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Everything posted by Windevoid

  1. I'm not the alternative theoretical physicist that Eric Dollard is. I've just gotten odd results and am mystified by how they can happen. Maybe it's a result of asymmetry? Different magnetic power on either side of the system, maybe? Kind of like how air conditioning cools one side of the system and warms another. But this time with less equality of energy. I don't agree too much with LOCOE or was it Noether's theorem. Any logical statement always assumes a lot of things. Here's what I mean. I could say: Premise 1: I want magic powers I can use on a whim. Premise 2: I don't see nor can think of anything that can prevent me from using magic powers. Premise 3: I can think, but the universe can't. Premise 4: So, may power is greater than the universe's. Conclusion: I can use movielike magic powers on a whim successfully. But obviously this doesn't (as far as I know) work.
  2. Maybe it's about pulsing, like a "Bedini" pulsed motor generator. I think electromagnets can also disobey Newton's third law.
  3. The circuit diagram and the details are there. Nice answer.
  4. I mean like a situation where a ball is flying through the air fast, but then it suddenly hits a wall and stops almost immediately. As compared to a sine wave, like with a pendulum, this is not symmetrical.
  5. I think you are assuming the "Law" of Conservation of Energy is always true. Regardless of the situation.
  6. Computers are very resilient devices.
  7. https://lunaticoutpost.com/Topic-Electrons-Edited?page=4 https://lunaticoutpost.com/Topic-Electrons-Edited?page=5
  8. I'm no longer sure it was a capacitor. Someone was telling me it was a thermistor, which happens to look just the same as a capacitor.
  9. But then what would explain the existence of the numbers? Or is this question wrong somehow?
  10. I guess I never asked this about this Law of Conservation of Energy: Was the Law of Conservation of Energy ever proven for electricity? Was it ever proven for capacitors, inductors, resistors, batteries, electromagnets, motors, parallel circuits, etc.?
  11. Think about it: The claimed causes are all historical people or events. The ghost phenomenon seems to occur randomly. Eric Dollard mentioned something about a time camera. What does that mean?
  12. Are ghosts a result of time travel?
  13. I got somebody telling me the device was actually a 1k ohm thermistor. Thing is, the resistance doesn't seem to affect volts and amps. Even for the normal resistor. Maybe the multimeter is messing up. No, I think it's still working right.
  14. I got somebody telling me the device was actually a 1k ohm thermistor. Thing is, the resistance doesn't seem to affect volts and amps. Even for the normal resistor. Maybe the multimeter is messing up. No, I think it's still working right.
  15. Battery electricity 2.4 V goes right through a new capacitor to power an LED.
  16. You can read the things the scientists say at Borderland Research Wiki. No, the reason I can't understand what they say more than a certain point is that I am not a "scientist". I am not an "engineer". Just because I can't figure out what he's saying doesn't mean it's not true.
  17. Eric Dollard said that electrical energy is "magnetism" (current) multiplied by "dielectricity" (voltage). Heaviside's version seems more complex and hard to understand. I don't exactly know the equations that what he says should turn into or be.
  18. It seems the claim is that energy is not a "thing", but a result of several different variables, such as time, density, "magnetism", distance, and "dielectricity". Support can be found in Steinmetz's writings, Tesla's supposed writings (I don't think he makes exactly this claim, but I don't know, and he does question Einstein), and Heaviside's writings. And Eric Dollard has lectures on YouTube about this. I don't know if Thomas Edison says similar things or not.
  19. I did my own experiments with batteries, wires, and a multimeter. My fan disappeared, and I think my LED just died, though. In what world is sending numerous science experiments, and perhaps claims, to be checked and reviewed in a science journal wrong? If it's not real, they should at least tell me why my experiments got the results they did or something that's enough like why.
  20. If you don't watch the video with the info, you won't know the claims and the details of the claims, and you can't complain against them. No, it's "wind" and "void".
  21. (Not everything was sent in.) http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/77427-basis-for-how-to-build-a-free-energy-overunity-motor-generator/?hl=%2Bfree+%2Benergy http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/77092-is-relativity-wrong/?hl=%2Brelativity+%2Bwrong https://lunaticoutpost.com/Topic-Is-Modern-Electricity-Theory-Wrong-Incomplete-Could-Free-Energy-be-Real?page=1
  22. "Crank ideas are rejected out of hand." You just stated my point.
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