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Everything posted by reverse

  1. reverse

    Irony in Islam

    MMM...not sure how to classify them exactly...just looking for a way for two powerful factions to go head to head and pay with their own time and money instead of getting everyday people all fired up.
  2. reverse

    Irony in Islam

    See… now… what should have happened is that top people of Islam should have taken the cartoonist to court… for misrepresenting their religion as a bunch of explosive personalities. You are allowed to speak freely…but it better not be a bunch of hooey. That’s not free speech…that’s slander or deformation …
  3. reverse

    Irony in Islam

    I just heard the strangest thing on the radio. The DJ is blasting the group that wants the terrorist turban cartoons banned … while in the following breath.. demanding that the South park episode with the Blood and Virgin Mary be taken off the air. See.. they seem like the same issue to me. Do we allow freedom of speech if it is going to hurt a lot of people’s deep religious feelings. Or a parallel…. Do we allow the freedom to not wear a seatbelt … If people are going to go through a car windshields… no.. we restrict freedom sometimes in the favor of a greater good. Is it that difficult to figure out?
  4. reverse

    Irony in Islam

    . It’s human nature. Any group in any situation will resort to extreme behavior if they feel the system is not catering to their needs. How else will they be heard? .
  5. reverse

    Irony in Islam

    Don’t quote me on this because I haven’t fully researched it...but I was under the impression that there was a division Islam...one large liberal tolerant group...and one much more intolerant smaller group. also I'm pretty sure that around the 11th century and for about 200 years, Christian Knights wearing the red cross marched to take the holy lands from Muslims. Comprised of French German ...etc the knights finally captured Jerusalem... where a production line of Muslim Execution began. The knights Templar had a red cross on a white background...while the Knights of St John marched under a white cross on a black background.
  6. reverse

    Irony in Islam

    Aww cut with the sick pictures already. have some taste would you.
  7. reverse

    Irony in Islam

    No, it's a totally different rhetorical device including contraposition and exaggeration to convey an idea. Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum, minutus carborata descendum pantorum. A little poem, a little jump, a little snake down your trousers?
  8. reverse

    Irony in Islam

    Hey...What are we talking about now....capital punishment.... this thing is all over the place. I personally find that cartoon offensive....it's in extremely poor taste to wear purple pants with a purple shirt. what were you thinking. Ps. isn’t Mumbai unusual because it is a Portuguese settlement...In India...and an Info town as well...that must be a curious place. now back to "Irony in Islam"...
  9. reverse

    Irony in Islam

    since this thing seems to be off "irony" and on to "revenge".... Lets talk about revenge. I have to admit...there's something quite appealing about the concept of tearing a killer into one inch strips with your bare hands. What is it in us that makes that sort of Rage and Revenge so appealing? What would we really do... face to face with such a monster...would we show compassion...would we get some strange pleasure from the violence... difficult to tell in theory.
  10. reverse

    Irony in Islam

    From a totally cold hearted point of view, there are a few advantages to the death penalty above the cost savings in prison holdings. For example, if you consider that the criminal behavior has a genetic root...then the death penalty removes the gene set from the general population. In fact it might be a good idea to kill all the children of a criminal, to be on the absolute safe side. Secondly, if the criminal behavior has a family environmental root...then by killing all the siblings, the social structure is also removed from propagation.. But it might be a good idea to kill the parents of a criminal as well. They must have had a hand in setting the social scene for the behavior. Trouble is...I don’t think I'm cold hearted enough to want any part of this practical yet horrific solution.
  11. reverse

    Irony in Islam

    That film “a clockwork orange” was about treating criminals with drug induced nausea aversion therapy. That was an interesting concept. But well off the subject here… The biggest Irony about Islam as far as I can see, is that it was the Islamic empire that started the whole idea of capitalism, with their nomadic life style and access to different kingdoms and markets. Now that is really really funny when you think about it.
  12. reverse

    Irony in Islam

    I think those guys are pretty serious about trying to capture the image of god on paper. It’s not even the fact that it’s a funny cartoon. That’s why the front of all the temples are beautiful calligraphic script …and no pictures. That’s funny I just found a 14th century Islam lustration of Muhammad placing a black stone into the Kaaba at Mecca. Yet a 16th Century Painting shows Muhammads head as a ball of fire ( to get around the sacrilege ). Seems the rules changed over time..?
  13. So…what aspect of the human psyche does the “old dog” in the film “the Mexican” symbolize. Discuss with reference to the current interest in fate and synchronicity.
  14. I had a slightly tinted windshield put in a car once... With one particular pair of sunglasses only, you could see a snake type shape in the middle of the screen. It was something to do with the alignment of the glass domains due to tempering. go figure.
  15. Ok then cerebral cheeks, what are the perquisites for evaporation to occur? All of them mind.
  16. Shot in the dark.... Car glass is not normal. It is both laminated and tinted. The lamination is: glass, plastic, glass. You may be seeing an anomaly in the lamination process. or maybe some artifact from the tempering process. I think that there is something there, but it is not visible under normal conditions and reveals itself only under evaporation .
  17. Our weather man on TV is never correct. It always rains on sports days when he says it will be fine. This whole butterfly thing is obviously a conspiracy to shift the blame from bad weather reporting on to the poor little helpless butterflies.
  18. Also it’s historical don’t forget. Once Christianity became the mode throughout the world …then that whole Sodom and Gomorrah story really put the boot in for homosexual relationships. Practically. if you wanted to increase your Church going population you need to stop all activities that wastes sperm… you know the plan… get that sperm where it can make more followers… and that’s not in the palm of your hand …in a contraceptive device or where the sun don’t shine. Easy .
  19. Ok… How about tell it to Isaac Newton…. I don’t recall the rule of cause and effect that goes… “For every reaction there are an infinitely incalculable amounts of action.” Start screwing with this and you are opening the door to…to…creationism, for goodness sake!
  20. Tell it to judge Judy. By your reasoning …you could never blame any criminal for any action… Judge Judy usually says something like “if it where not for your negligence none of this damage would have occurred”..
  21. how about considering this from a real life point of view. Can you think of any small event or choice that you made that had a large knock on effect in your life. like say ...your best friend is the person you happened to sit next to in class just because you got there a bit late because the cat decided to throw up on your clothes.
  22. Hey.... is there some new movie out based on "a sound of thunder"? I did a google image search and all these film still and PS2 game covers came up. First they sneak Zathura up on me ...now this.
  23. By Accommodate I mean for example say there were nine people who wanted to watch one channel on TV and a tenth person who wanted to watch another channel. Do the Nine people even have to be bothered with the views of a minority? The Nine people might say for example...”get away from the TV.. go read a book or something. We don’t care what you do just get out of our face..” that sort of thing.
  24. ]Uhhh.. is that what the butterfly effect is… I thought it was a reference to the Bradbury short story “a sound of thunder” In it, some time traveling T-Rex hunters totally change the future by stepping off the designated path and squashing a butterfly. That is a very cool story… recommended reading. I’m right into this concept that a small change can have a large effect. So what type of reasoning do you guys use to decide the deviation caused by a small cause. I know if I’m pointing a rifle for example, just a single degree off target at the barrel - will mean a great error at the target.. and the error increases with respect to distance from the gun.
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