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Everything posted by Nevermore

  1. Time is not moving, I am saying that New space is added to the 4th dimension at the speed of light. Also, I am saying that the Universe could very probably be expanding at the speed of light also.
  2. We do not know the speed of expansion, we have a theory. And all I am doing is presenting another theory as to the speed of expansion of the universe, and of the 4th dimension.
  3. Look, I'm not thinking of time as a clock, I'm saying that new room is being added to the 4th dimention at a rate of c cubed
  4. No, I'm saying that time is continuing along at the speed of light. So that 1 year (in the sence of the distace tive travles in a year) is equal to 1 light-year
  5. Time does exist, it is a 4th dimention, allowing room to stack all of the events that ever happened, without having to worry about the constrictions of the size of the universe.
  6. Hey I think I've figured out 4th dimension speed. (speed of time) The big bang expanded the universe, throwing light in all directions, and also throwing the edge of the universe with it. So it must be conceived that the universe and all it's space are expanding at the same speed as that of light. So, c=u where "U" = the speed of the universe expanding, and "C" = the speed of light According to Einstien, space and time are the same thing. So, assuming the theories of Relativity and the Big Bang are accurate, the speeds of: light, the universe expanding, and time are all the same. C=U=T Where "C" = the speed of light, "U" = the speed of the universe expanding, and "T" = the speed of time. Time moves at the speed of light.
  7. So yes, I think a black hole could easily exist in another black hole.
  8. Hey, back to the topic at hand, a black hole wouldn't nescessarily absorb the mass of things it swallowed. This uncertantie allows room for the question: What is a black hole swallowed a neutron star, and, while in the black hole, the nuetron star collapsed into another black hole?
  9. It wouldn't come in contact with the old universe, and therefore have no chance to destroy it. To come into contact they would need to be in the same bubble of space-time. Universes are just bubbles of space-time separated by quamtom foam. If there were 2 universes in a single bubble of space-time, both would cease to bo universes, and form a multi-verse. Then again, there is no proof that there is only one universe, but then, what contains the multiple universes and/or multi-verses?
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