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Posts posted by Endy0816


    Constant “h” was discovered for explanation of other issue of the era. Other constants, that you call Units, I think, were a search for finding the limits of using this constant. And I think the limit is when all kind of energies take the same value..


    Maxwell Planck who discovered the constant(h) also introduced a unit system. Both the Planck Constant and the Planck Units are named after him for this reason alone. They are not the same thing.


    Units are not constants, constants are not units.

  2. There's no more information available than, "Under windy, rainy and foggy weather conditions in Florida, these engagements were the most challenging to date with a 10-kilowatt laser on HEL MD”.


    How long did it rain? Were they actively firing the laser during these time periods? How far were the targets? Was it a Florida sun-shower or one of our rapidly moving downpours?


    The next best thing is seeing it in normal operation and devising some of the components. Combining the two sources we know it is a Solid State Laser, that it has a "beam control subsystem", mounted on a HEMTT vehicle and that it destroys via burning/heating its target. Considering the probable relationship to the THEL/MTHEL we may also be able reason out how a souped up version might act based on the data for it.

  3. There is an urban legend about "bright orange THC worms", which looking at the pictures/descriptions look like wireworms(actually a type of beetle larvae). Supposedly they concentrate THC. As one might expect from a pot centric urban legend the different tales vary on whether you need to smoke their poop or little worm bodies to get this effect.


    Onwards to Earthworms...


    Somewhat ironically, in searching, I found that one of my "go-to" sites already did an article on them: http://www.eattheweeds.com/cooking-with-earthworms-2/


    No word on if smoking them will get you high, but if you want to eat them feel free(after proper food preparation).


    ----- It was not my intention for treating Plank constants as “ units “. I was surprised because they seemed to me like have been derived by equivalence of energies.


    There is a Planck Constant(h) and then there are the Planck Units. These are not the same thing.


    I can say: 5 Planck Lengths x 6 Planck Lengths = 30 x Planck Area.


    Anything you can do with standard metric units, you can do with Planck Units.


    ----- I have not any scientific education, to give any contribution in “novels”, and not any intelligence to apply somewhere, except in my doubts --- worthwhile only for sleeplessness.


    You have a brain your head just like everyone else. The root issue is that you have mistaken beliefs that you are not recognizing as such. If you can do this, clear away the cobwebs of mistaken thought and think instead of Planck Units as Units you will grow in understanding.



    About your thought on this theme, I am curious to know, what “exact answer were you expecting to get”?


    Planck Force in the form of: c4/G


    It is algebra and mostly cancellations at that.

  5. ^True, does depend on the intent of the site and the person posting.


    Thank you friend ? Can you say me about the physical media material.... Also I planned to make it reach to students and teachers...Will it work????Need help....


    flyers, pamphlets, stickers, posters on notice boards, etc.


    You have probably seen similar advertising material before. No need to reinvent the wheel just repeat what you have seen work elsewhere. Do what will work for you within your budget.


    You probably want to try to find locations where your expected user base is likely to be either physical or virtual. This may be a physical school/University(check their policies) or an educator website.


    Best sites I've seen generally either offer a needed service or useful content. If you have one or both of those and then prime the pump with a promotion, your site should move towards the top of the search engine rankings.

  6. If you are talking about promotion here, then a link in your signature would be a good route. Blog articles are allowed as well, I think.


    Otherwise, social media and paid advertising campaigns though in some cases you can find free trial offers you can utilize. Maybe QR code stickers, or physical media material if you have access to locations where potential users are likely to be found.

  7. ------ I haven’t seen it, in this prism. What this mean? Is it for example:

    G / ( Rus^3*Mus^-1*Tus ^-2 ) = 1* (2*pi/α)^2 --- and you think is wrong? Because isn’t “1” ?


    If you are using all Planck Units you get to simplify your formulas. That's the gist of it.


    ------ “show us” Who are “us”? Have you thought about this subject yourself? About some statements, which do not go further than statements, and needs answers from “us” you? This is debate, not only ascking.


    Us refers to everyone on this forum.


    This is the measurement of Planck length.




    Don't think of the length in terms of its metric system value. Think of it as just that equation.


    There could be an alien species having this same discussion on their version of a forum and they would agree with us on the length of a unit as defined in this manner.


    I looked into and validated the math to myself about a dozen years ago. So yeah, I've thought about it. There just isn't a whole lot of point to keep thinking about it. Was not all that interesting to get the exact answer I was expecting to get. Stuff you can apply your intelligence to and return with novel understanding is much more worthwhile.

  8. Found one of their marketing videos:




    More than a little promotional, but all the imagery looks legit, particularly the laptop screens and power panel.


    For UAV's they appear to be targeting the UAV's tail and for mortars causing them to explode. Makes sense, use their own strength against them. Sun Tzu would be proud.


    I'm really not seeing anything official talking about specific weather testing results. There is one line in the official source on the subject, but no real details. My guess would be reduced operation in some fashion. At a short enough range it might not have been a major issue.


    Found an excellent general resource here:



    The HEL MD(HEL TD, in the document) really looks to be a spiritual successor of the THEL(later MTHEL) system.

  9. Are you talking about automotive design or repairing vehicles?


    Best advice I can give is to determine your own temperament for the work. Some form of job shadowing is a good route to go. Possibly couple that with personality tests to determine some alternative careers that might be of interest.

  10. This means that Plank units must be corrected.


    This relates back to a previous discussion on Planck units...


    They need to do this:



    Planck units are physical units of measurement defined exclusively in terms of five universal physical constants listed below, in such a manner that these five physical constants take on the numerical value of 1 when expressed in terms of these units.



    It is real simple, ensure that the constants G, ħ, c, ke, kB , take on the numerical value of 1 when expressed in terms of your "corrected" units.


    If you can do this then by all means, show us. If not however, then you need to reexamine your thinking on the subject.


  11. Small particles(dust, spores, etc) can contribute to cloud formation. Different gasses can have assorted results. Lightning strikes via laser induced plasma channels. Condensers can pull moisture out of the air.


    There's nothing too far out there though. Anything really impressive would take large investments of energy.


    He told me he refers to be known as the Fun Guy.


    lol, you got a laugh at this house :)

  12. Produce spores. Lots and lots of spores.


    Fungus ManTM


    Superman may be able to fly, but how many heroes cover a couple thousand acres?

    When his fruiting bodies appear, farmers rejoice knowing rain may follow!

    A dedicated and improbably hot Mycologist serves as a possible love interest...


    Any day now you too could end up sitting down to watch the Fungus ManTM Trilogy!

  13. The record such as it is, is pretty confused for Jesus's genealogy. There are actually two different records listed.


    Explanations floating around:


    Each record was his relation back via a different parent, and this fact was missed at some point.

    That the original record did not record all the details and is off due to that.

    That Mary had totally different parents altogether who still had a relation back to David.



    Then there is the fact that Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines. Ismail Ibn Sharif with a mere 4 wives and 500 concubines is said to have fathered 888 children.


    If we use the formula: (Wives + Concubines) / Children


    The result is a ratio of about 0.57 for Ismail Ibn Sharif.


    Assuming Solomon had a similar ratio, plugging back into the formula: (700 + 300) / 0.57 = 1754 children. Now note, we only know the number of Solomon's wives of "royal birth". In fact he may have had yet more wives and thus more children.


    Due to this it is possible that Jesus was a descendent of Solomon in any case and via Solomon a descendent of King David.

  14. My guesses:


    1) C


    Based on counting the number of sides and type of triangle.


    2) E


    Rhombus-Rectangle, Rhombus-Triangle pattern


    3) B


    Color pattern. 3rd figure takes it's outside color from the inside color of the first shape and its inside color from the outside color of the 2nd shape.

  15. Gravitational potential energy(pendulum, hourglasses, etc), spring force, pressure, kinetic energy(flywheel) and temperature are all options.


    If you have not already, you may want to try and build a virtual clock first to get a sense of what is going on. If one of you has Minecraft, it makes for a decent simulator(with schematics readily available online). There is also www.logic.ly as an alternative option.


    Sounds like a fun project, good luck with it.

  16. Everything outside of Laniakea Supercluster is "moving away" from us, without any exceptional bias to the best of my knowledge.



    When you say "everywhere and nowhere is the center", aren't you contradicting the Big Bang theory?


    This theory says that the Universe began at a central point. Which then expanded outwards, in all directions. That must result in the formation of a sphere. And surely a sphere, by definition, has a center?


    It expanded internally. You can imagine it to be like a structure that is bigger on the inside than out. Another way people like to describe it is as distance increasing.


    Really can't say much about the "shape" for certain. I like to think of it as a 4D cone shaped seashell, but that is only an analogy(and then mostly for expansion). What is possible for us to see, all looks about the same and some distances are effectively infinite for the foreseeable future.

  17. Only if you believe that one house brick is attracted to another house brick which I do not.


    And is it not that all matter would be attracted to the stronger Force?


    The stronger force been the core!


    So how would our feet attract the ground, if the ground is been attracted directionally by a greater force?


    I am sorry , I think I may never understand your model , and the sliding block down an incline, that has a Fn, friction and gravity of forces.


    For me to believe the Fn part, you would have to prove to me that two house bricks have attractive force towards each other!.


    I do not see any force in an house brick, except its weight.


    An house brick has no center of gravity like an Earth's core.


    Yes, your standard house brick does attract other bricks. Your mass attracts my mass, our mass attracts other masses.


    You can directly calculate this yourself.


    FGravity = (Gm1m2)/r2




    FGravity = m1g1


    FGravity = m2g2


    Because gravity is weak, the force your bricks or even you produce is typically weak, but it is also very real.


    The Earth's mass is nothing special, there is just much much more of it relative to what is typically around us.


    You may want to look at the Cavendish Experiment. The man measured what you claim doesn't exist. In doing so he basically found G. With G, your weight and the Earth's radius you can find the mass of the entire planet.



    Or are the scales upside down and someone standing on what would be the actual bottom, but in this instant the top.


    Yes, from the standard perspective the scale is upside down resting upon two chairs. From the flipped perspective, the Earth is resting upon two chairs which are themselves upon a scale.


    Now according to the scale there is a force pushing up on it. That would be the Normal Force. If you want to look at it another way, you can say that the two masses are attracting each other. That too is valid and in my mind, easier to understand.



    You can pretty easily prove that forces come in pairs for yourself. If you can stand on something that rolls, toss something with a decent mass away from yourself, you will see yourself move in the opposite direction.


    The force you exert will equal the force exerted upon you. Forces balance out, this includes gravity along with the rest of the forces out there.


    I find actual experimentation to work better than trying to build models. You actually test it and you don't need to take anyone's word for it or hit the "I believe" button. You'll know something to be true or not.

  18. If it were still on the Lira, the Lira could drop down in value, decreasing the(effective) labor and bribe costs to the point where it would be profitable to employ people.


    Since it isn't though, one should reasonably expect inflation, federalization and subsidies. One way or another market forces will try and resolve the supply/demand issue.

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