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Status Updates posted by Moontanman

  1. I had greasy fried chicken at the cafeteria today, eeewww I have no self respect....

    1. CaptainPanic


      If you already feel like that after that experience, imagine how the chicken felt.

  2. you're a die hard I'll give you that...

  3. I didn't know drone strikes were an option, let's not be hasty in dismissing the idea....

  4. love the name, great books...

  5. "to prepare for a job as a tv evangelist." You are one seriously funny dude...

  6. Buffy is back, that might be a good sign but until the pseudo science begins to throttle back I'm gonna spend most of my time here.

  7. I have been on a raw food diet for threeeeee days, i am just abotu ready to kill something and eat it raw...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JMJones0424


      Did you lose a bet or are you intentionally depriving yourself of taste and nutrients?

    3. Moontanman


      I ordered a pizza, so much for killing but it was good...

    4. Weirdmaskman
  8. Yes I know what you mean, hypo appears to be in it's death throws... I hope not but....

  9. hey dude! good to see you here!

  10. happy belated birthday dude...

  11. humor is always a good thing dude...

  12. yup good post for sure

  13. just an old man with too much time on his hands

  14. I'm not sure I'm a step up...

  15. yup I was here.... ;)

  16. 1st Tropical storm of the season, Alberto, formed this weekend off the coast here where I live, looks like it's going to be a long hot summer...

    1. Xittenn


      I wouldn't mind a hot summer!

    2. Greg H.

      Greg H.

      Ah, North Carolina in the summer. Hot as the blue blazes with a thunderstorm in the afternoon just to keep the humidity level interesting. And to think I am moving back there next summer.

  17. No problem, I like to give pos rep to good arguments...

  18. Yup, I could do that, it would be a pain but nothing more than logistical problems, growing coral on the outside of a shot glass would be much easier

  19. To become the sole beneficiary of a wealthy Nigerian prince, click the green.... Ok where is my money? do i have to kill him myself?

  20. The paddlefish I have are supposed to be genetic dwarfs that occur naturally from time to time. I've had mine for almost two years and it is only 10" or so long. It's hatch mates are more than 24" long by now. They are called dinks or culls in the trade...

  21. Yup, I do have a paddlefish.

  22. Difficult to believe anyone caught that Flip Wilson quote....

  23. Coastal NC? I live there too...

  24. No Justin, you are not the only one...

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