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Posts posted by Moontanman

  1. 17 minutes ago, Sensei said:

    There is (currently) a rare decay mode of positron emission:




    Thank you, I was unaware of that decay path, particle physics and other related things are not in my area of expertise in any way but it still fascinates me. I read about it every chance I get. There is always something new to be learned and it's reasonably clear how it works... just facinting! 

  2. 6 minutes ago, Sensei said:

    ..space.. which is.. almost. everywhere..


    So we can observe these particles actively disintegrating atomic nucleus or are you saying we can detect the tiny amounts of this high energy radiation when it reaches the earth? 

    6 minutes ago, Sensei said:


    Gamma ray detectors.


    "The Oh-My-God particle was an ultra-high-energy cosmic ray detected on 15 October 1991 by the Fly's Eye camera in Dugway Proving Ground, Utah, United States.[1][2][3] As of 2024, it is the highest-energy cosmic ray ever observed.[4] Its energy was estimated as (3.2±0.9)×10^20 eV (320 exa-eV). The particle's energy was unexpected and called into question prevailing theories about the origin and propagation of cosmic rays."

    The "oh my god particle" was not a gamma ray, cosmic rays are atomic nuclei accelerated to within a tiny fraction of the speed of light.   

    6 minutes ago, Sensei said:



    "Ultra-high-energy gamma rays are gamma rays with photon energies higher than 100 TeV (0.1 PeV)."



    Get back to me when you figure out the difference between cosmic rays and gamma rays. 

  3. 16 minutes ago, Sensei said:

    Learn something new. It is called photodisintegration.


    "Photodisintegration (also called phototransmutation, or a photonuclear reaction) is a nuclear process in which an atomic nucleus absorbs a high-energy gamma ray, enters an excited state, and immediately decays by emitting a subatomic particle."


    For instance, Deuterium needs 2.2+ MeV gamma photon to disintegrate into free proton and free neutron.


    Thank you sensei, I was unaware of the photodisintegration via high energy gamma rays... exactly where in the natural environment would you expect to see such high energy gamma rays? While I acknowledge that you are correct I was going by what the atomic energy commision says about nuclear fallout, em radiation doesn't cause radioactivity in stable atoms.  BTW do protons disintegrate into neutrons under this extreme gamma ray flux? 


    2 hours ago, chenbeier said:

    All material itself get radioactive, if exposed longer time to any of radiation. So there will be no steady material, metals and others.

    Again, this is not true, only very high energy gamma rays can photo disintegrate a nucleus... Not "any of radiation", no matter how long exposed. Under normal Earth conditions only particle radiation can cause a nucleus to become radioactive.       

  4. 1 hour ago, chenbeier said:

    All material itself get radioactive, if exposed longer time to any of radiation. So there will be no steady material, metals and others.

    This is not true, EM radiation cannot make any atom's nucleus unstable, it takes particles like neutrons or protons to actually make another atom radioactive. 

  5. 8 minutes ago, ALine said:

    isn't He-2 isotope decaying into H-2(deuterium) just fusion?

    No, in fact there is no hydrogen 2 isotope, Hydrogen has one proton not two, hydrogen can have one or two neutrons (becoming deuterium and tritium respectively) but once it has two protons it becomes helium, two protons and one neutron is helium 3. The lack of neutrons and the effects of what happens when you remove the two neutrons is far outside my wheelhouse but I would think you need to show how to remove those two neutrons from a helium atom or alpha particle.  

  6. Just now, ALine said:

    No I mean that if you remove the neutrons in the alpha particle the protons would be close enough to allow for the protons to fuse. That is done using gamma radiation from a natural source. It would then form deuterium and not helium-4.

    The protons in an alpha particle are already fused... into an alpha particle. What do you think they would fuse into? 

  7. 20 minutes ago, MSC said:

    Yup, the USA in particular even has it's subtle prejudice towards non Americans who are "white", until we open our mouths. Not as bad as the treatment of the groups you mentioned, but still there. Then you have the very generalised european stereotypes and caricatures some Americans believe in. It does come up in police interactions but how can vary, sometimes positively like I've had a cop be very kind and informal with me because I'm from Scotland but also have had the assumption that this means I'm an alcoholic or keep a kilt at home... 

    WHAT? You don't wear a kilt? Talk about no true Scotsman! 

  8. 45 minutes ago, MSC said:

    I believe almost any group of humans is going to be made up of individuals with and without questionable ethics. True of police, true of auditors hell it's even true of killers because some of them killed out of self defense, not malice. 

    Positions of authority often lead to people who like to dominate others being in those positions. The addition of cameras on police officers and the ability to film the police has resulted in a huge number of charges being filed against the police for violating the rights of the people. This is a good thing in my estimation, malice may or may not be the source of the problem but the abuse and intentional escalation of police civilian encounters is real.  

    On 9/16/2023 at 2:33 PM, Bufofrog said:

    Typically these "auditors" are idiots that just want hits on YouTube.

    The data we have obtained from police body cams is enough to show the police are in great need of oversight, if the police are so broken they to carry out their job in secrete then they need the light of inquiry to fix them. 

  9. 40 minutes ago, Peterkin said:

    How does a law get passed? Unless it's imposed by a conqueror or dictator, it's usually in response to a majority of voters' opinion. In this case, acceptance in the entertainment media and support from the straight community long preceded legal action - which was damn slow. That there are regressive elements in every society is obvious. There are still idjits running around making speeches against women's suffrage and the banning of hate speech. 

    The history of the US and slavery is a politico-economic one. That practice of human bondage is deeply embedded in patriarchal systems. That made it possible - and expedient - to half-accept slavery into the fresh new baby constitution. It didn't work out so well and blew up in a politico-economic disaster of a civil war. Nothing to do with culture. The federation never had a single coherent culture and doesn't now. 

    Nah, it's just one of several. The really biggest is the followers' willingness to follow. He tells them what they want to hear. It doesn't have to be about God or hell; it can be anything that that makes them feel important and powerful: they're the super-race who have been hard done by, and he  will lead them back to the greatness that's rightfully theirs. Whether it's in the name of poor or old turn-cheek Jesus or the Fatherland or Workers' Solidarity or the Glory of the Empire. 

    The human brain is big and full of ideas; it has vast storage capacity for experience, imagination and the reasoning capacity to recombine data and justify its own fantasies. Human will indulge in wishful thinking, in optimistic bias; they will believe in luck and fate, omens, talismans, demons and guardian angels; they will make magic symbols and invent rituals. These things can serve as social cohesives and positive reinforcement, and they can be perverted and exploited. People also love novelty, upheaval, excitement, violence, watching shit explode and blood flow. You don't think so? Look at the ten most popular movies and video games. Three hundred years ago, it was public executions and bull-baiting.

    That's another strong drive in humans: the desire for control. Of the environment, the elements, of other species and people. That's what also makes it easy for a leader - chosen, imposed or self-appointed - to persuade large numbers of people to attack another group that's got the wrong god, the wrong pigmentation, the wrong ideology, the wrong uniform, the wrong economic arrangement, and is therefore a threat to our correct way of life.

    Change it if you can. Good luck!

    You stay lubed up, I'll continue to try and change the deal. 

  10. 2 minutes ago, Peterkin said:

    No. Altered cultures write new laws.

    50 years ago being gay was reason enough to deny a person a job, a house, even a spouse. New laws stopped that travesty but the culture hasn't completely caught up as of yet. 

    When slavery was abolished was it because the culture wanted to fight a war to change the laws or did two separate culture parts have to fight a war to force a law change? 

    2 minutes ago, Peterkin said:


    And in some other countries, defacing the Grand Leader's image is equally serious. Dictators are dictators, under whatever flag they oppress people, or whatever ideology to profess. I get that you're angry at the dictators, but there is no point in pointing at one of their many tools of manipulation and coercion, and pretending that if only that one were taken away, we would no longer be the fucked-up species that invented these tools in the first place.

    Yes but the grand leader uses those tools to control his people and religion plays into this in a big way. All the dear leader has to do is convince the people he serves god then he can do and get them to do anything under threat of hell fire. Religion is the most powerful tool a leader can have on his side.  

    2 minutes ago, Peterkin said:

    Well, you'd better go tell 'em all what they need and don't need, as they are evidently incapable of of deciding for themselves. 

    I am fine with "them" deciding for themselves it's when they decide for others that I have a problem with. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Peterkin said:

    So does every other system of law that predates 1995AD. Laws get changed and updated all the time without fundamentally altering the culture of the nation in which they're practiced.

    You seriously don't think laws alter cultures? 

    1 hour ago, Peterkin said:

    It's usually too gradual to notice, but try comparing any modern Western nation's laws in 1900 and 2000. Not everyone who declares as Muslim follows every aspect of the ancient rules, any more than does every Jew or Christian.

    True not all muslims follow the laws of Islam any more than all Christians or Hindus follow those laws however... I am i no danger of being "officially" killed due to my lack of belief as I would in many countries who follow Sharia law.  It should also be noted that in many islamic theocracies leaving the religion is dealt with by the death penalty. 

    1 hour ago, Peterkin said:

    That's easy for an atheist to say - people who still adhere to a religion don't see it the same way. And there is a very large number of them - something like 92% of the population. Obviously, your "we" is not everyone's "we". 

    It is indeed everyone's "we" just because you don't know you don't need a sky daddy to tell you how to live doesn't mean you do need a god to tell you how to live.  

    Religion is at the core of most of our problems in this day and age. Far too many people rely on nonsensical advice from greedy grifters who claim the moral high ground while quoting scripture from a book that can be shown to be wrong about nearly everything that can be tested.  This "book" is being used to garner support for converting our country into a theology run by oligarchs. Religion is being used to destroy our country by a man who comes damn close to qualifying as the antichrist, if I was a believer I would be quite certain of this. 

    The Quran is no better nor is the religious writings of any other mythology.  

  12. 4 minutes ago, Otto Kretschmer said:

    But it's the core of Islam. You really can't have Islam without Sharia.

    What good does Islam do the world? We, the world, don't need Islam or any other fairy tale to run our lives. 

  13. 5 minutes ago, wp43545 said:

    I really do not care to argue about the subject. I just wanted to bring this to someone's attention. CYA

    Your premise is flawed, impacting asteroids do not slide or bounce like a bullet hitting the ground would, asteroids would not be physically strong enough. You made this claim and touted it as true over and over while never giving a single example of this happening or even if it could happen. I would suggest you bring some evidence to back up your assertion before you try to bring baseless assertions to our attention.   

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