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Posts posted by Endy0816

  1. Saying some mass went from 0mph to 60mph is just simpler than saying it went from 30mph to 90mph.

    Velocity value is basically arbitrary, as long as you are consistent about things.

    If I'm measuring my velocity as zero relative to myself, I can't tell the cop that pulled me over for speeding that I'm also going zero relative to the road. That doesn't work.


  2. 3 hours ago, Markus Hanke said:

    …which is funny if you think about it, since without time there wouldn’t be any such thing as vision, since EM radiation wouldn’t propagate, eyes wouldn’t perceive, and brains wouldn’t process. So when you visually see an extended object, this feat requires space and time.

    I think this discussion is going off on a lot of unnecessary tangents. Really, one only needs to ask how many pieces of information are required to uniquely specify an event in our universe - this is very much an everyday, direct experience kind of question, and requires no philosophical or mathematical acumen. If you want to set up a meeting with someone, you have to give them a place: “Meet me at the statue on Trafalgar Square” (which is a particular location on a 3D grid). But if you leave it at just this - a location on a 3D grid -, the meeting isn’t likely to ever happen, because this is not unique. It applies to Trafalgar Square on 6th June 1967, and it equally applies to Trafalgar Square tomorrow morning at 8am. So to uniquely specify the event in a way that admits no ambiguity, you have to specify an instant in time as well. This can be done in many ways - by reading on a shared clock, as an arbitrary parameter on the statue’s world line, or as a detailed description of a serious of changes starting from some agreed point in the past, or some other way. The main point is that this information is extraneous to the 3D grid, it cannot be reduced to any combination of purely spatial information - to put it simply, spatial information alone is simply not enough to uniquely specify an event in our universe. There’s a reason why we all use maps and calendars in our daily lives, and physics does much the same, and for the same reasons.

    In theory, there's expansion, if one somehow knew exact distances.


  3. 3 hours ago, mistermack said:

    I think we're spoilt here in the UK, having a fairly simple system that works. The ruling party hires and fires the PM. Genius !!

    Having said that, you need a majority to make it work well. Coalitions are a different story.

    Yeah, Constitution wasn't written with any Parties existing in mind.

    They're not in there anywhere lol.

  4. 2 hours ago, StringJunky said:

    From the horses mouth on the future in the House: "Gaetz boasted Thursday night that even if McCarthy managed to win, “he will have to live the entirety of his speakership in a straitjacket constructed by these rules that we’re working on now.” McCarthy has just ordered himself a shit sandwich with sides. What the caucus have given McCarthy is akin to giving a  thirsty dying man saltwater.

    That's for sure lol.

    Likely to repeat too within the next few years.

  5. 3 hours ago, iNow said:

    “Classic” as in nothing “like this has ever happened before, and the nearest event that was even remotely similar was over 100 years ago?”

    Eh, been awhile. I feel like sometimes we need to embrace our more chaotic roots. Maybe they'll end up reaching across the aisle for votes or just for some to dip out, who knows?

    Is kind of weird it's like various aspects are shifting back. TPA expiring is another one. Going to be interesting.

  6. 6 hours ago, DimaMazin said:

    Let's check your math. Ukraine  missed  only 1/4 part of missiles of 90 then how many missiles flew in Poland?

    What math? What are you talking about?

    Russia, Putin really, just needs to end this madness. He's helping to create what he claimed to fear.

  7. On 10/21/2022 at 7:09 PM, geordief said:

    That may be so.But another possible method of choosing the leader would be to exclude the party membership and to let the elected members (some 350 in number) choose  the new leader


    That would be around a 1000 times  lesser percentage but the elected representatives  (the Tory  MPs and also  Parliament in the round ) would have more  validity perhaps insofar as they represented their local electors.


    I wonder what proposals there are to make the system fairer?

    The Labour Party would be happy with a general election now but the Tories know  that tthat would probably bring about a Labour victory and a very weakened Tory Party -so they will try to hang on .

    Need to simply disallow foreigners. Be more reasonable if it were restricted to citizens only.

    Someone having a bit of fun registering a tortoise along with fictitious individuals:


  8. 1 hour ago, geordief said:

    Tiny?  What percentage  normally?What percentage  in the most recent period?

    Not sure how accurate this method really is, but dividing party membership by eligible voters in the last referendum, I get roughly 0.5%.

    Main issue that masses are not directly deciding the top leader.  Technically true here too though... I think we can all agree some random foreigners probably shouldn't have a say, especially with potential for fraud these days.

  9. Ironically I was actually thinking about doing this.

    Has been crazy watching the procession of Tory PM's, without any sort of general election for the position. Tories seem to makeup a tiny percentage of the UK population too.

  10. 2 hours ago, Mitcher said:

    The simplest and oldest clocks were the Moon, the Sun, an hourglass.. Their movements are used as benchmark and supposed to be proportional to time intervals, so you obviously need something to move to achieve a measurement of a time duration, In fact I do not understand why you question this as it seems so obvious. I also understand that you can merely consider time as a simple parameter t and that it's enough to do physics without having to worry about what it is on the physical plane but if one considers that every piece of matter is carried away as if in some sort of timely path with velocity c it helps to adequately illustrate Relativity. Light can be used as a clock.

    You're only need a reasonably reliable periodic event.

    Clocks count how often this periodic event happens.




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