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Popcorn Sutton

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Everything posted by Popcorn Sutton

  1. wget doesn't preserve the search function. I don't know what to do. I have programs downloading the data, but if we could just get a snapshot of the entire webpage and every possible search for the day/week/month then I could really do something with that.
  2. I guess I can rephrase it again... (heheh) I want to download an entire webpage. It has a search function too in order to find the specific inmates, if there's a method to download the entire webpage with all of its search directories as well, then I got what I need.
  3. I guess I can rephrase my question. How do I download all the inmate and case information without the help of a download link?
  4. It seems that you're right about accessing the information from the terminal. All I want to get is a list of every inmate in a few jails and look up any cases that are in the circuit court about these inmates. I want to do this as efficiently as possible and a friend (or maybe not a friend) of mine posted to one of my facebook posts saying that my method (which takes approximately 5 hours to gather the information) is horrible because it takes so long and any other programmer can do it in less than an hour. I think that he might just be a little jealous about me having the job that I do without having a degree in Computer Science, but I think that it's worth looking into because he does have a degree in Computer Science. He suggested using freelancers and I do not want to do that because I need to learn how to do these things myself. I don't think I should post the links to the webpages, I will PM you the links though, but the ones that I'm trying to get through to at this point are using- Microsoft IIS/7.5 AND Microsoft IIS/6.0 I can provide IP addresses as well, but only over PM.
  5. Hey guys! I feel like I'm exhausting my resources again and I'm not getting much information from the experts on this one. I'm trying to get data from a server.... legally. Can you guys list the methods that I can use to get data from servers such as Apache, Apache Tomcat, Microsoft IIS/7.5, and SQL? I've switched to Linux (Ubuntu) by this point, but I do also have a Windows PC sitting next to me in my office now. I've tried a few methods, and it feels like I'm getting closer, but everytime I get close something goes wrong. So, the question is as stated above. What methods can I use to get into these servers? (The information is public for every server I'm trying to get into so I don't think that there will be any legal issues if I'm not extracting personal information). Please, if you respond, please please please elaborate as much as you can. Let me know what language (if any) I should be using. I like to use the terminal (command prompt).
  6. I think that it's in my nature to befriend people, even if the only interaction I have with them is over a platform like this. I want to be everyone's friend here, but at the same time there is a line that should not be crossed because if you do it is not "in the spirit of the community". I was watching a lecture on the nature of nothing which was moderated by Neil degrasse Tyson. That lecture was not in the spirit of science. They were having fun with each other just drinking and talking on stage. I like seeing that, and I think that right in the beginning Lawrence was about to lay down a few ideas that would have conflicted with another persons ideas, but he was interrupted and instead something like "I just want to let you know *interruption* you're an ignorant slut". It was ok, he didn't get banned from the conversation lol.
  7. If anything it shows that the non-voters don't care about politics and what might happen. I'm assuming that a lot of them feel like their vote doesn't even matter. Myself included
  8. This is not a status update.

  9. I know how to do this with Python. It's something like this- first you need an image manipulator and something like matplotlib so you can have it create the visual. for item in knownpatterns: oneimage = item.split('your marker here (the thing that separates the label from the column of pixels)') pattern = oneimage[0] numbers = oneimage[1] knownbits = numbers.split('],') #knownbits was transformed into a string so we can alter it into a list bit by bit newbits = im.split('],')
  10. I've officially graduated from needing AI to needing to know how to hack

  11. I wouldn't take offense to someone saying that my idea is idiotic. Richard Dawkins does stuff like that all the time. Lawrence Krauss says that it's a cultural thing, and I have to agree with that, but he is who he is and he does offend a lot of people. I remember seeing a YouTube video of him and a religious guy (islam) trying to have an intellectual debate on whether Mohammed actually came from the moon in a fiery chariot. It's like the guy who was supposed to steer the debate was just shoving his words into Richard Dawkins' mind. It was pretty disturbing. To me, that type of behavior is abusive, even if you're not directly calling someone an idiot, you should really give the person who you're trying to discuss these things with the time of day to actually respond to them. All too often I find myself in situations where people just don't seem to care what I have to say, and most of the time it's because they don't know me well enough. I don't speak much in person, but when I do I think that I have something fruitful to say. A lot of the time it can open someones mind and make them think differently, but there is a real gray area to thoughts. I think we all know how you can call your friend "buddy" and it'll be ok, but if you call a random stranger who is a psychotic criminal "buddy" just to get his attention, s/he may want to retaliate. That being said, I've had some idiotic ideas (as you all probably know by now), or I've at least done some idiotic things, and I think that a lot of philosophers have as well. But, because I have a degree in philosophy, I think that I have the credibility to discuss anything on intellectual grounds. Although I may not specialize in the things that I try to talk about, I believe that I have enough interdisciplinary experience to have something worth being heard or read. What I find is that, a lot of the time, when someone comes up with an idea that Richard would call 'idiotic' or 'moronic', it's usually out of the speakers field of expertise, for one, or for two it's beyond anyone's field of expertise. In other words, it's just plain ignorance. We can only predict the future to a certain extent, and, as an example, I don't think that many people would've predicted this current degree of surveillance 6 years ago. Computers are making things really complicated, and the law just can't keep up at this point. If you think of willful ignorance from a neurological perspective, I have a hard enough time interacting with new people if their thought or activity isn't something that I am accustomed to. The point is that people need to adjust to each other before they can feel comfortable with each other. It takes time for our brain and our bodies to do something like that.
  12. Is this topic still being debated? I haven't seen a single shred of evidence to support any hypothesis beyond some wreckage that was found in the Indian Ocean via satellite. When this thread first popped up in my inbox again recently I thought, "ok, typical UFO speculation", but then it goes from unsupported hypothesis to near claims of malicious intentions and I don't think that that is the case. I don't know much about airplanes but I think that we shouldn't over analyze anything.
  13. Alright guys, I'm thinking that I've spammed enough out of the status updates, I'm going to take a 3 day hiatus and check to see how everything is going. If the statuses pick up then I'll consider posting but I'm going to limit my posts. The limit will be 2 per weekday and 1 per weekend. If I have any insights I may bend the rules, but only if it's good enough (or more than 70% likely given my knowledge). Personal conversations are welcome if the intention is not to ge...

  14. I'm getting depressed again I know it's coming

  15. Wisest words I've ever heard? "Don't make a big deal out of anything, in general, ever." I wish more people understood this because I live my life by it and I kind of expect that others do as well sometimes.

    1. Unity+


      Should we not make the genocide of Jewish people a big deal?

  16. I don't understand how any graduate of Philosophy can say that they don't work in their field. Philosophy superordinates all areas of study, and it directly superordinates Politics and Science.

    1. physica


      This is ridiculous, so your saying that a phil grad can start working in designing rockets? Philosophy by itself is fairly weak. That's why major universities like Oxford make their students study maths and philosophy. Zenos paradoxes are prime examples of how lingual philosophy fails and you need maths to logically describe everyday processes in life. A considerable part of the history of philosophy contains mathematical thinkers like DesCarte, Whitehead, Russel, Frege, etc.

  17. Take a look at what this guy says at approximate 12:00

    It's amazing. There's roughly 100 jobs in big data for every applicant. Job security for me
  18. To your question, iNow, I tried to answer it by saying that there is a possibility that no candidate will fare well for the GOP. If you can provide me with a list of possible candidates for the GOP, I'll review them, but I don't think that I'll be able to sway the vote on my own for my personal contacts (except maybe through facebook).
  19. There's a good chance that JEB just won't have a chance with Michigan, Ohio, and New York because of his familial relation with W. I could be wrong though. Like I said, W was getting the finger pointed at him for making the economy worse.
  20. My numbers were a personal perspective and I did think about them, it wasn't just a fairy tale. I'm saying that out of the people that I associate or have associated with recently feel this way. It's a younger generation, which doesn't mean that they will all vote, but out of the ones who care to talk about politics with me, they consider themselves closest to democrats rather than republicans (probably because of how much negativity came about while Bush Jr. was in office). People truly feel like the republicans have destroyed our economy, and most of the people (actually, all of them) are working low paying jobs with no foreseeable future with independence (myself included). On a wider scale, however, there is a hysteria amongst intellectuals about big data. We know that the NSA was (and probably still is) collecting all this data, but the question is, at this point, if I can phrase it properly, "what are they going to do with all of this data?" People are left wondering if it was gathered with malicious intentions (such as using a bit of it as evidence to keep them in poverty, prevent them from getting a good job, lock them up, or whatever it may be). I'm saying that if someone addresses this issue, it's going to bring a lot of attention to that candidate, and if that candidate turns out to be republican, then there's going to be some serious consideration as to whether the person interested in that particular field should swing their vote. I, personally, think that if a democrat mentioned this and put a positive spin on it (such as coming up with some practical utility for big data), they will get more votes from Michigan, Ohio, and New York. If a republican did the same thing, then they will get more votes as well (but I don't think that it will be as much as the democrats). Once again though, and I hate to say this because I think that this party truly has some brilliant ideas, the libertarians (even if they do mention big data) are going to get attention for it, but not as much (as per usual). I'd like to see the libertarians have a chance at being in office, but I think that people seriously consider voting for them as throwing out their vote or that it's a waste of time. From what I see on facebook, they don't have much support, but they do have good ideas and they are good at pointing out current issues. They're obviously informed. The numbers that I came up with were based on 100 or so people that I have spoken with since the beginning of the year. Not a big sample, but I think that it may be something worth considering. I'm just trying to give you guys a heads up. As for the big data thing, that is going to draw a lot of attention for whichever candidate brings it up, but it's also going to be a touchy subject.
  21. I gained 21 reputation and I lost 10 of it overnight :l . Someday, if I'm still here, it will be positive. Please give me some support guys I feel like I need it.

  22. Oh boy, I don't think calling yourself a republican is well accepted amongst about 2% of the people. The rest of the 12% that do vote, they're mostly mad democrats. Out of that 12%, 2% are probably libertarian and know it while the rest are libertarian without knowing it or easily persuaded to be that way. No one is revolutionary except maybe .001%, but I think that people want stuff that will never concern the federal government.
  23. I do not think that Jeb Bush will be a good candidate to choose for the northeast. He's going to automatically lose our interest up here, there is one saving grace for him though, and that is to mention big data.
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