changed by controlling one's own thought to particular brain states.

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I agree with all of the above. In retrospect the experiment is flawed as the tests should of been tested on a subject with no meditation experience or previous contact with the 'healer'.


I labelled the post 'EEG readings could prove et.c' in hope that someone may have links to further studies, or if the phenomenon has been dissproved, and also to attract people who do believe in distant healing (it's always good to get both sides of the argument, and why I was unsure where to place the thread.)


The experiment is a rather tenuous attempt to keep people guessing.

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