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Help on ciruits


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resistance, ampere and voltage are not too complicated... ampere is the actually the unit of current, so like voltage is measured in volts, current is measures in amperes (or amps).


The famous equation relating these three is V=IR or voltage = current x resistance so if you had 10A of current and 5ohms of resistance (ohms is the unit of resistance) then V=IR V=10x5 V=50 so you'd have 50V.


Current is the flow of electrons, now you may not have come across electrons before, but they are the little things that are electricity, the more of these things the bigger the current is.


Resistance is the part of the circuit that stops the electrons moving, so when you run along the corridor the wind acts against you, you can feel it on you, to run through the air you have to push against it and move it out your way.... similarly electrons hit into things, this slows down their movement so there'd be less current.


Voltage is the thing which actually makes the current move. Because normally all these electrons are sitting around doing nothing. When a voltage is made it pushes the electrons to make them move, to make a current.

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