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Posts posted by 1veedo

  1. I have a friend who swears by using shrooms at least once in your life. Surprisingly it isn't directly harmful (long-term) unless you use it like everyday (can cause hppd). Usually visual drugs are worse for you than non-visuals eg where you actually hallucinate in the sense that you see things or your vision is directly altered.


    You say outside of drugs self-induced hallucinations can be dangerous, Taktiq, but I seriously doubt meditation is dangerous. Of course meditation isn't the same kind of hallucination you get with sleep deprivation, fever, lsd, or anything else, it's mostly a perceptual change of your location in space and the size of things, similar to epileptic auras in some ways, and probably not the same type of hallucination the OP was looking for (eg LSD type hallucinations).


    Also I have a friend who has used diphenhydramine and he recommends staying away from it. Disassociates in general seem to cause more problems for people than other drugs, eg salvia or pcp. I have used salvia legit 20x though and found the experience enlightening, but it's seriously something you cannot be prepared for. I'm not a drug person so that's just my opinion but before I started learning about some of this and trying salvia for myself I had a completely different idea about what a hallucination would be. Your entire state of consciousness, your awareness, changes, and then you have hallucinations.

  2. I've actually never heard of that before.

    How drastically can it be altered?

    Through meditation? It depends on how much you dedicate yourself. I've been meditating off and on for years, and have been going steady for a while. In many ways it can be similar to a drug experience. States of euphoria aren't uncommon, but the trick is you cant actually search for it; it's more of a by-product (this can be your goal I guess but during meditation if you "chase" after it you'll usually lose your meditative state). During meditation you can experience a sense of infinity; both the infinitely large and the infinitely small. Your body or parts of your body get really large or really small and you can experience like a vastness around you. This is all science of course (mris have been done on mediators before) but science agrees that Buddhist practice can be very beneficial. The state of euphoria I think is called piti (the wiki page I saw on a bb.com forums a long time ago). The "hallucination" is mainly an experience of infinity and/or a destruction of your "ego" (nothing at all to do with Freud, it's called ego death). Also you can find yourself floating or moving through space.




  3. I'm in calc 2 and don't really remember much from trig (took it in highschool 3 years ago and my act was so high I skipped college math through calc 1, going strait into calc2). I just need all the basics in one place -- not a lesson (I remember all the basics/principles) just the identities and stuff. Especially the special angles like sin(pi/4)=1/sqrt(2) and the special triangles you use to get these angles.


    I remember a friend of mine used to have a sheet like this he found on the Internet that was meant specifically to be a reference (but a general website is all I really need).

  4. So why do we do it?
    I wasn't aware that we actually did. Usually people in history who have had at least close to absolute power have seized control themselves -- nobody ever gave it to them.


    There's a lot more going on than you realize, Fred56. In the US government for example most of the power is held behind the scenes where through a bit of ingenuity and odd circumstances (otherwise called life) people have gained certain amounts of power.

  5. Emacs is alright. I don't see how you can not know if you like it or not. If you like it go ahead and use it, if you don't then keep using vi. I personally like emacs better but that's just because I've never learned how to use vi. It's confusing as **** unless you really set down and teach yourself how to use it.


    Instead I prefer nana or even something like k/gedit lol

  6. Hi I recently started learning some SDL but I cant seem to get SDL_CreateRGBSurface to work.





    I have some basic code which displays a moveable image, and I want a solid color generated with createRGBSurface for my background. So when you move the image you cover up the old image w/ that part of the background and redraw the image. For some reason using 8 bit will generate an all black background (regardless of rgba values), and anything else seems to be completely null or something (the image leaves a trail).

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include "SDL.h"
    void Slock(SDL_Surface *screen);
    void Sulock(SDL_Surface *screen);
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    fprintf(stderr, "Unable to initialize SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
    return -1;
    SDL_Surface *screen;
    if(screen == NULL)
    	fprintf(stderr, "Unable to set video mode: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
    	return 0;
    SDL_Surface *image;
    image = SDL_LoadBMP("doggy.bmp");
    if(image == NULL)
    	fprintf(stderr, "Unable to load image: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
    	//return 0;
    SDL_Surface *back; //background
    SDL_Event event;
    SDL_Rect rect;
    SDL_Rect rback;
    SDL_Rect rback2;
    rect.x = 50;
    rect.y = 50;
    rback2.x = 50;
    rback2.y = 50;
    rback2.w = image->w;
    rback2.h = image->h;	
    rback.x = 50;
    rback.y = 50;
    back = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_HWSURFACE, 639, 479, 8, 0x70, 0x80, 0x90, 0x64); //639 -- minus one from 640 just in case until it starts working
    if (back == NULL) {
                   fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create SDL Surface for background"
                    ": %s\n", SDL_GetError());
            //       exit(1);
    			case SDL_KEYDOWN:
    				case SDLK_ESCAPE:
    				exit(0); break;
    				case SDLK_RIGHT:
    				rect.x +=5;
    				case SDLK_LEFT:
    				rect.x -= 5;
    				case SDLK_UP:
    				rect.y -=5;
    				case SDLK_DOWN:
    				rect.y += 5;
    			case SDL_QUIT:
    		SDL_BlitSurface(back, &rback2, screen, &rback);
    		SDL_BlitSurface(image, NULL, screen, &rect);
    		rback.x = rect.x;
    		rback.y = rect.y;
    		rback2.x = rect.x;
    void Slock(SDL_Surface *screen)
    if ( SDL_MUSTLOCK(screen) )
    	if ( SDL_LockSurface(screen) < 0 )
    void Sulock(SDL_Surface *screen)
    if ( SDL_MUSTLOCK(screen) )

    Here's the part of code that's giving me problems:

    SDL_Surface *back;
    back = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_HWSURFACE, 639, 479, 8, 0x70, 0x80, 0x90, 0x64);

    I've tried all different values for Uinit32 from full string 0x0000ff00 etc to integers and different bits but cant seem to get it working right. Any help is appreciated, thanks :)

  7. I am not sure I agree with that statement, but I concede to avoid yet another lengthy thread on the issue. However, I think you would agree with the following: If strong atheism requires as much faith as theism, this by no means implies that it even remotely takes as much faith as being a Christian.
    x2. It might take faith technically to be a strong atheist but it makes a hell of a lot more sense than something like Christianity. There are very few people who are actually "theists" and nothing more, but technically I would say theism by itself and strong atheism could be construed as requiring the same amount of faith.
    You either believe in the existence of one or more deities, or you don't; there is no middle ground. Atheism and Theism are the only options.
    Weak atheism is considered a default position, so is the middle ground between strong atheism and theism. Many people who call themselves agnostic because they want to be in the middle are actually weak atheists, because the middle is essentially what weak atheism is.
  8. Damn small Linux is way too large to boot from a floppy Mr Skeptic. Lol I had to laugh you said, "

    I'm not sure whether Damn Small Linux fits on a floppy."


    Of course it doesn't 50MB or something is what they advertise and a floppy holds 1.44MB.



    There are distros of Linux that fit on floppies but you can network boot and it'd probably be a lot easier for you, depending on your needs.

  9. Here's a picture of it:





    "On paper, the calculation would cover an area the size of Manhattan. But an international group of 18 mathematicians and computer scientists, including two from MIT, has found a more practical way to calculate the inner workings of E8, one of the most complicated symmetrical structures in mathematics. Mathematics professor David Vogan and Dan Ciubotaru, an instructor in the math department, were among those who put the supercomputer Sage through a 77-hour computation to calculate the 200 billion numbers in E8's character table, generating a 60-gigabyte file.


    E8 is an example of a Lie group--a continuous symmetry group whose structure is always transforming yet, like a sphere rotating around an axis, always looks the same. All but five Lie groups fall into one of four classes related to linear algebra and Euclidean geometry. E8 is the most complex of these five "exceptional" Lie groups. It describes the symmetries of a 57-dimensional object that can be rotated in 248 ways without changing its appearance. Calculating its character table--a 453,060-by-453,060 matrix that describes all the ways E8 can appear as a symmetry group--is just one important step toward understanding all Lie groups, says Vogan.


    This computer-generated illustration is of the E8 root system, an arrangement of 240 vectors in an eight-dimensional space. The image is a two-dimensional projection of that eight-dimensional arrangement."

  10. More than one answer can apply here.


    If you want to get right down to it though scientists have shown how our evolutionary history has carved out basic human morals. Doing the right thing many times can be beneficial to the person. Eg altruism. Humans naturally help each other because it's mutually beneficial. I help you one day you help me another day. You dont? Well big deal the risks associated are outwayed by the benefits.


    Read about game theory for example.



    As for my official answer I'd say Conscience, Self-Interest, Social Norms/Parental Instruction, and throw in some philosophy. I don't really think about it morals are morals. I'm a nice person just cause I like making the world a little happier but morals are just what you do. A code of morals is overrated. Even if someone says they follow the ten commandments or something they'll still be in the same position everyone else is in -- just reacting to situations throughout the day however they happen to see fit.

  11. Unless somebody else has already pointed it out, Jenkem is so obviously an urban myth...or possibly a joke started by a bored journalist.


    From the snopes article...


    Jenkem “huffers” bury their entire face in the ghastly mess, gasping it all in.


    If that's not satire, then I'm Levy Mwanawasa.

    It's mostly an urban legend. I was under the impression that a couple people have actually tried it though -- once it was discovered people thought it was so strange stories started getting made up about it.
  12. People have already said it but from what others have told me the best way to go is cold turkey. I know a lot of people who used to be addicted and finally stoped this way. The gums and stuff never worked for them. You can't just start smoking less you have to quit completely. After two weeks you'll start to fell better and it'll be a lot easier to not smoke. So just commit yourself to two weeks and try to make it.



    Man lol I like smoking cigars they're so fun but I think I'm running the risk of getting addicted by smoking them. Are they really so bad you can't casually smoke every once in a while or should you just stay the hell away from anything containing nicotine?

  13. I think a person who wants to experience a real hallucination without drugs would be extremely hard pressed to smoke enough 'good stuff' without spewing and falling asleep. :D
    Yeah that makes perfect sense. Marijuana isn't a "strong" or "good" hallucinogen like pcp, shrooms, or salvia but it's non the less at least a week hallucinogen. In reality actually Psychology 8th edition by David G. Myers says marijuana is a "mild hallucinogen."
  14. I'll leave any further debate to adequacy.org:



    Adequacy was the same site that had this ridiculously untrue article:





    Comment from reader,


    "Hi there,



    I have been accessing your site regularly in view of finding accuracy and information.


    I am however very disappointed to see your article "Exploding the Myths of Teenage Drug Use" as I have now lost total faith in all your articles and feel very concerned that such inaccuracy on your site may well have been prevalent in other articles that I trusted the content of.


    Personally after this article of lies and rubbish with no facts whatsoever has caused me to never return to this site, as all other articles are probably just as inaccurate."

  15. Show me some literature that details this 'change'. I'll tell you what I think your on about..

    The mycelium network can take in contaminates' date=' which can quickly taint growing mushrooms so they can make you really sick. The problem is the stuff your growing the mushrooms on is perfect for all kinds of bacteria, and if the mycelium does not cover every part of the substrate, or there is damage to the network that allows air into the substrate, then you can end up with trippy AND dangerous mushrooms.[/quote']That's more or less what I was talking about. They can turn bad. I don't know much about shrooms but there are different kinds you want to eat and they can change into something else. Classifying mushrooms can actually be a pretty hard task because of this -- a mushroom will seemingly change it's chemical makeup. Modern taxonomy is far from perfect because of this imprecision in classifying a type of mushroom. Like I'm not trying to say "my friend said this so..." you're probably more correct than him but he's actually seen mushrooms go bad before. They might not change complete species, or at least not very often, but they definitely do change and sometimes in a bad way. Mushrooms are kind of weird like that.


    You probably don't have to worry about it too much but if you're buying your shrooms from someone and don't doublecheck yourself there's always the possibility that your shrooms are poisoness. This is why people end up in the hospital trying to trip on shrooms.

    But marijuana is still not an hallucinogen.
    By definition as a psychoactive drug marijuana is

    1) A stimulant

    2) A depressent

    3) A hallucinogen


    That's what makes marijuana such an interesting plant -- some weed you get will make you really high, some will make you a "couch stoner," others will give you plenty of energy to go do something etc.


    I don't really see how you can say it's not a hallucinogen. Marijuana for the most part does not make you hallucinate in the classical sense but what it does is distort your perception of reality. So instead of seeing a normal hallway with both feet on the ground you'll go floating through a weird dimension. The way you see the world essentially changes while you're high, but you'll rarely trip unless it's really strong weed. I don't know what you're basing your claim from whether it's by definition of "hallucinogen" or personal experience. Marijuana can actually cause psychosis in some people who are slightly schizophrenic.

    PCP is so far from the OP's original request that I thought it was a little silly to include; that and I have no experience with it.
    Lol yeah non-drug ways to induce hallucinations and pcp is like one of the worst drugs to do it with. But hey why not try marijuana if you don't want to use a drug? Says Schwarzenegger, "marijuana is not a drug, it's a leaf"



  16. I think your mistaken about species changing overnight. Its true that several types of mushroom can be growing in the same soil, its a web of mycelium threaded through the soil. So what you seeing as a change of species is actually a completely different mushroom. In the UK its fairly easy to distinguish the liberty cap from other types, not so sure about other countries, but you do not want to mess around second guessing these things. Buy a grow kit, they're usually cubensis.
    They can change from literally being good tripy mushrooms to the type that can kill you. My friend who grows them says it can sometimes happen overnight but the chances you'll accidentally eat the wrong type are relatively low. If you grow them special or something you can even turn bad ones into the good type. It's not something to really worry about you just have to make sure you're eating the right kind.
    I mentioned marijuana already, and i still say its not hallucinogenic. It may cause you to day dream wildly, even get pseudo-auditory hallucinations, but thats about it.
    Lol I'm sure it depends on the person but marijuana can definitely make you hallucinate and even trip out as bad as some of the other psychedelics. Smoke some hydroponic weed out of bowl with keif sprinkled on top and tell me you don't at least have auditory hallucinations.

    Pcp, weed, pcp+weed? I think your stretching it a little

    I will give you Salvia though, forgot about the Diviners Sage, and on the plus side its legal. Its also weird and fast, not something a noob should be doing.


    Ketamine is also not on the list, but I've no experience with this either.

    Pcp makes you trip out dude, like really bad most people don't even like it.
  17. To the poster that said a friend had took LSD and subsequently gauged their own eyes out with a spoon because of flashbacks!?! Grow up. Flashbacks are at most a feeling of disassociation' date=' slight audio echoes and visual hallucinations... very slight. The flashback effect has been extremely sensationalised by the governments medical branch. The government has a history of lying to its citizens, take the film "Reefer Madness" as a case in point. People jumping out of windows believing they could fly is another urban myth. LSD is NOT an hallucinogen, it is a pseudo-hallucinogen. It also doesn't seem to bring about the most striking effects on first use (tracers etc.).


    As for someone disagreeing with science on how safe hallucinogens like LSD and mushrooms are, just because this isn't a hippy/psychedelic forum, is just unbelievable. Science and independant research has shown that the classification of LSD, DMT, psilocibin etc. into the most controlled category has absolutely nothing to do with how harmful these substances are. The substances create fear in ignorant people, and this has been leveraged by politics on multiple occasions without regard for the reality of things. Just because you don't like the results of the science, doesn't mean it should be ignored. Really, don't let people make a mockery of science in a scientific forum.[/quote']Flashbacks do happen. There was a poster earlier saying that basically lsd was fine and didn't cause flashbacks but you usually do not notice that what you're experiencing is a flashback and/or residual effect of lsd. People assume flashbacks mean the hollywood type.


    I mean lsd isn't any worse than something like pcp or dxm but you have to be careful with that shit.


    And yes the government does lie about drugs, a lot. Many drugs aren't as bad as some people try to make them out to be but there are a good many drugs that honestly you should stay away from. I'm not saying the government should make you, I'm just saying that you shouldn't assume a drug is harmless cause you read somewhere that it was.


    Take mushrooms for example. If you genuinely have good mushrooms and don't make a habit of it, shroom trips can be perfectly safe. But shrooms do this thing where they change species literally overnight and it does happen -- the difference between tripping balls and killing yourself on shrooms is very hard to judge, and this is not propaganda. If it were legal you wouldn't have these kinds of problems of course but you should know what you're doing (shroms aren't that bad though lol they **** you up pretty good though. For most drugs the worst thing they do is **** you up so bad that you can't go in public safely, and trust me when you do shrooms you don't want to try to do anything like you would sober -- this is pretty much the reason most governments around the world, besides influence from alcohol lobbyists, keep things like this illegal).

    There are many genuine methods of inducing hallucinations, and i'll try and give a quick guide to a few.


    Morning Glory, Baby Hawaiin Woodrose:

    These are a simple and relatively safe way to experience a pseudo-lsd trip. They contain LSA the precursor to LSD, however if you bought Morning Glory from a supermarket it will have been treated with chemicals that are extremely unpleasant. The husk of both types of seeds contain chemicals which will also make you vomit, so if you don't want to taint your experience with feeling ill, don't do it. Incidentally the strongest Morning Glory LSA content comes in three varieties - Heavenly Blue, Flying Saucers and Pearly Gates.


    Datura, Belladonna, Amanita Muscaria:

    Keep away from all of these plants, they are extremely toxic and will cause delerium not just hallucincations.


    Pscilocibin mushrooms:

    The type depends on your location, but these are simply the best method of inducing a first time hallucinogenic experience. Do not underestimate it though, because you can go to heaven or hell, and unless your experienced the only way back is when you come down. They are also short acting (5-6 hours), and natural unlike LSD.


    DMT containing plants, the Bufo toad:

    This is the most profound experience of them all, but its cultivation and preparation are extremely difficult and I wouldn't recommend it. There are plenty short break vision quest style holidays available that will give you the experience safely. Check out 'Eagles Wing' for an example. However this experience is not for the faint of heart, prior hallucinogen experience is definately a prerequisite before attempting this. The Bufo toad secretes DMT and as has been stated can be licked, probably smoked for the effect. Given its location and chance of capture, don't bother. Additionally there are plenty of seeds containing hallucinogenic material used as snuff, called yopo. This isn't very pleasant in any sense of the word, and not something I'd recommend.


    Mescaline producing Cacti:

    I have no experience yet with these, but mescaline was used in visionary practices of native indians. Peyotl was revered as a deity by the maya and central American civilisations. It is considered extremely safe, although that is clinical grade mescaline, the cacti contains hundreds of additional alkaloids, and its common to vomit as the effects come on. Huxleys 'The Doors of Perception' is all about his experience with mescaline.


    Lucid Dreaming:

    Easiest and least harmful of them all, there are plenty of factual websites on this phenomenon, and if you are lucky enough to have done this naturally in the past, then it should be easy to train yourself. Strangely nicotine patches seem to induce lucid dreaming, although most people consider them 'nightmares'. Being able to bend the world around you til your hearts content, have any experience you want, and do this in the dead time you call sleep, are all excellent reasons to take up this 'hobby'. Thoroughly recommended.


    Trance Dancing:

    Rythmic percussion and chanting for several hours can induce a trance, possibly hallucinations, but only if your an experienced practitioner. I've not experienced this, I'm too reserved to practice this in modern society.


    Sensory Deprivation, Sensory Overload:

    I've no experience on this, but to find out more check out native American Vision Quests, as these often include days in the wilderness.


    My advice, either lucid dream or psilocybin mushrooms. Any other method will probably be stupid.

    You forgot strong weed (like hydro), pcp, hydroponic weed laced w/ pcp, salvia, and jenken lol I'm sure there are more.
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