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Status Updates posted by Moontanman

  1. It woulk appear that Matthew has faked everyone out, instead of passing off shore it is passing my location inland of me.

  2. Power is fluctuating, I keep getting shut down, transformers are exploding near by. I might log back on in a couple hours if power stays on...

  3. Bored, waiting on Matthew, the air is still, humid stifling, Fun fun fun!

  4. Well it's wedding weekend for my youngest son! I'll be back sunday night or monday morning....

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Daedalus


      Congratulations Moontanman!!!

    3. jimmydasaint


      Best wishes and hearty congratulations mate

    4. andrewcellini


      congratulations i hope you had a great time

  5. I'm back dudes and dudettes! I hate staying in the hospital, semi invalid now but I will increase my activity as time moves forward. I missed you guys!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. imatfaal


      ah but it is good to see you posting again Moon.

    3. MigL


      Welcome back.

      We missed you too.

    4. Phi for All

      Phi for All

      The Moon is back! Time to howl! We missed you fiercely.

  6. Going into the hospital tomorrow morning, August 16th, at around 05:30, nine hour surgery and a week in the hospital, my jaw will be wired shut so this will be an unique opportunity to talk to me and get a word in edgewise! Come see me if you are around New Hanover Hospital!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. MigL


      So, how did things go ?

      Surely you must have your laptop or pad with you.

      Give us an update.

    3. jimmydasaint


      Yep, I hope the operation was perfect and that you are now well and resting. And that you return to the Science forum to state your opinions again. Take care Moontanman. Haste ye back...

    4. imatfaal


      Hello Moon - I do hope that you are now well on the road to recovery

  7. I am having a difficult time logging into the SFN blogs, anyone have some tips to help?

    1. StringJunky


      Ask a mod or PM Cap'n Ref.

  8. cheese nips to anyone who knows why tonight is the night for a moondance!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Raider5678


      Naked witch's? Glad I wasn't there.

    3. StringJunky


      Was you mooning with the the witches Moon? ;)

    4. Raider5678


      Cheese nips for whoever got a video of moontanman moon in the moon.

  9. Cheese nips for anyone who knows who Professor Chaos and General Disarray really are

    1. fiveworlds


      You've been watching too much south park....

    2. Moontanman


      Way too much evidently!

  10. My surgery has been cancelled until the solve some other health issues..

    1. imatfaal


      Dammit Moon you are not having the best of luck recently. I hope things start to go your way and things begin to sort themselves out

    2. MonDie


      It's true! He is moontanman! Let us make him lower priority. ;)

    3. Enthalpy


      Wish you all the best!

  11. This is Moontanman actual My E-Mail has been compromised, let me know if you receive any odd e-mails from me and do not open them...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Moontanman


      Is it really that bad? I changed my e-mail password and the spam messages stopped. I ran virus and male ware programs and they found nothing. I am getting ready to go into the hospital for surgery, I'll be gone for at least a week. When I get back I'll let you go into details. Weird that only one of my e-mail accounts was compromised and nothing else. I blacked out again today, took me most of the afternoon to get it back together, getting old is not what it is cracked up to be..

    3. StringJunky


      Yes, it can be that bad and it can get you blacklisted if you become part of a botnet. See how it goes while you are away.


      Take it easy mate and focus on getting well. PM me your infected email address, if you want, and I'll reply with one I don't mind losing if it's a problem. I'll let you know if it's suspicious.

    4. imatfaal


      best of luck with the Doctors Moon. Hope all goes well.

  12. TA DA! Online with a new computer!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Moontanman


      Thankyou, I am still getting used to it, so far so good!

    3. StringJunky


      It's easily the best windows to date.

    4. Sirona
  13. Just arrived home with my new computer! I plan to set it up very very slowly...

  14. Caught a snake in my yard today. waiting for my mouth to heal after tooth extraction so the titanium plate that used to replace my lower jaw can be replaced because it broke. Only the second time the doc has seen that happen and it was the result of a car wreck, I just clench my jaw too hard. So much fun so little time...

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. zapatos


      I don't like skinks either. We have some in our yard and every time I see one I think it is a snake and I jump. Though I guess it is not really the snakes I dislike so much as the adrenaline surge I have to deal with every time I see one.

    3. Moontanman


      Keep calm zapatos, the only snake you should worry about is the one you don't see!

    4. Sirona


      Hah, Moontanman that's so true.

      We have beautiful blue-tongued skinks in Australia. Where I grew up, there were a lot of them. I used to try to catch them to play as a child but I've since then stopped trying to capture everything I see! They used to know when it was feeding time and come to steal my cat's food :P

  15. Part two of story posted in blogs

    1. Sirona


      I just discovered your blog and I will have a closer look at lunch time.

  16. Religion evaporates in the light of critical inquiry much like the dew in the light of the morning sun...

  17. Well those of you who remember I had half my lower jaw replaced by a titanium bar will be interested to know that the titanium bar broke, evidently me clenching my jaw against the pain in my neck and back caused the bar to break. Only second time in his career has this happened said the doc and that was due to a car wreak! Now I have to have the titanium jaw replacement replaced! Happy happy joy joy...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. imatfaal


      Damn it Moon that is just bad luck - we really hope it works out better with your next jaw (now there is a phrase I never thought I would type).

    3. Moontanman


      I am sure it will work out, it's just the six months of recovery I am not looking forward to. Probably won't be that long this time but last time really took a chunk out of my life. It was like taking almost a year off, my life looks it too, everything is gone to crap around here. I was just starting to try and get things back up and running. My poor fish have taken a real beating...

    4. Sirona


      Sorry to hear that mate, I know it's really discouraging to get set backs like this :(

      Hopefully you have support to get through it.

  18. I really wich someone would help me figure out why I cann;t see the main forum page or post new threads..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. imatfaal


      Sorry - thought the problem was just displaying the main sheet and that you could browse all the subfora easily

      Have PM'd the Capn and will drop him an email if nothing happens

    3. Phi for All

      Phi for All

      Cap'n looked in on your page about an hour ago. I'm sure he'll figure this out. He's crazy smart. He's old enough to vote now, too.

    4. Moontanman


      cap'n helped me fix it! All is back to normal...

  19. I still cannot access the main board, what is up?

    1. Strange


      Malware on your PC?

  20. If anyone wants to give me some advice on how to fix my problem with the forum main page you'll have to PM me, I can't see answers to this post.

  21. I am getting a 404 error when I try to log into the forums main page. Any one else having this problem?

  22. To any of you that might be wondering about the story i stared on my blog. my health has taken a turn for the worse. I have been away from the computer almost completely for a few days but there is a method to my madness and more story is coming and the Box will not seem quite as odd a place to stop...

    1. imatfaal


      Hope the health improves Moon.

    2. Moontanman


      thank you


    3. Elite Engineer

      Elite Engineer

      I Hope you get well soon. I enjoy your presence on here.

  23. To Anyone who is interested, I changed the recent installment of my story in my blog, I had accedentally posted a rough draft instead of the actual story prelude. e

    1. fresh


      accedentally ?

      accidentally ?

    2. Moontanman


      I need spelling check evidently

  24. I am celebrating the 32nd anniversary of my 29th birthday!

    1. andrewcellini
    2. MigL


      That's the spirit!

      Forever young.

      And Happy Birthday!

    3. imatfaal


      out of curiosity why 29th? Thinking about it -I enjoyed my early 20s more than late, my early 30s more than late, and still - tenaciously - hanging on to earlymid 40s (for another week or so


  25. I am sitting with my dog today, he is dying, either won't or can't eat, throws up foam, can't use the bathroom, will not take his pain pills. It's so pitiful to watch him try to respond to my affection. The vet talked me into trying new medication thursday now I wonder if he will last long enough to even take him back the vet to have him put to sleep. He shivers and shakes, breaking my heart..

    1. arc


      Mine too );

    2. imatfaal


      We get unconditional love from our dogs - but of course we love them back. Possibly more than any other animal we made dogs - and once you connect with a dog the bond is awfully strong. Comfort and support just like you would any friend

    3. Moontanman


      I have sat on the floor with him all day off and on, I can't get him to take his pain medicine, he's too big to manhandle and feels so bad he is far from his usual jovial self. I am not sure how to get medicine in him, he was taking his pills ground up in egg yolk but not he won't even try that...

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