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Everything posted by north

  1. what of the caesium atomic clocks ' atoms in the lower energy state are directed into a cavity " Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged of course your point
  2. you know it would be much more helpful for us all if your quotes were much more complete so we can follow the jist of your discussion
  3. really I thought we were talking about magnetic fields , rather than " electric fields " explain further
  4. define " open ended pipe " because really your not making sense an open ended pipe , means to me that the ice will travel along the length of the pipe , and does so because there is no blockage along the length of the pipe , rather than expanding outwards , towards the sides of the pipe Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedbascily if you use wrap insulation around your piping that is exposed to the enviroment , you should be fine keeping the wind , especially , OFF your exposed pipes is essential
  5. yes they are obviously how so Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged and the essence of momentum is ?
  6. and the essence of the motion on which time is based is ?
  7. I think your right though electrons comprise the magnetic field there are " clicks " so to speak when a magnetic field is induced upon an object
  8. you can add 1 dimensional objects together hmmm.....? really 1 dimensional objects don't even exist physically in the first place let alone " adding them together " !!!! WHAT !!!!
  9. obviously but to help this , use a heater water line and wrap this heater line with some sort of insulation no a weakness in any pipe , is a weakness period depends look say you a foot of pipe filled with water and then allowed the water in this pipe to freeze , with no escape at either end . the odds are that the pipe will burst , whether it be copper or iron ( I know that copper pipe will , seen it many times ) iron hmm... maybe , maybe not , but the pressure would be enormous now if the the pipe is open-ended the ice will expand as far as it can go , along the length of the pipe no above the fake rock was just enough to protect the valve from the cold by the way I live in central Ontario , Canada what you describe is par for the course up here , nothing new!!!! we can get too minus 20 , 30 and sometimes 40
  10. sure name me any measurement of time not based on the movement of objects or the interactions of no theory even suggests what I'm thinking obviously this statement makes sense to you ? if so why ? for example because motion is always based on some physical pressence always
  11. no , not just a sine wave but also a horizontal wave as well its been to long
  12. just semantics only ? it seems iNow you aren't able to give a constructive discussion against my example in the two threads before
  13. light propagates through space assuming that the source of the light has not diminshed and also through an atternating wave pattern light alternates between a vertical and horizantal wave pattern both push each other outwards into space its been a long time that I found out about this , so I'm sure somebody will correct me on this , on the details
  14. an aeroplane is moved from point 0 in a three dimensional grid to another point on the three dimensional grid is it because of time or because of the movement of the plane ? it is because of the movement of the plane
  15. no what I'm saying is that without motion , time does not even exist , nor has the possibility to exist in the first place Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedlets look at time mathematicly for the moment , which is what people are comfortable with we have a four dimension grid we have lenght , breadth , deepth we have an object at 0 x, y , z now we move the object at a particular point on this axis say x is 2 , y is 2 and z is 2 now my point is what is the essence of the change in position of the object ? movement by the object its self , either by the interaction(s) with other objects or simplely by the object its self Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedsee my point above it is not time that moves any object but consequence(s)
  16. nothing it is devoid of any substance in the strictess of a a vacuum space is space now what I think your really asking is whether space has anything within it ? of course your confusing space and a vacuum in space they are two seperate things , really first define " vacuum " and see if this makes sense towards what you have written above
  17. gotcha you got me , for a moment:D Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged no you can't where is what moving ?
  18. you got it ( slowly but surely the truth about time is sinking in , expanding into the general mind set )
  19. 1) that time is merely a consequence of the measurement of the movement of object(s) 2) apply time and time alone to any object(s) movement and see if that makes any difference to the object behaviour , physically
  20. actually what propose is not a theory but fact think about it in depth
  21. NO why would think that ? and what is the connection with what you say and time ?
  22. you got it backwards if you freeze movement , time will stop above if there is no movement what then is time based on ?
  23. not at all if you disagree show semantics games are prevalent rather than reasoning Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged indirectly absolutely not
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